embedding in Germany

embedding [imbediŋ] einbettend, Einbettung, Einschluss

Sentence patterns related to "embedding"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "embedding" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "embedding", or refer to the context using the word "embedding" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Fonts Embedding

2. Initially an embedding module (22) determines an embedding of a lattice in a two-dimensional plane.

3. ALgorithms for Embedding of VIrtual Networks (Alevin) is a framework to develop, compare, and analyze virtual network embedding algorithms.

4. The report you frame must have embedding enabled, as if you were embedding in the new Google Sites.

5. Smart move, embedding God's Eye into the mainframe.

6. Adaptive modulation and data embedding in light for advanced lighting control

7. Embedding nanoparticles in a material for instance, always.

8. Insufficient acrylate embedding causes primarily artefacts due to swelling.

Unzulängliche Acrylateinbettung verursacht vor allem Quellungsartefakte.

9. SHSCRAP.DLL is part of the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) mechanism.

10. A function is called an embedding if it is both monotone and injective.

11. Other key techniques in this field are negative sampling and word embedding.

12. Help in embedding, compliant with all Blogger template versions and unique widget setting.

13. Dental products,In particular dental plaster, embedding compounds, doubling compounds, alloys, abrasives and polishes

Dentalprodukte, insbesondere Dentalgips, Einbettmassen, Dubliermassen, Legierungen, Strahl- und Poliermittel

14. With ? ? - cyclodextrin as wall material, Chinese gooseberry seed oil was microencapsulated by embedding method.

15. 21 One of the bullets passed through Andrea's chest before embedding itself in a wall.

16. In particular, advanced fibre-optic sensors were developed for embedding in the composite fuel tank material.

Es wurden also fortschrittliche faseroptische Sensoren für die Einbettung in die Verbundwerkstoffe von Kraftstofftanks entwickelt.

17. Mitchell's embedding theorem, also known as the Freyd–Mitchell theorem or the full embedding theorem, is a result about abelian categories; it essentially states that these categories, while rather abstractly defined, are in fact concrete categories of modules.

18. The next step is the prospect of embedding contactless chips into mobile - phone SIM cards.

19. Computer software for embedding interactive computer applications and real-time data in analogue and digital transmissions

Computersoftware für den Einbau von interaktiven Computeranwendungen und Echtzeitdaten in analoger und digitaler Übertragung

20. That third party Eavesdropper do not know whether there is a general document which embedding secret information.

21. Illumination device and method for embedding a data signal in a luminance output using ac driven light sources

22. Providing the histology and pathology laboratory with a full line of instrumentation including laboratory microwave systems, tissue processors, Cryostats, microtomes, embedding centers, automated coverslippers, slide stainers, embedding centers, fume control systems, microtomes knives, microtome knife sharpeners, paraffin dispensers, coverglass, and more.

23. Mitchell's embedding theorem states every abelian category arises as a full subcategory of the category of modules.

24. By embedding US policies in multilateral frameworks, America can make its disproportionate power more legitimate and acceptable.

Indem man amerikanische Politik in ein multilaterales Rahmenwerk einbindet, kann die unverhältnismäßig große Macht Amerikas legitimer und auf breiterer Basis akzeptiert werden.

25. The female sea dragon then transfers her bright-pink eggs to this brood patch, embedding each egg into its own individual cup.

26. The above table identifies many practical measures for achieve an embedding of values and ethics in management practices.

27. A version for embedding watermarks in compressed audio flies created using FLAC lossless compression technology is in preparation.

Auch eine Version zum Einbetten von Wasserzeichen in verlustlos komprimierte Audiodateien nach dem Codierverfahren FLAC ist in Vorbereitung.

28. Human traffickers are sneaking hardened Criminals across the U.S.-Mexico border by embedding them with families, according to Texas troopers

29. In Iraq, the 2007 US "surge" strategy saw the embedding of regular and special forces troops among Iraqi army units.

30. Embedding of Copyright Information: During production, copyright information in the form of a watermark can be anchored directly in the recording.

Einbetten von Urheberinformationen: Während der Produktion kann Urheberinformation in Form eines Wasserzeichens direkt in dem Titel verankert werden.

