disputing in Germany

disputing [dispjuːtiŋ] disputierend, streitend

Sentence patterns related to "disputing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disputing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disputing", or refer to the context using the word "disputing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Some husbands and wives are always disputing.

2. After the council, disputing continued for decades.

3. Disputing for sunny trees, early orioles trill.

4. Disputing claimants regularly report clashes between naval vessels.

5. There he found his brothers disputing with each other.

6. Antonyms for Concordant include conflicting, contradictory, incompatible, inconsistent, differing, disagreeing, opposing, clashing, disputing and diverging

7. The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done.

8. But the ruling NPP is sharply disputing the run-off election results.

9. There is no disputing that Mobutu and his entourage took the riches.

10. In Jerusalem, again “much disputing” took place at the meeting of the elders.

11. Antonyms for Averring include denying, gainsaying, disclaiming, discrediting, disproving, forgetting, questioning, refuting, contradicting and disputing

12. Read Moroni 8:4–6, and look for the doctrine the Nephites were disputing about.

13. There was no disputing the hard truth behind his words - someting for which she had already severely upbraided herself.

14. Synonyms for Argufying include quarrelling, quarreling, arguing, squabbling, bickering, wrangling, rowing, disputing, fighting and scrapping

15. Antonyms for Avowing include denying, gainsaying, censuring, concealing, condemning, contradicting, disAvowing, disclaiming, disowning and disputing

16. He may caution us about congregating on street corners or wasting time disputing with opposers.

17. “I am not disputing that I caused the accident,” admitted a young salesman in Berkshire, England.

18. Youngsters trail behind us, eagerly disputing with one another over who is going to carry our backpacks.

19. Though “much disputing” took place, those present maintained good order and listened respectfully to one another’s views.

20. Civil was Acrimoniously disputing the orthodoxy of this visiting brother's intention to sing this from the pulpit at the

21. Although its tangy flavor can be somewhat divisive, there’s no disputing the entertaining and therapeutic properties of Banjo…

22. Arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators facilitate negotiation and dialogue between disputing parties to help resolve conflicts outside of the court system.

23. Not disputing your Assertation, but do you have any independent studies to back that up? Gallup Poll Reveals Pro-Gun Trend

24. 18 She heard the drone of some bees in the garden and the angry chatter of birds disputing over their seeds.

25. Derkach says that Burisma Bribed Joe Biden with a $900,000 lobbying lump sum, which the company is disputing solely due to the amount

26. Proverbs 20:3: “It is a glory for a man to desist from disputing, but everyone foolish will burst out in it.”

27. Hence, the wife should not attempt to usurp or undercut her husband’s position as head by disputing with him in front of the children.

28. Catholic theologian Hans Küng wrote: “There is no disputing that in negative, destructive terms [religions] have made and still make an enormous contribution.

29. His brother admitted the truth of this, and talked to him Amicably. Finally, tired of disputing, and remorseful for their acrimony, they dined Amicably together.

30. Disputing the ‘approximations’, ‘contradictions’, and ‘Clumsinesses that make sense’, the two authors reproach Stéphane Courtois’s ‘obsession to reach one hundred million deaths’

31. A disputing party shall not rely on or introduce as evidence in such dispute settlement procedures, nor shall any adjudicatory body, tribunal or panel take into consideration:

Folgendes darf in solchen Streitbeilegungsverfahren weder von einer Streitpartei geltend gemacht oder als Beweis eingeführt noch von einer schiedsrichterlichen Instanz, einem Schiedsgericht oder einem Schiedspanel berücksichtigt werden:

32. But Birthers weren't and aren't making a legal argument about Obama; they were disputing the facts about where he was born and accusing him of perpetrating a massive fraud

33. After hours of disputing her account of what she'd said & when, he finally just decided to Capitulate, as it was clear the actual events had no bearing on her side of the story.

34. Barographs are often a weather observer's favorite instrument for not only do they tell present pressure but also record a graphic history of any weather event. By joining precision movements with stunning craftsmanship, there is no disputing the …

35. 2014, John Clarke, Kathleen Coll, Evelina Dagnino, Disputing Citizenship It is not just the sets and sources of rights that are being modified by these intersections of globalisation and governance, but also the very arrangements or Bundlings of different sources of power, authority

36. Sonny Moore aka Skrillex tends to sharply divide opinion with his ear-Batteringly loud dubstep-not-dubstep productions, but there can be no disputing his meteoric rise over the last 12 months or so, making a name for himself as a sought after remixer and

37. Arbitration Arbitration is a private process where disputing parties agree that one or several individuals can make a decision about the dispute after receiving evidence and hearing arguments. Arbitration is different from mediation because the neutral arbitrator has the authority to make a decision about the dispute.

38. (1 Thessalonians 4:16) This archangel has a name, as we read at Jude 9: “When Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: ‘May Jehovah rebuke you.’”