happening to in Germany

happening to [hæpəniŋtou] zustoßend

Sentence patterns related to "happening to"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "happening to" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "happening to", or refer to the context using the word "happening to" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. ‘What’s Happening to My Body?’

2. Then what's happening to me?

3. What’s Happening to the Weather?

Was ist los mit unserem Wetter?

4. What is happening to us?

5. What's happening to the climate?

6. Sam, what's happening to us?

7. It's a pretty harrowing linkage between what's happening to our environment and what's happening to our human rights.

8. That's what's happening to the water inside that popcorn.

9. I'm worried to death what's happening to that boy.

10. There's something happening to the crystal ball in the basement.

Etwas ist mit der Kristallkugel im Keller passiert.

11. Whatever is happening to you, you have to fight it.

12. She couldn't quite believe that all this was actually happening to her.

13. See what’s happening to the horses and war chariots of the Egyptians.

14. Teachers need real information right now about what's happening to their kids.

15. Treatment of Aflatoxin poisoning all depends on what is happening to the person

16. Many married people fall into such traps without realizing what is happening to them.

17. Frightened and surprised, Eduardo called to his wife, “Mami, what is happening to me?”

18. When we examine what is happening to young people, consider first the present state.

19. Or was some conditioning or perversion happening to make otherwise decent men into bad people?

20. American sports fans ask over their morning toast and coffee, What's happening to our heroes?

21. Something mysterious is happening to one of the Island's best loved inhabitants - the Atlantic puffin.

22. Autobiographical memories are things that happened to you, not that you remember happening to others

23. The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth's atmosphere.

24. There's some weird physiological changes happening to you guys that I'm not supposed to talk about.

25. (Philippians 3:18, 19) How can we, as individuals, avoid such a thing’s happening to us?

26. The girl was now writhing and moaning faintly, barely conscious of what was happening to her.

27. Nothing that is happening to you now will stay with you for more than a few minutes.

28. What was happening to them that this awareness had reached such a pitch in so short a time?

29. His role has been that of a Conjurer concealing by illusion what is really happening to the defence effort.

30. Collapse is just a series of ordinary days in between extraordinary bullshit, most of it happening to someone else

31. The definition of Avoid is to keep something from coming near you, affecting you, or from happening to you

32. With many accidental deaths, is it not a matter of a person’s just happening to come into a dangerous situation?

33. Talk to us a bit about some of the things that have actually been happening to, for example, boost police training.

34. 27 Odd things have been happening to the Republicans in Congress since their disastrous showdown with the president over the budget.

35. Arthur's Underwear: Arthur thinks its hilarious when Binky's pants split during class - until he starts having nightmares about it happening to him

36. An example of Casuistry is a Buddhist believing that something bad is happening to him because the universe is balancing his karmic debt.

37. That's enough right there to start to build a compelling chronicle of what's now happening to our planet, but we could do more.

38. We “shouldify” (traffic should be clear), we Awfulize (ohmigod, I’m going to be late for work and fired) then we personalize (why is this happening to me?)

39. He said, "And this is the piece that really bugs me: Our white friends, our buddies, we kind of hang together. When they hear about these kinds of things happening to us, they say, 'Why do you take it?

40. And so it is not just what's happening to these people -- whether they're losing weight or gaining weight, or becoming rich or becoming poor, or becoming happy or not becoming happy -- that affects us; it's also the actual architecture of the ties around us.

41. *☆☆☆☆☆☆ * 🔺 * verses (101)* * ☆* Allah speaks to his Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saying to him: Those villages that were mentioned before, we narrate to you from telling them what is happening to you and to the believers, and a sermon to the Admonitioners, and deterrence and removal to the disbelievers, and indeed we