disposed in Germany

disposed [dispouzd] angeordnet, verfügte

Sentence patterns related to "disposed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disposed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disposed", or refer to the context using the word "disposed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Help Those “Rightly Disposed

2. The committee soon disposed of business.

3. She's favourably disposed towards new ideas.

4. He disposed his money in charity.

5. 20 min: “Help Those ‘Rightly Disposed.’”

6. Congenial minds are disposed to associate. 

7. One pretext disposed of, McClellan found another.

8. Chinese vases are disposed around the gallery.

9. She seems favourably disposed to the move.

10. Two goals by Raul disposed of Barcelona.

11. He disposed his books on the shelves.

12. He disposed his troops along the bank.

13. The bomb has been safely disposed of.

14. I am disposed to agree with you.

15. Credulous: Disposed to believe too readily; gullible

16. I have disposed of my old clothes.

17. Cupels cannot be disposed into the environment 1,2

18. 1 Congenial minds are disposed to associate. 

19. She is disposed to sudden bouts of depression.

20. The business disposed of all its capital assets.

21. Complaisant disposed to please; obliging, politely agreeable, courteous

22. The visiting historian was disposed to be argumentative.

23. Three enemy planes were disposed of by us .

24. She disposed of the champion in straight sets.

25. A weak constitution disposed her to frequent illness.

26. Sludge incineration is a frequently employed disposed method.

27. The league champions quickly disposed of the opposition.

28. The coup disposed of the dictator Bloodlessly: 2

29. 17 Congenial minds are disposed to associate. 

30. The boss was ill disposed towards his secretary.

31. The invention comprises: a substrate; a rear surface electrode layer disposed on the substrate; a light absorbing layer disposed on the rear surface electrode layer; and a front surface electrode layer disposed on the light absorbing layer.

32. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering: a Cruel tyrant

33. They were all sympathetically disposed towards her bitter experience.

34. An underlayment may be disposed adjacent the lane panel.

35. 12 They drummed contaminated water and disposed of it.

36. Your words of cheer disposed me for the task.

37. The structures are disposed adjacent to intersections of channels.

38. But Caiaphas was ill-disposed toward the Christian message.

39. 27 A weak constitution disposed her to frequent illness.

40. You are rather disposed to call his interference officious?

41. The table lamp was disposed on a table nearby.

42. They disposed of all the food for the banquet.

43. Her temperament disposed her to argue readily with people.

44. I'm not disposed to meet them at the moment.

45. Management is favourably disposed to the idea of job-sharing.

46. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.

47. Kennedy was understandably wary and disposed to explore other options.

48. Jackson was well disposed towards journalists of left-wing sympathies.

49. Cynics are disposed to find and to catch at fault.

50. Bounteous definition, giving or disposed to give freely; generous; liberal