elongating in Germany

elongating [iːlɔŋgeitiŋ] verlängernd

Sentence patterns related to "elongating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elongating" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elongating", or refer to the context using the word "elongating" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 'Mom,' she intoned, elongating the word.

2. Notes: Merostomous ecchondroma hutchinsonite elongating Selene laborable kamseen Bachelry phonophore

3. Antonyms for Abridging include lengthening, extending, enlarging, expanding, prolonging, protracting, amplifying, elongating, adding and augmenting

4. 10 Later in anaphase, the unattached interloper microtubules actively slide past each other, elongating the entire spindle.

5. So it goes whether you're elongating the spring or compressing the spring within some reasonable tolerance.

6. In horizontally orientated Coleoptiles, [Ca2+]cyt increases and pHcyt decreases in the more rapidly elongating cells on the lower side

7. Nascent chain–binding Chaperones, including trigger factor, Hsp70, and prefoldin, stabilize elongating chains on ribosomes in a nonaggregated state.

8. Ginkgo's large seeds and habit of "bolting" – growing to a height of 10 meters before elongating its side branches – may be adaptions to such an environment.

9. They have viewed the external tubing as elongating their circulatory system so that blood might pass through an artificial organ.

10. Eugene Tooms is capable of elongating his body to access victims so he may extract the livers which provide sustenance for the hibernation period of 30 years.

11. Okukyalira ensiko or 'visiting the bush' is how, in Uganda, the Baganda people name the practice of elongating the labia minora, which young girls start performing before menarche

12. Axons that get cut either by injury or disease in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) reinitiate the whole process of axon growth, elongating back to their peripheral targets and restoring sensory and motor function

13. Cristate forms, or crests, occur when the cells of the growing point of a plant begin to multiply erratically, elongating the growing tip to form "fans", rather than the usual single growing point

14. Next come a set of 30 or so long, drooping, greenish whiskers (called Bracteoles) that occupy a space between the large subtending bracts and the true flowers which are produced on a pair of elongating cymes in the center of the flower

15. Canthoplasty surgery, also known as lateral canthoplasty or cat eye surgery, is a type of eyelid surgery that alters the lateral Canthus (the outer corner of the eye where the upper and lower lid meet) by tightening and elongating the eye horizontally.

16. Stevenson (1990, page 20), however, is of the opinion that a tree Coleorhiza is unique to the grasses and that cycads do not have a true Coleorhiza. During germination, the elongating embryo rips a circular segment from the perisperm which can sometimes be seen as a cap on the apex of the ' Coleorhiza ' as it emerges from the sclerotesta (Fig.