duty cycle in Germany

duty cycle [djuːtiːsaikl] Arbeitszyklus, Tastverhältnis (Rechtecksignal)

Sentence patterns related to "duty cycle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "duty cycle" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "duty cycle", or refer to the context using the word "duty cycle" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Actual EGR valve duty cycle/position

2. Variable duty cycle switching with imposed delay

3. Duty cycle: ≤ 10 % for network access points (4)

Arbeitszyklus: ≤ 10 % für Netzzugangspunkte (4)

4. Duty cycle: ≤ 10 % for network access points [g]

Arbeitszyklus: ≤ 10 % für Netzzugangspunkte [g].

5. Duty cycle [vi]: ≤ 10 % for network access points [26]

Arbeitszyklus [vi]: ≤ 10 % für Netzzugangspunkte [26].

6. Duty-cycle voltage rating (IEEE) - The designated maximum permissible voltage between its terminals at which an Arrester is designed to perform its duty cycle test

7. Alternatively a duty cycle limit of 1 % may also be used.

Alternativ ist ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus von 1 % zulässig.

8. Alternatively a duty cycle limit of 0,1 % may also be used.

Alternativ ist ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus von 0,1 % zulässig.

9. Alternatively a duty cycle (6) of 0,1 % may also be used

Alternativ kann ein Arbeitszyklus (6) von 0,1 % verwendet werden.

10. A sinus input signal is converted into a duty cycle signal.

Ein sinusförmiges Eingangssignal wird mit Hilfe eines Null-Durchgangs-Detektors in ein Rechecksignal umgewandelt. Aus der während einer festgelegten Messzeit tG ermittelten Anzahl n von Impulsen kann die gesuchte Frequenz ermittelt werden.

11. Alternatively a duty cycle limit () of 0,1 % may also be used.

Alternativ ist ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus () von 0,1 % zulässig.

12. Alternatively a duty cycle (6) of 10 % may also be used.

Alternativ kann ein Arbeitszyklus (6) von 10 % verwendet werden.

13. Alternatively a duty cycle limit (7) of 1 % may also be used

Alternativ kann ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus (7) von 1 % verwendet werden.

14. The permitted time allocation (duty cycle) also varies with the sub-band.

Mit dem Subband variiert auch die zeitliche zulässige Ausnutzung, der so genannte Duty Cycle.

15. Alternatively a duty cycle limit (7) of 0,1 % may also be used

Alternativ kann ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus (7) von 0,1 % verwendet werden.

16. Alternatively a Duty cycle limit [vi] of 10 % may also be used.

Alternativ ist ein maximaler Arbeitszyklus [vi] von 10 % zulässig.

17. In a NE555 Astable circuit, the duty cycle can never be below 50%

18. The beams scan the surface alternately, thereby increasing the duty cycle and scanning speed.

19. Output jitter is defined in three ways: period jitter. duty-cycle jitter, and phase jitter.

20. Voltage-controlled oscillator with ac coupling to produce highly accurate duty cycle square wave output

21. For example a machine might have a rating of 225 amperes at a 20% duty cycle.

22. The control circuitry allows for waveform frequency, duty cycle and pulse amplitudes to be varied independently.

23. The detected level is applied to adjust the duty cycle of the transistors of the mixer core.

24. (6) ‘Duty cycle’ means the ratio of time during any one-hour period when equipment is actively transmitting.

(6) Arbeitszyklus ist definiert als anteilsmäßiger aktiver Sendebetrieb innerhalb einer Zeitdauer von einer Stunde zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt.

25. A duty-cycle correction circuit comprises a plurality of AC-coupled, independently-biased inverter stages connected in series.

26. A method includes a data encoding scheme that has a run length limit of (1,6) and a 25% duty cycle.

27. The controller circuit (60) cooperates with the soft start circuit (62) to alter the duty cycle of the switch (63).

28. The duty cycle of an Astable circuit is the proportion of the complete cycle for which the output is high (the mark time)

29. For a standard 555 Astable circuit the mark time (Tm) must be greater than the space time (Ts), so the duty cycle must be at …

30. The rating of the Arrester is defined as the rms voltage at which the Arrester passes the duty-cycle test as defined by the referenced standard.

31. Bushman Equipment has a long history of product leadership in the design and manufacture of rugged, built-to-order material handling equipment for use in a variety of high-capacity, high-duty cycle industrial applications

32. The rating of an Arrester is the maximum power-frequency line-to-ground voltage at which the Arrester is designed to pass an operating duty-cycle test (as defined in IEEE Std C62.11™-2005 standard)

33. The constraints to be considered are the input/output voltage and the Admittable duty cycle that have to be confined in a narrow range to avoid undesirable effects such as overcurrents, overvoltages, and overtemperatures, further satisfying the global requirements.