fenced off in Germany

fenced off [fenstɔf] abgezäunt

Sentence patterns related to "fenced off"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fenced off" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fenced off", or refer to the context using the word "fenced off" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The fighter neatly fenced off a dangerous blow.

2. The pool is dangerous and should be fenced off.

3. We fenced off the pool in case the children should fall in.

4. The hill had been fenced off to stop animals grazing on it.

5. We fenced off the lake in case the children should fall in.

6. 16 The newly increased area fenced off for afforestation is 059 million hectares.

7. Expectant crowds lined a fenced-off area divided into 000 yard-square plots.

8. With grassed ovals, large fenced off dam, Bituminised areas and old headmasters 3 bedroom home (currently rented)

9. Millions of acres remain fenced off, knee-deep in weaponry and surrounded by posters that warn: ‘Don’t Touch.

Hunderttausende von Hektar bleiben eingezäunt, knietief mit Munition verseucht und von Schildern mit der Warnung: ‚Nicht betreten!

10. The rink would not be fenced off in the families-only section and would be open for use by adults.

11. In a large fenced-off security zone[Sentencedict.com], drums pile up to the level of a two storey house.

12. Donald Trump’s personal Boeing 757 is Corroding and missing parts of an engine as it sits idle on a fenced-off tarmac at a small upstate New York airport

13. Dailymail.co.uk - Donald Trump's personal Boeing 757 is Corroding and missing parts of an engine as it sits idle on a fenced-off tarmac at a small upstate New York …

14. Donald Trump's personal Boeing 757 is Corroding and missing parts of an engine as it sits idle on a fenced-off tarmac at a small upstate New York airport

15. • the loss of stream-side vegetation means less shade and higher stream temperatures, which negatively affects many fish species and promotes further growth of undesirable algae and aquatic macrophytes Recent studies in Alberta also suggest that cattle may gain more weight when they drink from fenced-off water supplies.