foresees in Germany

foresees [fɔːsiːz] sieht voraus

Sentence patterns related to "foresees"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foresees" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foresees", or refer to the context using the word "foresees" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She foresees that sight could be exile from her home in blindness.

2. Kevin Holland foresees 'Cojones' thrust KO of 'gatekeeper' Derek Brunson in first UFC headliner

3. Article 24 of Law No 241/1990 foresees exclusions from the right of access.

Art. 24 des Gesetzes Nr. 241/1990 sieht Ausnahmen vom Recht auf Zugang vor.

4. Buchanan (1968) foresees variable but continuous types of organizations supplying or allocating public and private goods.

5. Along the same lines, UNCTAD foresees significant mitigation gains through the potential liberalization of environmental goods and services

6. It foresees increased rights for workers, addressing the legal uncertainty of dismissals and greater flexibility for employers.

Darin sind mehr Rechte für Arbeitnehmer vorgesehen, wodurch die Rechtsunsicherheit bei Entlassungen bekämpft werden soll, sowie eine größere Flexibilität für die Arbeitgeber.

7. The 2005 budget foresees a deficit of 3.9% of GDP, to be financed from the accumulated cash balance.

8. Along the same lines, UNCTAD foresees significant mitigation gains through the potential liberalization of environmental goods and services.

9. The EU-Lebanon compact foresees EU additional financial support and increased assistance in a number of policy areas.

Der EU-Libanon-Pakt sieht zusätzliche Fördermittel der EU und verstärkte Unterstützung in einer Reihe von Politikbereichen vor.

10. In addition, within the framework, the Government foresees a targeted increase of public spending for specific social categories.

11. The Commission's medium-term outlook foresees prices adjusting rather to the downside after the end of the quota system.

Aus mittelfristiger Wachstumsperspektive geht die Kommission für die Zeit nach Ablauf der Quotenregelung eher davon aus, dass sich die Preise nach unten anpassen.

12. The principle of positive Complementarity foresees a coordinated approach to the prosecution of crimes by the International Criminal Court (‘ICC’) and national authorities

13. In response to a question on how he foresees India and China relations developing, Prime Minister explained that our relations go beyond plain arithmetic.

14. (8) The Protocol foresees that Parties submit proposals to the Secretariat of the Protocol for listing additional substances in Annexes I, II or III.

(8) Im Protokoll ist vorgesehen, dass die Vertragsparteien dem Sekretariat des Protokolls Vorschläge zur Aufnahme zusätzlicher Stoffe in Anhang I, II oder III vorlegen.

15. 5 In Isaiah’s day Babylon is not yet the dominant world power, but Jehovah already foresees that when her time comes, she will abuse her power.

16. Secondly, it foresees to apply this prohibition as from 2025 to the manufacture, import and export of dental amalgam for all other uses, except where no mercury-free alternatives are available.

Zum anderen soll die Herstellung, Einfuhr und Ausfuhr von Dentalamalgam für alle anderen Verwendungen ab 2025 verboten sein, es sei denn, es sind keine quecksilberfreien Alternativen verfügbar.

17. 30 It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. He that is on a lee shore, and foresees a hurricane, stands out to sea and encounters a storm to avoid a shipwreck. Charles Caleb Colton 

18. (5)The proposed Decision foresees a prohibition as from 2022 on the manufacture, import and export of dental amalgam when used for treatment of deciduous teeth and of teeth of children under the age of fifteen and of pregnant and breastfeeding women.

(5)Im vorgeschlagenen Beschluss ist vorgesehen, die Herstellung, Einfuhr und Ausfuhr von Dentalamalgam für die Behandlung von Milchzähnen, von Kindern unter 15 Jahren und von Schwangeren oder Stillenden ab dem Jahr 2022 zu verbieten.

19. What has subsequently developed is a clear example of what can happen when an open-ended special trading arrangement is written into Community law. This has happened even though Article 4 of the protocol foresees the possibility of abolition or amendment of the quota.

20. The compartment essentially foresees a monitor (1) with a computer (2) controlled by means of a service keyboard (3) and a reader (4) of magnetic records (9) which transmits graphic and alphanumerical information as well as legends by elaborating the data taken from the small magnetic records (9) inserted in it.