disjoint in Germany

disjoint [disdʒɔint] disjunkt [math.]

Sentence patterns related to "disjoint"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disjoint" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disjoint", or refer to the context using the word "disjoint" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Asyndeton depicts the disjoint between words or phrases

2. The processor and graphics have disjoint address spaces.

3. Cruciforms' polarized emission confirms disjoint molecular orbitals and excited states

4. What's the semantic difference between \Amalg and \coprod for disjoint unions?

5. Cycles must be disjoint, that is, they must have no common points

6. This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design.

7. Abstract: A set of k (≥ 2) spanning trees in the underlying graph of a network topology is called completely independent spanning trees, (Cists for short), if they are pairwise edge-disjoint and inner-node-disjoint

8. The performance function was decomposed into disjoint sets of variables to address the combinatorial explosion challenge caused by configuration variations.

9. Edmonds’ Theorem on disjoint Branchings is a classical theorem in graph theory, with many distinct existing proofs (e.g

10. There are several classifications of channel coordination contracts, but they are not complete, and the considered classes are not disjoint.

11. Disjoint paths weight accumulating algorithm is proved to be effective in correlation computing by analyzing the results of the experiments.

12. This lead us to four definitions of disjoint spanning Branchings and we prove that, unlike the static case, only one of these can be computed in polynomial time, namely the temporal-edge-disjoint temporal-spanning Branchings problem, while the other versions are $\mathsf{NP}$-complete, even under very strict assumptions.

13. Conjoin: 1 v make contact or come together Synonyms: join Antonyms: disjoin , disjoint become separated, disconnected or disjoint Types: show 29 types hide 29 types feather join tongue and groove, in carpentry attach become attached cross-link join by creating covalent bonds (of adjacent chains of a polymer or protein) anastomose ,

14. Optical networks are more complicated than the traditional graph-theoretic networks with nodes and links, but their reliability can be effectively improved by the use of disjoint paths.

15. The illustration above shows some Bipartite graphs, with vertices in each graph colored based on to which of the two disjoint sets they belong.

16. Find a minimum cost set of arcs A∗ ⊆ A′ such that the directed multigraph D∗ = (V,A ∪ A∗) has k-arc-disjoint out-Branchings rooted at s.

17. A Bipartite graph, also called a bigraph, is a set of graph vertices decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are adjacent

18. Any two left Cosets are either identical or disjoint: the left Cosets form a partition of G, because every element of G belongs to one and only one left Coset.

19. The number of points on the projective line and projective space are so easy to calculate because they can be written as disjoint unions of a finite number of copies of affine spaces.

Der Grund, warum projektive Gerade und Raum so einfach sind, liegt darin, dass sie als disjunkte Kopien einer endlichen Zahl affiner Räume geschrieben werden können.

20. A graph G = (V;E) is called Bipartite if there is a partition of V into two disjoint subsets: V = L[R, such every edge e 2E joins some vertex in L to some vertex in R.

21. Complete Bipartite Graphs De nition Acomplete Bipartite graphis a simple graph in which the vertices can be partitioned into two disjoint sets V and W such that each vertex in V is adjacent to each vertex in W

22. Some papers use the name arborescence for spanning in- and out-trees but we will use the name branching instead as this is also widely used and was used in the original paper by Edmonds on arc-disjoint out-Branchings …

23. 1965) or complete bigraph, is a Bipartite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are adjacent) such that every pair of graph vertices in the two sets are adjacent.

24. Theorem 4 (Hasunuma) For a graph G = (V, E), spanning trees T 1, T 2, …, T k are Cists in G if and only if they are edge-disjoint and for any node v ∈ V, there is at most one T i such that v is an inner-node of T i.

25. Adjoinv毗连,接壤(ad一再+join→一再连上→毗连) adjoininga毗邻的(adjoin+ing) disjoinv分开,拆散(dis分开+join→连接分开) disjointeda脱节的;散乱的(disjoint+ed→分开的→脱节的) enjoinv命令,吩咐(en进入+join→进入连接→命令人[加入])

26. Bipartite Graph - If the vertex-set of a graph G can be split into two disjoint sets, V 1 and V 2, in such a way that each edge in the graph joins a vertex in V 1 to a vertex in V 2, and there are no edges in G that connect two vertices in V 1 or two vertices in V 2, then the graph G is called a Bipartite graph.