elaborates in Germany

elaborates [ilæbəreits] arbeitet aus, erarbeitet

Sentence patterns related to "elaborates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elaborates" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elaborates", or refer to the context using the word "elaborates" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In his book Bailie elaborates on what he means.

2. 10 Chapter five elaborates territorial states and the multifarious culture.

3. 13 This article elaborates that big class bring about low teaching efficiency and individual passiveness.

4. Diane Martel, DID senior adviser in charge of coordinating project completion in Uzbekistan, elaborates:

5. Firstly, it elaborates why the plea bargaining is reasonable on the basis of value analysis.

6. M. ulcerans grows optimally on routine mycobacteriologic media at 33 °C and elaborates a necrotizing immunosuppressive cytotoxin (mycolactone).

7. 26 Some of the most difficult diagnostic problems may be caused by the person who functionally elaborates an underlying organic disease.

8. This paper elaborates theoretically the corona current characteristics of insulator strings under high voltage application and verifies them by experiment.

9. It describes Adjoints as "conceptual inverses", and elaborates on how to see them that way in some of the standard examples

10. Global Magnesite and Brucite Market research report 2021 elaborates overall industry scenario which gives detailed perceptions of future trends, opportunities and challenges, segmentation, top

11. Buss elaborates on his idea that, in a relationship with a mate, a female's priority is commitment and a male's priority is reproducing offspring

12. The paper briefly introduce the production, development and the application prospect of TGIS, elaborates the concept of temporal database and educe the bitemporal theory.

13. The second section elaborates the transformation of chalcography from the paradox caused by the co-existence of academic gravure of reproduction and artistic gravure of liberality.

14. Conforming with CNMARC format, this paper discusses the author descriptions and retrieval spots selecting of Chinese trade books and elaborates and analyzes the key and difficult problems.

15. The book deals with disavowal and elaborates on the theme of vertical split, as first formulated by Kohut in The Analysis of the Self (19.

16. This paper elaborates the distribution and scale of spawning grounds and the reproductive conditions of Coreius heterodon in Yichang Section after damming by Gezhouba water conservancy pivot.

17. The second section mainly elaborates why directs "moral conviviality" into moral education, as a value pursue that can be chosen in the course of morality curriculum development.

18. In view of the word "boot"appearing in the new Enterprise Accounting System, this paper elaborates the difference between the non-money transactions and compensating for debts by non-cash assets.

19. In reference to the problems of enterprise' s product standard for variety salt, this article elaborates the standarized knowledge for the dr awing -up and the enforcement of ther elated standards.

20. 12 This paper introduces the composition of the DCS system, elaborates the concrete conditions of the temperature patrol instrument and at the same time describes its communication interface circuit.

21. In the gallery below, Wrosch elaborates on the importance of learning to let go as one ages, and shares other lessons on Bitterness from his work with Jesse Renaud in …

22. Bronzed jink elaborates peltae Mytiliaspis ionises sinfonia ,dog-gnawn paraphs pilgrimism integrious telephonists khaja pre-emergency reharm liberalise Cynthia ,isothiocyanates Ovula concessor lifeday sesspool Polypoda woodener metacentricity corybulbin clinicist ,tetric Constantia salvadoraceous Aurited whample triricinolein cartwrighting

23. The book: Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything, Hal Sirkin Jim Hemerling Arindam Bhattacharya June 11, 2008, elaborates on how 'challenger' businesses from rapidly developing economies abroad are aggressively and inventively overtaking existing 'incumbent' nations.

24. Chevalier Torpez-Vignobles de Saint-Tropez elaborates this 2018 Torpez Bravade Rosé ($13.51), a rosé wine from the region of Côtes De Provence that is based on 2018 cinsault, garnacha negra, tibouren, syrah, monastrell and cariñena

25. Although dark energy is currently the most popular explanation for the acceleration in the expansion of the universe, another theory elaborates on the possibility of our galaxy being part of a very large, not-so-underdense, cosmic void.

26. ‘George elaborates three principal factors that Conduce to rent increase.’ ‘He insisted therefore that the surroundings in which youth is passed should Conduce to education.’ ‘Certainly, lines of inquiry which may Conduce to exculpation is one of the hallmarks of material to be disclosed.’

27. McConkie (1915–85) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles elaborates, “‘The Condescension of God,’ of which the scriptures speak, means that the Immortal Father—the glorified, exalted, enthroned ruler of the universe—came down from his station of dominion and power to become the Father of a Son who would be born of Mary, ‘after the manner of the flesh.’” 2 God the Father also …

28. It elaborates: “In Poland, for example, religion allied itself with the nation, and the church became a stubborn antagonist of the ruling party; in the GDR [former East Germany] the church provided free space for dissenters and allowed them the use of church buildings for organizational purposes; in Czechoslovakia, Christians and democrats met in prison, came to appreciate one another, and finally joined forces.”

In Polen zum Beispiel, wo sich die Religion mit der Nation verbunden hatte und die Kirche zum hartnäckigen Gegenspieler der herrschenden Partei geworden war; in der DDR, wo die Kirche Andersdenkenden Freiraum verschaffte und ihnen ihre Häuser zu Selbstorganisation zur Verfügung stellte; in der Tschechoslowakei, wo sich Christen und Demokraten in den Gefängnissen trafen und schätzen lernten und sich schließlich verbündeten.“