31. As well as embedding objects in them, some had small, undecorated Alcoves just big enough for a single person to crouch within

32. Embedding barcodes into your document or form is easy by using the ActiveX technology This method is available for all Office programs.

Die direkte Einbettung der Strichcode-Komponente in Ihr Dokument oder Formular ist durch Microsoft ActiveX Technologie möglich. Diese Technik ist in allen Office Programmen verfügbar.

33. 26 Language recursiveness, one of the essential properties of language, can be defined as reiteration or embedding of the same structural elements in language.

34. The Apin components are generally linked up using a crystalline-based technology---like embedding computer microchips into the Earth into a selected format

35. Dehydration – or replacement of water with organic solvents such as ethanol or acetone, followed by critical point drying or infiltration with embedding resins.

36. Product made up of two hollow hemispherical wafers joined together, filled with a milky cream that does not contain cocoa, and embedding an almond.

Erzeugnis, bestehend aus zwei halbkugelförmigen, zusammengefügten Hohlwaffeln, die mit einer nicht kakaohaltigen Milchkrem und einer Mandel gefüllt und außen mit einer hellen Masse überzogen sind.

37. In a previous paper a number of procedures that permit the embedding of LISP into ALGOL were presented. In this work three additional procedures are described.

38. Such tracing is achieved by embedding a different type of address in the access router option based binding registration at the mobility anchor point.

39. The Analogs have an effective circuit and self-locking cross retainers that, inside the plaster, provide extraordinary embedding even in cases of abutment drilling on model.

40. HYBRIA proved the feasibility of embedding acoustic damping materials in a CFRP structure with an industrially relevant manufacturing process and without significantly affecting mechanical properties of the structure.

Die HYBRIA-Wissenschaftler belegten, dass akustische Dämpfungsmaterialien in einer KFK-Struktur mit einem industriell relevanten Fertigungsverfahren eingebettet werden können, ohne dadurch die mechanischen Eigenschaften dieser Struktur zu beeinträchtigen.

41. It is particularly applicable to clean off the paraffin which adherent on spin-drier and reduce the labour intensity and improve the effects of dehydration and embedding .

42. Because Advancing equity requires a systematic approach to embedding fairness in decision-making processes, executive departments and agencies (agencies) must recognize and work to redress inequities in their

43. In the example of the nested, two-level embedding approach, you can embed the top-down approach within the bottom-up approach (see Figure or the other way around.

44. A technique of supporting small pieces of retina or hole eye wall in boiled egg albumen is described, by which an artefact-free embedding in paraffin and microtome scetioning of these tissues is possible.

Es wird eine Einschlußmethode für kleine Netzhaut- oder Bulbuswandstücke in gekochtes Eiereiweiß beschrieben, welche die Herstellung artcfaktfreier Paraffinschnitte dieser Gewebe zur histologischen Untersuchung ermöglicht.

45. The special features of these Assaying furnaces are resistance coil wire elements protected by high temperature embedding cement and a clear air exhaust system located on the back of the furnace.

46. And so we were able to do this by embedding 40 small, tiny linear actuators inside the device, and that allow you not only to touch them but also back-drive them as well.

47. Chuck-1.4.x.x is part of the NumChucks release of Chuck - so named because Chuck has been completely refactored to facilitate embedding into other systems, and you can instantiated any number of Chuck VM's in those systems

48. A miniaturised Abiotical fuel cell designed for operation inside a physiologically relevant mixed fuel environment of dissolved di-oxygen (DO) and glucose, have been realized by embedding the glucose sensitive anode below a porous oxygen scavenging cathode

49. A miniaturised Abiotical fuel cell designed for operation inside a physiologically relevant mixed fuel environment of dissolved di-oxygen (DO) and glucose, have been realized by embedding the glucose sensitive anode below a porous oxygen scavenging cathode.

50. A miniaturised Abiotical fuel cell designed for operation inside a physiologically relevant mixed fuel environment of dissolved di-oxygen (DO) and glucose, have been realized by embedding the glucose sensitive anode below a porous oxygen scavenging cathode.