free lance in Germany

free lance [friːlɑːns] freiberuflich

Sentence patterns related to "free lance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "free lance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "free lance", or refer to the context using the word "free lance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I work free - lance and am paid by the hour.

2. We have three people work on a free lance basis.

3. He is a very famous free lance politician in this country.

4. Those most in danger are the adventurous free-lance reporters and photographers.

Am gefährdetsten sind abenteuerlustige freie Journalisten und Fotografen.

5. Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicIt'some free lance gigs?

6. Paul Is a free lance writer and has been drinking coffee since 7 this morning.

7. Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicit some free lance gigs?

8. I soon realized I would have to work as a free lance writer just to meet expenses.

9. In which free-lance warriors are selected one at a time to carry out a dangerous mission.

10. 13 Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 19 also working as a free-lance photographer.

11. Jeffrey Teller and Mrs Estelle Lambert-Duchesne were the other most frequently appearing free-lance writers in the magazine.

12. She didn't want to be tied down by a full-time job, so she decided to become a free-lance translator.

13. 25 Luckily that part of a free-lance trade ship which is not given over to miscellaneous merchandise is extremely snug.

14. He is an active performer and recitalist throughout Iowa, Iowa All-State clinician and adjudicator, free lance studio musician, orchestrator, arranger and Autographist

15. He is an active performer and recitalist throughout Iowa, Iowa All-State clinician and adjudicator, free lance studio musician, orchestrator, arranger and Autographist

16. " They didn't answer, are straight cold sweat, I thought in my dreams, visions and free lance beast, I loudly say:"the bird of the sky, armored! "