hanging over in Germany

hanging over [heindʒiŋouvər] überhängend

Sentence patterns related to "hanging over"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hanging over" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hanging over", or refer to the context using the word "hanging over" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. There was a mystery hanging over her antecedents.

2. There was a lantern hanging over the door.

3. The driver had a paunch hanging over his belt.

4. The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.

5. Kid's been hanging over a toilet despite antiemetic therapy.

6. There was a great black scribble of cloud hanging over Algeciras.

7. A Saint Brigid’s cross hanging over a bed in an Irish family’s home.

8. There's still a big question mark hanging over his future with the team.

9. We purchased on credit, and therefore we always had a debt hanging over our heads.

10. He tried to break through the cloud of gloom hanging over his roomates with a joke.

11. The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.

12. With the threat of radioactive fallout hanging over mankind, is it realistic to hope for a secure future?

13. Blouson ( plural Blousons ) A garment drawn tight at the waist with blousing hanging over the waistband; a blouse jacket

14. * It seemed as if the proverbial sword of Damocles would be hanging over me for the rest of my life.

15. Hanging over parapets and out of windows, clustering in the streets and on the rooftops, the crowd whistled and applauded.

16. I was getting some drawing prep once and what I was actually told to draw was a towel hanging over a chair.

17. Financial Problems - "For almost all governments public finance is the Damocles sword hanging over the heads of political leaders and threatening their capacity to govern."

18. If you have not taken anything, and you are hanging over the railing, then the best thing is to take a suppository with diphenhydramine or metoclopramid.

19. They had also found 13 bodies, but many more remain beneath the 30-foot pile of concrete, brick, and plaster, as the slight odor of putrefaction hanging over the site testifies.

20. Whenever there is an election, it seems like something always goes wrong, someone tries to cheat, or something goes accidentally awry -- a ballot box goes missing here, chads are left hanging over here.

21. The Compadre Travel Guitar Stabilizer is a simple, lightweight device that allows you to play your guitar without a strap hanging over your shoulder and gives you a fun new way to store it

22. ‘The Brochettes come on skewers that could be used for sword-fighting, hanging over each end of the large oval serving plate.’ ‘The aromas mingle in the smoke of the little Brochettes grilling over braziers.’

23. On the " Timpone "(promontory) in front of Leni, hanging over the Rinella seaside, here is our splendid farm, a building immersed in the green, close to the main sanctuary of the Aeolian Islands, Madonna del Terzito.

Auf dem " Timpone " (Kleiner Hügel, Hocker), der sich nach Leni hinwendet, liegt das hübsche Anwesen inmitten von Grün, ein Jederzeit erfrischender Ort und besonders angenehm natürlich im Sommer.

24. The great question mark hanging over the operation , one which the authors do not speculate about , is whether any of the Turkish , Jordanian , American , or Saudi governments would acquiesce to Israeli penetration of their air spaces .

25. It was a simple still shot of the network's logo—the letters "NET" with a slanted roof coming out of the top-right of the "T", hanging over the "N" and the "E," with a small antenna sticking out over the sling pod letter "N."

26. Why is exposing Zimbabweans’ suffering under MDC local authorities OK, but exposing Zimbabweans’ Brutalization under ZANU PF regime ‘unpatriotic’? The insincerity, lying, and downright double standards of the Zimbabwe regime over the emotive issue of patriotism, is a very dangerous dagger hanging over the nation, as the continued abuse