foreseeable in Germany

foreseeable [fɔːsiːəbl] absehba

Sentence patterns related to "foreseeable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foreseeable" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foreseeable", or refer to the context using the word "foreseeable" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Breadline is closed for the foreseeable future

2. The foreseeable annual receipts are as follows:

Voraussichtliche jährliche Einnahmen:

3. (b) abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations.

b) nicht bestimmungsgemäßen Zuständen und vernünftigerweise vorhersehbaren Notfallsituationen.

4. abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations.

5. We will not be hiring anyone else in the foreseeable future.

6. Your insurance policy should take into account all foreseeable circumstances.

7. I'll certainly carry on living here for the foreseeable future.

8. adapting the man/machinery interface to the foreseeable characteristics of the operators.

Anpassung der Schnittstelle Mensch-Maschine an die voraussehbaren Eigenschaften des Bedienungspersonals.

9. (a) the foreseeable effect of a reduction of aircraft noise at source;

(a) absehbare Auswirkung einer Reduzierung des Fluglärms an der Quelle

10. Foreseeable changes in acreage under oilseed and protein crops post-Agenda 2000

Voraussichtliche Entwicklung der Anbauflächen von Öl- und Eiweißpflanzen nach der Agenda 2000

11. the foreseeable effect of a reduction of aircraft noise at source;

absehbare Auswirkung einer Reduzierung des Fluglärms an der Quelle;

12. The foreseeable annual receipts for 2001 and 2002 are as follows:

Voraussichtliche jährliche Einnahmen 2001 und 2002:

13. Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.

14. Also in the newspaper, a seismologist wrote that the country's disaster was foreseeable.

15. (Revelation 17:17) It will be sudden, surprising, shocking, not foreseeable or gradual.

16. But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.

17. In Wagon Mound the kind of damage that needed to be foreseeable was fire damage.

18. This creates a foreseeable plot twist wherein either they die or they switch sides.

19. — adapting the man/machinery interface to the foreseeable characteristics of the operators.

— Anpassung der Schnittstelle Mensch-Maschine an die voraussehbaren Eigenschaften des Bedienungspersonals.

20. • the absence of any current or foreseeable traditional military threat to Canada;

21. General conclusion regarding the plea alleging an absence of foreseeable conglomerate effect

Zusammenfassendes Ergebnis zum Klagegrund des Fehlens voraussichtlicher Konglomeratwirkungen

22. And it's a story that has no discernible beginning, no foreseeable end.

23. Right back Loui Fazakerley was put in charge for "the foreseeable future".

24. The judge found that it was not foreseeable that the fuel would catch fire.

25. The agribusiness automation and technology advances are the primary objectives in the foreseeable future.

26. 19 It seems to me that this crime was foreseeable and this death preventable.

27. — no consumption of fixed capital (i.e. no foreseeable depreciation in the value of livestock).

— Fehlen von Abschreibungen (d. h. keine vorhersehbare Verringerung des Werts der Tiere).

28. Where the injuries to a student are not foreseeable, however, the school district will not be held liable.

29. The ability to predict (or anticipate) foreseeable events is considered important for AC by Igor Aleksander.

30. It is foreseeable that the public health role of medical examiners and Coroners may continu …

31. This sum represents the foreseeable financial needs at the moment without taking into account contingencies.

32. An examination of the foreseeable consequences of its resorting to such conduct must take account of this.

33. 2. new members must be accepted on the basis of the organization's actual or foreseeable marketing capacity;

2. die Beitrittsanträge entsprechend der tatsächlichen oder absehbaren Vermarktungskapazität der Organisation genehmigt werden;

34. Such assumptions should take into account both historical trends and foreseeable factors relating to a budget period.

35. But Turkey’s vulnerability to an abrupt shift in financial markets from risk-on to risk-off was foreseeable.

Doch die Anfälligkeit der Türkei hinsichtlich einer abrupten Verschiebung auf den Finanzmärkten von Risikofreude zu Risikovermeidung war vorhersehbar.

36. We will continue to depend heavily upon their help for the foreseeable future and gratefully acknowledge their invaluable help.

37. In short, the basic principle of no absentee Balloting will not be changed wholesale anytime in the foreseeable future

38. A foreseeable benefit of performing Backbends is the active spinal column that promotes a good posture and painless back

39. The amount of damages reasonably foreseeable shall in no event exceed the coverage of our liability insurance.

Der typischerweise voraussehbare Schadensumfang übersteigt in keinem Fall die Deckungssumme unserer Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung.

40. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.

41. Thus, in the absence of certainty that the stocks will not be created in a ‘foreseeable future’, that condition remains fulfilled.

Da nicht sicher sei, dass sich die Bestände in „absehbarer Zukunft“ nicht wieder auffüllten, bleibe diese Voraussetzung somit weiterhin erfüllt.

42. In the crucial areas of international relations the state still dominates and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

43. The boos and the curses Arew foreseeable and unavoidable consequences of the division and negativity McCain chose as his campaign theme

44. Employers must be told in advance when a leave of absence is foreseeable - such as for the birth of a baby.

45. 11 Both the level of available resources and their deployment are constantly adjusted as necessary to counter the foreseeable threat.

46. Contemplation - In this stage, people are intending to start the healthy behavior in the foreseeable future (defined as within the next 6 months)

47. Adjustments in the form of capacity reductions to take into account the foreseeable trend in demand are the core of the restructuring plan.

Anpassungen in Form von Kapazitätsreduzierungen, um vorhersehbaren Nachfragetrends Rechnung zu tragen, seien zentrales Element des Umstrukturierungsplans.

48. An area constructed on board the vessel with appropriate materials (steel, insulating material), that provides adequate protection against all foreseeable risks associated with the cargo.

49. A coincidental intervening act breaks the chain of Causation caused by a defendant’s criminal act, unless the intervening act was foreseeable

50. Equipment parts used must be appropriate to the intended mechanical and thermal stresses and capable of withstanding attack by existing or foreseeable aggressive substances

Geräteteile müssen den vorgesehenen mechanischen und thermischen Beanspruchungen angemessen sein und den Einwirkungen vorhandener oder vorhersehbarer aggressiver Substanzen standhalten