dyestuff in Germany

dyestuff [daistʌf] Farbstoff

Sentence patterns related to "dyestuff"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dyestuff" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dyestuff", or refer to the context using the word "dyestuff" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A red dyestuff is formed with an absorption maximum at 555 nm.

Es bildet sich dabei ein roter Farbstoff mit einem Absorptionsmaximum bei 555 nm.

2. Aniline, CAS#: 62-53-3, is an intermediate in dyestuff production and the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and other products

3. Absorption curves obtained from spectrophotometric data demonstrate the fading of the colour of the dyestuff with the time of exposure.

Die erhaltenen spektrometrischen Daten zeigen das Verschwinden der Farbe im Laufe der Zeit.

4. A spiny tropical American tree(Haematoxylon campechianum) in the pea family, having dark heartwood from which a dyestuff is obtained.

5. Benzoin is an industrially important chemical that is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of different chemical additives, dyestuff, pharmaceuticals and also as a photoinitiator.

6. Chemical industry has many products, including Plastic & Rubber, Paint, Coating, Pigment & Dyestuff, Basic Organic Chemicals, Inorganic Chemicals, Chemical Reagent & Auxiliary, PetroChemicals, Flavors & Fragrances, Pharmaceutical Chemicals.

7. Cochineal, red dyestuff consisting of the dried, pulverized bodies of certain female scale insects, Dactylopius coccus, of the Coccidae family, cactus-eating insects native to tropical and subtropical America

8. Carmine, red or purplish-red pigment obtained from cochineal (q.v.), a red dyestuff extracted from the dried bodies of certain female scale insects native to tropical and subtropical America

9. Medical Definition of Annatto : a yellowish red dyestuff made from the pulp around the seeds of a tropical tree (Bixa orellana of the family Bixaceae) and used especially for coloring oils, butter, and cheese

10. Reactive blue 19 has poor solubility in alkali liquor when drawing off sulfuric acid ester with strong hydrophilic in batch. So, this dyestuff can not be used on cellulose by this dyeing method.

11. ‘Other uses of Aniline include the manufacture of rubber processing chemicals and the production of agrochemicals and dyestuffs.’ ‘He cited examples of two key raw materials namely phenol and Aniline, which are required to manufacture leather chemicals, pigments, dyestuff and rubber chemicals.’

12. The method for protecting value papers against counterfeit involves printing an achromatic or low-colored dyestuff on the value paper surface, i.e. applying on the surface a security element which is selectively absorbs radiation in visible and near IR spectrum ranges.