fixed assets in Germany

fixed assets [fikstæsets] Anlagevermöge

Sentence patterns related to "fixed assets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fixed assets" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fixed assets", or refer to the context using the word "fixed assets" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Acquisition of fixed assets

Erwerb von Anlagegütern

2. Depreciation (tangible fixed assets)

Abschreibung (Sachanlagen)

3. Amortization (intangible fixed assets) (+)

Amortisation (immaterielle Anlagewerte) (+)

4. accrued rent on fixed assets

aufgelaufene Mietzinsforderungen aus Sachanlagen;

5. Depreciate or Amortise Fixed Assets

6. accelerated depreciation on fixed assets;

beschleunigte Abschreibung von Anlagevermögen;

7. Completion of Fixed Assets related activities

8. Audit Assertions for fixed assets; Existence: Fixed assets reported on the balance sheet really exist at the reporting date

9. a) Completion of fixed assets related activities- June

10. Reform like company organization expenses, fixed assets defray.

11. The tax overpaid is on fixed assets obtained.

12. Regarding the allocation and transfer of fixed assets within the same corporation, the entry value is determined as the original carrying value of the fixed assets.

13. Tangible Assets contain various subclasses, including current Assets and fixed Assets

14. This work is considered to be acquisition of new fixed assets.

Diese Arbeiten werden als Erwerb neuer Anlagegüter betrachtet.

15. Total Capital Formation refers to the fixed assets acquired minus those disposed and the change in inventory, including the total fixed assets formation and the increase in inventory.

16. The quality of monitoring of fixed assets is inconsistent between the ADBs.

Die Qualität der Einrichtungen beim Monitoring der Anlagewerte ist unterschiedlich.

17. All depreciable fixed assets relating to physical and intangible assets are eligible

Förderfähig sind alle abschreibungsfähigen Güter des Anlagevermögens, die sich auf Sachanlagen und immaterielle Anlagewerte beziehen

18. This did not include the value of fixed assets (factory and equipment).

19. Other forms of acquisition of fixed assets, including renting, hiring and leasing (14)

andere Formen des Erwerbs von Anlagegütern, einschließlich Miete, Pacht und Leasing (14)

20. 58 % of IFB’s operational fixed assets are allocated to the transport (logistics) activity.

58 % der Risikoaktiva der IFB werden dem Transportgeschäft (Logistik) zugeordnet.

21. Current Assets include inventory, accounts receivable, while fixed Assets include buildings and equipment

22. Capital expenditure is the amount of money you spend to gain fixed assets

23. b) Other forms of acquisition of fixed assets, including renting, hiring and leasing

b) andere Formen des Erwerbs von Anlagegütern, einschließlich Miete, Pacht und Leasing

24. Exeltherm bought Domtar’s business, including the fixed assets, the goodwill and accounts receivable.

25. Turnover includes only ordinary activities and hence does not include sales of fixed assets.

26. (ABACIS FALIST) FA listings will be prepared by the National Fixed Assets Office (NFAO).

27. A fixed asset register is an accounting tool used to record company’s fixed Assets

28. The second change concerns the construction of fixed assets by means of voluntary activity

29. Accounting for assets and capitalization of fixed assets is an activity of accrual accounting.

30. Turnover includes only ordinary activities and hence does not include sales of fixed assets

31. The second change concerns the construction of fixed assets by means of voluntary activity.

Die zweite Änderung betrifft die Erstellung von Anlagegütern mittels freiwillig übernommener Tätigkeit.

32. b) Other forms of acquisition of fixed assets, including renting, hiring and leasing (3)

b) andere Formen des Erwerbs von Anlagegütern, einschließlich Miete, Pacht und Leasing (3)

33. Staff costs Other administrative expenses Depreciation of (in)tangible fixed assets Profit for the year

34. Staff costs Other administrative expenses Depreciation of (in) tangible fixed assets Profit for the year

35. Tangible investment goods refers to assets listed in company accounts under Fixed assets — tangible assets.

36. Bassets is scalable from just a few hundred to hundreds of thousands of fixed assets

37. This covers fixed assets such as deposits and guarantees paid and advances for building charges

Dieser Posten umfasst Anlagewerte wie Anzahlungen, Sicherheitsleistungen und Vorschüsse für Gebäudenebenkosten

38. tangible fixed assets, other than land and buildings, valued on the basis of prudent amortization

andere Sachanlagen als Grundstücke und Gebäude aufgrund einer Abschreibung nach dem Grundsatz der Vorsicht

39. The actual operation of difficulty carrying value preparation to the fixed assets meter is big.

40. (l) tangible fixed assets, other than land and buildings, valued on the basis of prudent amortization;

l) andere Sachanlagen als Grundstücke und Gebäude aufgrund einer Abschreibung nach dem Grundsatz der Vorsicht;

41. other forms of acquisition eligible for support (e.g., renting, leasing) (including type of fixed assets concerned),

B. Miete, Leasing) (einschließlich Art der betreffenden Anlagegüter),

42. Capital costs usually relate to fixed assets that are purchased for use over future accounting periods.

43. The complexity and decentralize of fixed assets management of power network challenge more for the enterprise.

44. For larger organizations handling up to 10,000 fixed assets, Bassets eDepreciation WorkGroup is the right choice

45. Total current assets Other assets Fixed assets (net) Investments in and advances to affiliates Other (specify:

46. Total expenditure on purchases, major repairs and the production of fixed assets during the accounting year

Gesamtausgaben für Käufe, größere Instandsetzungsarbeiten und die Erzeugung von Anlagegütern während des Rechnungsjahrs

47. — other forms of acquisition eligible for support, e.g. renting, leasing (including type of fixed assets concerned),

B. Miete, Leasing (einschließlich Art der betreffenden Anlagegüter),

48. This covers fixed assets such as deposits and guarantees paid and permanent advances for building charges

Diese Rubrik umfasst Anlagewerte wie Anzahlungen, Bürgschaften und Garantien sowie ständige Vorschüsse für Gebäudenebenkosten

49. Total expenditure on purchases, major repairs and the production of fixed assets during the accounting year.

Gesamtausgaben für Käufe, größere Instandsetzungsarbeiten und die Erzeugung von Anlagegütern während des Rechnungsjahres.

50. ‘Implement the accelerating depreciation policy for fixed assets, guide enterprises to increase investment on advanced equipment’.

„Umsetzung der beschleunigten Abschreibungspolitik für das Anlagevermögen, Leitfaden für Unternehmen zur Erhöhung der Investitionen in moderne Anlagen“;