fixed price in Germany

fixed price [fikstprais] fester Preis

Sentence patterns related to "fixed price"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fixed price" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fixed price", or refer to the context using the word "fixed price" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Do Fixed Price Laws apply?

2. The fixed price for solar will be 42 cents per kilowatt hour.

3. Grain could be traded for other goods, according to the fixed price list.

4. Second, the sculpture was made by the sculptor on a fixed-price contract.

5. When you order something , you and the seller should agree a fixed price .

6. The undertakings concerned fixed price objectives and other commercial conditions for industrial tubes.

Die Unternehmen hätten Preisziele und andere kommerzielle Bedingungen für Industrierohre abgesprochen.

7. Standard products such as Membership, Homepagemaker, Hosting and Advertisements have a fixed price.

Standardprodukte wie Mitgliedschaft, Homepagemaker, Hosting, Inserate haben einen fixen Preis.

8. The Bazaar NPC allows you to buy and sell items at a fixed price



10. (b) or on the basis of a fixed price agreed beforehand for a particular task;

b) oder aufgrund eines zuvor für eine bestimmte Aufgabe vereinbarten Festpreises;

11. An estimate is generally a rough price while a quotation is normally a fixed price .

12. It is thus a benefit allowing the distillery to produce alcohol for a fixed price.

Das Brennrecht ist also eine Vergünstigung, Branntwein zu einem festgesetzten Preis herstellen zu können.

13. Dispute Mediation will offer fixed-price mediation to include the costs of administration, venue and mediator.

14. The right of Sementsverksmiðjan hf. to keep part of the assets and repurchase them at a fixed price

Recht von Sementsverksmiðjan hf., einen Teil des Anlagevermögens zu behalten und es zu einem festen Preis zurückzukaufen

15. The right of Sementsverksmiðjan hf. to keep part of the assets and repurchase them at a fixed price.

Recht von Sementsverksmiðjan hf., einen Teil des Anlagevermögens zu behalten und es zu einem festen Preis zurückzukaufen.

16. A fixed price is agreed upon with the out-grower in pounds sterling prior to commencement of planting

17. As expected, the price submitted should be the fixed price (greater than 0) of the mobile device alone.

18. Lighter pigs are bought at an abated rate and piglets are bought at a fixed price per weight category.

Schweine mit geringerem Gewicht werden zu einem niedrigeren Satz angekauft, Ferkel zu einem je Gewichtsklasse festgesetzten Preis.

19. Labeled as priced in Fixed Price , started by huwenbin , Aug 8, 2021 Replies:

20. 17 In short, the gold standard obligated the central bank to exchange currency for gold at a fixed price.

21. A free price system contrasts with a fixed price system where prices are administered by government in a controlled market.

22. The farmers, with these contracts in hand, can plant Aggressively knowing they have a ready buyer at a fixed price.

23. Labeled as priced in Fixed Price , started by huwenbin , Aug 10, 2021 at …

24. fixed-price standard packages for regular maintenance services for boilers and centralised air-conditioning installations, to be provided by qualified staff

Standard-Wartungsverträge zum Festpreis für regelmäßige Wartung der Zentralheizungs- und Klimaanlagen durch qualifizierte Fachkräfte

25. fixed-price standard packages for regular maintenance services for boilers and centralised air-conditioning installations, to be provided by qualified staff;

Standard-Wartungsverträge zum Festpreis für regelmäßige Wartung der Zentralheizungs- und Klimaanlagen durch qualifizierte Fachkräfte;

26. Offering a variety of preset options and quantities, it features two paper choices and three different Brochure sizes — all at a fixed price.

27. But huge investments in hydropower in Bhutan (in return for the guaranteed supply of fixed-price electricity into India’s grid) helped both countries.

28. Labeled as priced in Fixed Price , started by huwenbin , Aug 8, 2021 at 5:38 PM Replies:

29. Acadian Construction is one of the region’s most trusted construction management companies and an innovative leader in project management, fixed price and design/build projects

30. The Agile fixed price is a contract framework most suitable for complex IT projects, where scope, progress and costs are difficult to determine in advance.

Der agile Festpreis eignet sich als Vertragsmodell vor allem für komplexe IT-Projekte, in denen Umfang, Verlauf und Kosten schwer vorherzusagen sind.

31. Under the Bretton Woods arrangement currencies were pegged to the dollar at fixed exchange rates. The dollar in turn was tied to gold at a fixed price.

32. Similar to submitting mobile phones without a service contract, sold at a fixed price, your product data for prepaid SIM cards should follow the standard requirements of the product data specification.

33. Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, is Awarded a $39,211,704 firm-fixed-price modification to previously Awarded contract N00024-19-C-6402 to exercise options for the production of MK11 shallow water combat submersibles

34. 🛑 Suede and textile Balladers available at only 10.000 f fixed price 🏍 Delivery from 1000 f to 1500 f everywhere in Abidjan 🛑 Call and Whatsapp 58447080 Delivery exclusively, we do not have a store

35. Repurchase agreements – Short-term loans—normally for less than one week and frequently for one day—arranged by selling securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date.

36. Bell-Boeing Joint Project Office, Amarillo, Texas, is Awarded an $182,176,913 modification (P00039) to previously Awarded, fixed-price incentive (firm target), cost-plus-fixed-fee contract N00019-17-C-0015 for the production and delivery of two CV-22B variation in quantity aircraft for the Air Force.

37. Vous serez délice aux bel eaux cristallines.: You will Be delight with beautiful crystal clear water.: Le menu dégustation est un vrai délice.: The special "degustation" fixed-price menu is a true delight.: Le vin du terroir accompagne le délice traditionnel tout juste sorti des braises.: Local wine accompanies the traditional delicacy straight from the embers.