dismantled in Germany

dismantled [dismæntld] abgebaut, abgebrochen, demontierte

Sentence patterns related to "dismantled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dismantled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dismantled", or refer to the context using the word "dismantled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Angle ring connection that can be dismantled

Demontierbare winkelringverbindung

2. Government price controls and subsidies were also dismantled.

3. Poland recovered Podolia, including the dismantled fortress at Kamaniçe.

4. Forty-five years later, apartheid is being dismantled.

5. Among other changes, the hangar for her seaplane was dismantled.

6. The French TBMs then completed the tunnel and were dismantled.

7. 1000 Friends publicly called for the City to be "dismantled".

8. The aircraft could be dismantled and transported by rail if needed.

9. The Soviets dismantled the plant and shipped it to Russia.

10. The Congress was dismantled, elections and political parties were outlawed.

11. The British dismantled Krupp's factories, sending machinery all over Europe as war reparations.

12. It was afterwards acquired by Selle Company and dismantled in 1917.

13. For The Necronomicon to be laid to rest, it has to be dismantled.

14. Today the extensive facilities are largely dismantled, but there are still seven tracks.

Heute sind die umfangreichen Anlagen größtenteils abgebaut, es existieren noch sieben Gleise.

15. The game was released in August 1994 and the Ape team dismantled in 1995.

16. In 2003 the Crest was dismantled after being closed for five years.

17. Terminal 2 was dismantled and sold to Radom for their new airport.

18. Synonyms for Cannibalised include disassembled, dismantled, stripped for repair and stript for repair

19. The formerly extensive freight facilities were closed in 2000 and finally completely dismantled in 2010.

Die ehemals umfangreichen Güterverkehrsanlagen wurden im Jahr 2000 aufgegeben und schließlich im Jahr 2010 gänzlich abgebaut.

20. In Workplace 2000, rigid hierarchies will be dismantled, as will the ceremonial trappings of power.

21. Germaniawerft in Kiel was dismantled, and Krupp's role as an arms manufacturer came to an end.

22. • The Arks were built for just one trip down river and then dismantled and sold for …

23. To this end, all civilian shipyards and aircraft factories were to be dismantled or otherwise destroyed.

24. In 1979, immediately after the iron rice bowl was dismantled, there were 20 million unemployed people.

25. Formerly there were several stations in the Alb, but they have now largely been closed and dismantled.

Ehemals gab es auf der Alb mehrere Bahnhöfe, die mittlerweile jedoch weitgehend rückgebaut und aufgelöst wurden.

26. Five small traditional Thai houses were dismantled and reassembled at the present site to make one house.

27. In 1943 modifications were made to the camp's killing methods because the reception building was already dismantled.

28. 11 An engineer's report had condemned the spire as dangerous and said that it must be dismantled.

29. The Benchwork must be designed to fit around those turns without needing to be completely dismantled

30. All cars dismantled in the The Old Quarry, Granemore Road, Keady County Armagh, BT60 2NJ, adhere

31. Since they were no longer large enough, they were dismantled and re-erected on the Agger Valley Railway.

Da ihre Größe dort nicht mehr ausreichte, wurden sie abgebaut und an der Aggertalbahn neu errichtet.

32. On 22 April 1945, the facilities were occupied by Soviet troops, and the plant was dismantled and demolished.

33. Seen as symbolic of the ruling elite of previous eras, some castles were dismantled and sold as firewood.

34. The reforms also dismantled the iron rice bowl, which meant it witnessed a rise in unemployment in the economy.

35. With trade liberalization, however, CONASUPO was to be gradually dismantled and two new mechanisms were implemented: Alianza and Procampo.

36. ACRI admitted that in 1997, some old railway cars in the yard opposite the complainant's home were dismantled for scrap.

37. Armamentarium is an exotic Titan chest armor piece. It can be dismantled to generate Glimmer, Gunsmith Materials, and Legendary Shards

38. The brothers had purchased a two-story warehouse that was to be dismantled and then set up on our site.

39. Early this March, this armoured car was quietly transported to the Artillery Museum, and the exhibition stands were dismantled.

40. Fittings should be removed and the body dismantled as far as possible including disconnecting from gas or electrical supply if possible.

41. The same summer the Thebans dismantled the wall of the Thespians on the charge of Atticism, having always wished to do

42. This is not a failing of the Aeonists, but the government, who created this knowledge gap when they systematically dismantled Aeonists

43. The temple gets plastered over and over again , new brick walls are added and doors and windows dismantled and refixed ceaselessly .

44. Local residents, who were watching from beyond the traffic circle, began to panic, but Bwisir, a businessman back in Benghazi, calmly dismantled the bomb.

45. These were dismantled in 1987 and replaced by a lighting system embedded in the roof of each stand, which remains in use today.

46. The older surviving boys dismantled the family’s oxen pens in order to make crude caskets for the family members who had passed away.

47. 29 Structurally, a secondary battery, namely an external standby battery, can be flexibly combined with and dismantled from a main battery of the mobile phone.

48. Germany paid reparations to the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, mainly in the form of dismantled factories, forced labour, and coal.

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50. This 2003 22 station Setmaster Collating machine was dismantled and reinstalled by PPS in 2014 where it was only used for a further 18 months