elapsed in Germany

elapsed [ilæpst] verflossen, verging, verstrichene

Sentence patterns related to "elapsed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elapsed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elapsed", or refer to the context using the word "elapsed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. You can also Calculate elapsed time.

2. Many years elapsed before they met again.

3. Fifteen minutes elapsed before the performance began.

4. Chronologic Age the actual measure of time elapsed

5. Chronologic Age the actual measure of time elapsed

6. It displays maximum depth and elapsed dive time.

7. He is silent until 6 rounds have elapsed.

8. More than five years have elapsed since the kidnapping.

9. Nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony.

10. A year elapsed before I heard from him again.

11. Three years have elapsed since we last met.

12. Four years have elapsed since he went to London.

13. The timer measures elapsed ozone treatment or exposure time.

14. Decades elapsed between successful abolitionism and New Deal reforms.

15. Five months have elapsed since he joined the army.

16. Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.

17. The elapsed time of the heat build and temperature rise is recorded.

Die Dauer der Erwärmung und der Temperaturanstieg werden aufgezeichnet.

18. But long intervals had elapsed since many of these offences were committed.

19. No objections have been received and the period for lodging objections has now elapsed.

20. The time elapsed before Backfilling begins shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer

21. A decent interval elapsed, during which we looked at each other rather anxiously.

22. No dust has settled on that robe; no time has elapsed since that divinity was revealed.

23. As soon as the 15 seconds' rest has elapsed, you must start the next exercise.

24. Four years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn't found a job.

25. 78 Clearly, none of the arguments advanced by the Commission justifies the length of time that elapsed.

78 Keines der von der Kommission vorgebrachten Argumente kann jedoch die lange Dauer des Verfahrens rechtfertigen.

26. To comply with the accruals accounting principle, the percentage of completion or elapsed-time method is more appropriate.

Zur Einhaltung des Grundsatzes der periodengerechten Rechnungsführung ist der Ansatz nach dem Fertigstellungsgrad oder nach der Pro-rata-temporis-Regel besser geeignet.

27. In such cases aid shall be paid for such period of storage that has actually elapsed.

In diesem Fall wird die Beihilfe für die tatsächliche Lagerzeit gezahlt.

28. Finally, analyses considering pore-water pressure dissipation during the actual elapsed time for each construction phase were carried out.

29. Alternatively, or in addition, the manager's performance may be assessed against some criteria after a reasonable period has elapsed.

30. 1821: Nicolas Mathieu Rieussec builds his Chronograph mechanism, a box filled with clockwork driving two ink styluses recording elapsed time

31. This law states that the number of atoms of a radioactive element is halved after a given amount of time has elapsed.

32. 25 These forms are filed alphabetically, the expiry date carefully noted and systematically cleared out after the expiry date has elapsed.

33. Respondents were asked how much time elapsed between their initial examination by a triage nurse and treatment by an emergency doctor.

34. Without provisions prohibiting accumulation the insured would not be indemnified until the qualifying period for a claim relating to the transfer risk had elapsed.

Ohne das Kumulierungsverbot würde der Garantienehmer erst dann entschädigt, wenn die Karenzfrist für das Transferrisiko abgelaufen wäre.

35. C library function - Clock() - The C library function Clock_t Clock(void) returns the number of Clock ticks elapsed since the program was launched

36. Instantaneous Acceleration is defined as the limit of the ratio of the velocity change to the elapsed time as the time interval approaches zero

37. In reality, a period of 21 years elapsed between one unsigned document of uncertain provenance and a highly ambiguous document written by the very person making the confession.

In Wirklichkeit liege nämlich eine Zeitspanne von 21 Jahren zwischen einem Dokument, das nicht unterzeichnet und ungewissen Ursprungs sei, und einem Dokument, das in hohem Maße unklar sei und das eine Person als Zeugenaussage niedergeschrieben habe.

38. 8 As the offspring of the Flood survivors migrated to distant places and as time elapsed, details became distorted and the account was adapted to local religious concepts.

39. The times elapsed between Branchings in different neurites of single cells can be described by a Poisson distribution with a mean interval of approximately 2 h

40. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) For Louise, quoted at the outset, five months elapsed before she could once again get behind the steering wheel of a car.

41. It would have been difficult to tie these new murders to the Keystone Killer what with the change of the methodology and the time that's elapsed between kills.

42. Measuring the angle around the face of the display revealed the difference in the signal's time of arrival compared to that of the direct signal, as an elapsed time.

Die Messung des Winkels um die Vorderseite des Displays ergab den Unterschied zwischen der Ankunftszeit des Signals und der Ankunftszeit des Direktsignals als verstrichene Zeit.

43. The concept of Cohort is useful because occurrence rates of various forms of behaviour are often influenced by the length of time elapsed since the event defining the Cohort—e

44. To this number you add the years which have elapsed of the current shashtyabda or sexagesimal samvatsara , and the sum is the correspond - ing year of the era of Vikramaditya . . . .

45. More than half a century has elapsed since the first edition of The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory appeared in 1926, a period in which massive advances have been made in the understanding and description of aerodynamic phenomena

46. [ source ] Afterword From the time the first body was discovered and reported on July 16, only 47 days elapsed before Detective Welsh put his hands on Edward Labelle in Wadsworth, Nevada, thousands of miles from the scene of the crime.

47. All of the defendants appealed and the Appellate Division reversed, citing the brief period that had elapsed between the first discovery order and the defaults, the magnitude of the judgments and the lack of specific prejudice to the plaintiff (CDR Creances S.A.S

48. However, despite the agreement in principle by Member States on the concept of making necessary changes and reform, the Working Group has not reached agreement on the substance of the changes that should be made, despite the fact that # years have already elapsed

49. Performance Brakes provide shorter stopping distances, so the driver can spend more time on the gas for lower elapsed times, and performance Brakes won’t fade, so the Brakes work just as well at the end of the race as they did at the beginning.

50. Each interruption starts time running afresh, but the limitation period expires at the latest on the day on which a period equal to twice the limitation period has elapsed without the Commission having imposed a fine or a penalty, in other words ten years from the date on which the infringement ceases.

Nach jeder Unterbrechung beginnt die Verjährung von neuem. Die Frist für die Festsetzung einer Geldbuße läuft jedoch definitiv an dem Tag aus, an dem eine Frist von der Dauer der doppelten Verjährungsfrist verstrichen ist, ohne dass die Kommission eine Geldbuße verhängt hat, d. h. zehn Jahre vom Tag der Beendigung der Zuwiderhandlung an gerechnet.