he learns the hard way. in Germany

He learns the hard way. [hləːnzðhɑːdwei] Er muss Lehrgeld bezahlen.

Sentence patterns related to "he learns the hard way."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "he learns the hard way." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "he learns the hard way.", or refer to the context using the word "he learns the hard way." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A child learns to crawl before he learns to walk.

2. And when he builds with blocks or paints pictures, he learns to control his movements in a precise way.

3. Aeschylus - He who learns must suffer

4. But, as Server shows us, he learned apathy the hard way.

5. He that nothing questions nothing learns. 

6. In this way the child learns the wisdom of sticking to right principles.

7. He learns that buck passing as a boomerang.

8. He wreaks havoc using what he learns from spies he has everywhere.

9. Even the Aitchless millionaire, though sometimes he learns a B.B.C

10. Learned that the hard way.

11. He had clearly worked hard, but not perhaps in a focussed way.

12. He learns that Hunter failed a $6 million job.

13. Whoso learns young, forgets not when he is old. 

14. But Clinton has an agile mind and he learns quickly.

15. A guy gets slapped down enough times, he learns who's boss.

16. 21 Whoso learns young, forgets not when he is old. 

17. He that learns a trade [an art] has a purchase made. 

18. But he learns that Herod’s wicked son Archelaus is now the king of Judea.

19. The body learns, it memorises.

20. 15 Whoso learns young,(www.Sentencedict.com) forgets not when he is old. 

21. Now, we can either do this the easy way... or the hard way.

22. A Jailer Learns the Truth

23. I learned the lesson the hard way-by spending my hard-earned money for it.

24. He found it hard to describe to me the abominable way in which he was treated in a prisoner of war camp.

25. He that learns a trade [an art] has a purchase made. Sentencedict.com