free period in Germany

free period [friːpiəriəd] Freistunde

Sentence patterns related to "free period"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "free period" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "free period", or refer to the context using the word "free period" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The frost-free period exceeds 200 days per year.

2. The frost-free period lasts on average 190 days per year.

3. You can also schedule a private conference during a teacher 's free period .

4. Money that is advanced for an interest-free period till the producer makes delivery.

5. The treatment-free period, however, should take into account the pharmacological properties of the products used previously

Bei der Dauer der behandlungsfreien Zeit sollten jedoch immer die pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der zuvor verabreichten Präparate berücksichtigt werden

6. The accumulated temperature of daily averages above 10 °C range here from 4 500 °C to 5 000 °C, with a frost-free period of 210 ~ 260 days.

Die Temperatursumme der täglichen Mittelwerte über 10 °C liegt zwischen 4 500 °C und 5 000 °C mit einem frostfreien Zeitraum von 210 bis ungefähr 260 Tagen.

7. Compared to those treated with chemical Cautery, those treated with bipolar electroCautery had a longer nosebleed-free period and a lower incidence of recurrent epistaxis within 2 years of treatment

8. The average annual accumulated temperature of days with averages higher than or equal to 10 °C is between 6 740 and 7 488 °C and the frost-free period is 315 to 322 days.

Die durchschnittliche jährliche Wärmesumme von Tagen mit einer Durchschnittstemperatur ab 10 °C liegt zwischen 6 740 und 7 488 °C. Die frostfreie Periode beträgt 315 bis 322 Tage.

9. The health outcome of interest, an episode of gastrointestinal illness, was defined as diarrhoea or other GI symptoms, such as vomiting or abdominal cramps that lasted one day after at least a two-week long symptom-free period.