elicits in Germany

elicits [ilisits] entlockt, lockt hervo

Sentence patterns related to "elicits"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elicits" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elicits", or refer to the context using the word "elicits" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Antimatter breakthrough at CERN elicits mystery-of-the-universe claims

2. The Afghanistan-Pakistan border region currently elicits the greatest concern.

3. THE above question elicits a great deal of excitement and curiosity.

4. An agitator that elicits abortion to occur- sometimes referred to as an Abortient

5. Video of Cop Who Apprehends Delivery Rider While Delivering Cake Elicits Comments Online

6. Rheumatic fever is triggered by an invading bacterium that elicits antibodies from the immune system.

7. Calcium channel blocking activity, for example elicits direct arterial dilation accompanied by sodium and water retention

Die calciumkanalhemmende Wirkung löst beispielsweise eine direkte Arteriendilatation mit Natrium-und Wasserretention aus

8. It may be a rather indigestible meal for some, but the performances that Gray elicits are irreproachable.

9. Neuroinvasive West Nile Infection Elicits Elevated and Atypically Polarized T Cell Responses That Promote a Pathogenic Outcome.

10. 7 Each tooth rubbing of the file against the plectrum elicits a damping oscillation called "tooth pulse".

11. Shape dissatisfaction, endemic to young women in western culture, elicits restrictive dieting that increases the vulnerability to eating disorders.

12. Synonyms for Catalyses include results, ends in, culminates in, involves, leads to, prompts, elicits, precipitates, triggers and sparks off

13. Equine-derived Antitoxin that elicits passive antibody (ie, immediate immunity) against Clostridium botulinum toxins A, B, C, D, E,

14. Synonyms for Culminates in include results, ends in, involves, leads to, prompts, elicits, precipitates, triggers, sparks off and provokes

15. Synonyms for Begets include results, ends in, culminates in, involves, leads to, prompts, elicits, precipitates, triggers and sparks off

16. Shape dissatisfaction, endemic to young women in western culture, elicits restrictive dieting that increases the vulnerability to eating disorders. Sentencedict.com

17. The Conversationalist moves past small talk with ease. The Conversationalist elicits emotions and feelings about topics his conversation partner didn’t know she had.

18. 29 A blown-up photograph of carefully painted crackle marks that cunningly c the look of centuries-old paint elicits a smile.

19. Agonist: Agonist (full Agonist) is an agent that interacts with a specific cellular constituent (ie, receptor) and elicits an observable positive response.

20. Capsaicin (26), is the ingredient in hot chili peppers that elicits an intense burning sensation by activating sensory neurons sensitive to thermal stimuli

21. Featuring a classic powdery and comforting scent that elicits freshness and warmth, Airlift Fresh Scent is a water-soluble air freshener formulated to eliminate unpleasant odors

22. The canonical Blobfish picture elicits squeals of delight and shudders of horror, embodying an eye-catching blend of cute and ugly somewhat unfamiliar to …

23. Stimulation with a short tone pip elicits an acoustic nerve compound action potential (I) and different waves (II–VII) in the initial 10 ms.

Nach akustischer Reizung mit einem kurzen Tonimpuls (tone pip) lassen sich in den ersten 10 ms das Summenaktionspotential des N. acusticus (I) und weitere 6 Wellen (II–VII) ableiten.

24. Finally, stimulation of ventral roots elicits a synaptic potential that appears to be caused by glutamate released from afferent fibers in the ventral roots.

25. SAg stimulation of Antigen presenting cells and T-cells elicits a response that is mainly inflammatory, focused on the action of Th1 T-helper cells

26. A Bogeyman is an imaginary beast, man, or monster used to frighten children.Sometimes this is used to describe a topic or object that elicits fear or caution

27. Zostavax elicits antibody response in younger group We thank Mathew Williams ( Biometrician ) from the Department of Conservation and Land Management Western Australia, for his advice and help with the statistical analysis.

28. With glittering costumes, perfect dance routines, an astonishing set that elicits real oohs and Aahs, a larger-thanlife genie, brilliantly sinister bad guys and an actual flying carpet - this show has everything.

29. A line in a play or film, for example, that elicits a big laugh: "He doesn't go for the big Boffs, artificially inflated, but lets his comedy build through a leisurely accumulation of bizarre details" (Vincent Canby)

30. The resulting adsorbed recombinant HIV-1 virus envelope protein formulation (AIDS vaccine) is highly immunogenic in animals and elicits antibodies which bind to the HIV-1 virus envelope and neutralize the infectivity of the virus in $i(in vitro) tests.

31. 24 So, too, when a speaker is slumped over, not standing erect, it elicits a feeling of pity on the part of the audience toward the speaker because he does not appear to be well, and this, of course, detracts from the presentation.

32. Even though the porous support of the present disclosure does not require an additional ablation operation, it enables biodegradation with excellent tissue regeneration and mechanical properties, and is made only of natural polymer which elicits very little immune response and affords superior biocompatibility which impact grafting.

33. Describing it as a "superbly constructed drama," Richard Kuipers of Variety wrote, "Rarely, if ever, has the topic of teenage bullying been examined in such forensic detail and delivered with such devastating emotional impact," and that "helmer Lee Han maintains perfect tonal control and elicits fine performances from a predominantly female cast."

34. : muscular rigidity in which passive movement of the limbs (as during a physical examination) elicits ratchet-like start-and stop movements through the range of motion of a joint (as of the elbow) and that occurs especially in individuals affected with Parkinson's disease The third major sign, rigidity (sometimes called "Cogwheel" rigidity), is peculiar to Parkinson's disease.

35. "Yes, my lord," the general said Contritely.: Si, mi señor, dijo compungido el general.: In Mapleton just its name because people assume an expression Contritely and embarrassment (last one was Kevin), which explains his bizarre attitude to provoke his compatriots to see how far the pity that elicits can let you go.: En Mapleton sólo su nombre porque la gente asume una expresión compungido