graphs in Germany

graphs [grɑːfs] Schaubilde

Sentence patterns related to "graphs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "graphs" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "graphs", or refer to the context using the word "graphs" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Managing interfaces for dataflow graphs composed of sub-graphs

2. There's those that are based on directed graphs, directed acyclic graphs, and those that are based on undirected graphs.

3. In other words, Bipartite graphs can be considered as equal to two colorable graphs.

4. If an isomorphism exists between two graphs, then the graphs are called isomorphic.

5. [Chart/ Graphs on page 26]

6. Remote stitched directed acyclic graphs

7. Acyclic graphs: the R package ‘dagitty’

8. This dashboard has two distinct graphs:

9. Bipartite graphs have some very interesting properties

10. Bandage (a Bioinformatics Application for Navigating De novo Assembly Graphs Easily) is a tool for visualizing assembly graphs with connections

11. This module provides functions and operations for Bipartite graphs

12. The software makes it easy to create colourful graphs.

13. I look forward to smoother graphs of pendulum motion!

14. Creating graphs is a piece of cake on the computer.

15. Graphs of the resistance and inner reactance are given.

Es werden Diagramme des Widerstandes und der inneren Reaktanz angegeben.

16. Computing solutions to problems using dynamic association between abstract graphs

17. Bandage is a program for visualising de novo assembly graphs

18. As you can see I am woring at three excercises: Prove that following classes for graphs are non-definiable (on FO sentence): a) Biparted graphs b) …

19. 3 Contractible and non-Contractible edges in 2-connected graphs Here we grouptogether all the major results concerning Contractible and non-con-tractible edges in 2-connected graphs

20. Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and Abscissions marked with index lines

21. Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and Abscissions marked with index lines

22. Use Airflow to author workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of tasks

23. The information is documented by relevant summary epidemiological tables, graphs or maps.

Sie sind durch zusammenfassende Tabellen, Grafiken oder Karten zu belegen.

24. A baseline graph actually consists of two graphs placed side by side.

25. Would they give me charts and graphs that I could color?

26. The software makes it easy to create colorful charts and graphs.

27. The present paper contains results with respect to the theory of degeneracy graphs.

Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält Ergebnisse zur Theorie der Entartungsgraphen.

28. Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer.

29. Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and Abscissions marked with index lines

30. Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks.

31. Fans condition and result are improved for the case of bipartite graphs.

32. I know how you guys feel about my charts and my graphs.

33. Minimal colorings and Chromatic numbers for a sample of graphs are illustrated above

34. Three pebble games on graphs are considered: the well-known computational pebble game, the “progressive” (i.e., no recomputation allowed) version of the computational pebble game, both of which are played on directed acyclic graphs, and the quite different “breadth-first” pebble game, that is played on undirected graphs.

Es werden drei Pebble Games auf Graphen betrachtet: das wohlbekannte „computational” Pebble Game, die „progressive” (d. h. keine Wiederberechnung erlaubt) Version des computational Pebble Game, von denen beide auf directed acyclic Graphen gespielt werden, und das ziemlich verschiedene „breadth-first” Pebble Game, das auf undirected Graphen gespielt wird.

35. We argue for the use of probabilistic models represented by directed Acyclic graphs (DAGs)

36. The abbreviations used to designate the Member States in the graphs are as follows:

37. An algorithm to solve the “live variables” problem on reducible flow graphs is presented.

Ein Algorithmus zur Lösung des Problems der lebenden Variablen für reduzible Flußgraphen wird vorgestellt.

38. The budget pacing chart graphs the estimated, target, and actual spend during a plan.

Im Budgetabstufungsdiagramm werden die geschätzten, geplanten und tatsächlichen Ausgaben in einem Plan grafisch dargestellt.

39. The abbreviations used in the graphs to designate the Member States are as follows :

40. Mod-04 Lec-10 Inventory -- EOQ model graphs, with Backordering - Duration: 56:47

41. Alternatively, it may be displayed in the form of graphs, drawings or symbols.

Alternativ können sie in Form von Diagrammen, Zeichnungen oder Symbolen angegeben sein.

42. The Bipartite graphs K 2,4 and K 3,4 are shown in fig respectively

43. Flame composition, detection limits, sensitivities and range of linear calibration graphs are given.

Zusammensetzung der Flamme, Nachweisgrenzen, Empfindlichkeiten und Einearitätsbereiche der Eichkurven werden angegeben.

44. In graph theory, a -Bounded family of graphs is one for which there is some function such that, for every integer the graphs in with = (clique number) can be colored with at most () colors

45. Graph paper is the paper with many squares printed on it, used for drawing graphs.

46. Staffing responsibilities, operating budgets, and graphs illustrating the back-ground rounded out the formal presentation.

47. Two graphs are defined to be Adjointly equivalent if their complements are chromatically equivalent

48. Evaluating the analytic results, characteristic graphs for the stream function and losses are given.

Berechnete Ortskurven der Stromfunktion und charakteristische Abhängigkeiten der Verluste von den Systemparametern werden angegeben.

49. We present the partitioning problem and the representation of video algorithms by signal flow graphs.

In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden das Partitionierungsproblem und die Beschreibung von Videoalgorithmen mittels Signalflußgraphen betrachtet.

50. Additionally, the information shown in Merchant Center graphs can be delayed up to 1 week.