he never loses his poise. in Germany

He never loses his poise. [hnevərluːzizhaizpɔiz] Er verliert die Fassung nie.

Sentence patterns related to "he never loses his poise."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "he never loses his poise." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "he never loses his poise.", or refer to the context using the word "he never loses his poise." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He loses his temper quickly.

2. He loses his temper very easily.

3. He was Accoladed for his work ethic & poise

4. A wise man never loses anything if he has himself. 

5. First, he loses his means of livelihood.

6. He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his poise.

7. She never lost her social poise, however awkward the situation.

8. He loses all who loses the moment. 

9. 14 He looked embarrassed for a moment,[www.Sentencedict.com] then quickly regained his poise.

10. She's a real lady never loses her temper.

11. Tom is really a dispassionate man, he never loses control of himself and hardly becomes umbrageous.

12. After he loses his job in Boulder, he begins commuting to Minnesota for work.

Nachdem er seinen Arbeitsplatz in Boulder verliert, pendelt er nun nach Minnesota zur Arbeit.

13. 28 She's a real lady never loses her temper.

14. His performance was full of maturity and poise.

15. In the three years covered by the book he loses his virginity, his father and, briefly, his mind.

16. He loses all his worldly goods because a law suit is not decided in his favor.

17. 2 His performance was full of maturity and poise.

18. Jay Gatsby would have noted his poise and elocution.

19. He never publicized his plans.

20. His voice was too tremulous , the poise of his feelings too doubtful.

21. 19:20) A wise Christian never loses sight of his enviable privilege of having access to God’s own counsel.

22. He never brandishes his intellect.

23. He never abuses his privilege.

24. He never varied his habits.

25. If he loses this referendum, it will sound the death knell for his leadership.