discourages in Germany

discourages [diskʌridʒiz] entmutigt

Sentence patterns related to "discourages"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discourages" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discourages", or refer to the context using the word "discourages" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The court discourages frivolous law suits.

2. The Bayleaf accepts only original student work and strongly discourages resubmissions.

3. Uncertainty about the future purchasing power of money discourages investment and saving.

4. This focus on the micro level of social or community structure discourages stereotypical generalisations.

5. Antonyms for Contrives include breaks, demolishes, destroys, discourages, disorganizes, dissuades, forgets, neglects, razes and ruins

6. Four days from the nearest tarmac discourages the average vandal, factory unit or traffic warden.

7. Antonyms for Actuates include bores, calms, checks, deadens, delays, depresses, discourages, dissuades, dulls and halts

8. In Tibetan Buddhism, for example, the current Dalai Lama discourages active attempts to win converts.

9. B : Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather discourages pilferage.

10. The Abuser discourages her contacts and social interaction with family members and friends.

11. Barley also discourages weed germination by producing allelopathic chemicals (chemicals that are toxic to other plants)

12. Sign In For Price $11.99 Duracell Lithium 2032 Coin Batteries, 12-count Bitter Taste Discourages Swallowing

13. Antabuse is effective in treating alcohol dependence because it discourages an alcoholic from drinking

14. Thus, a lot of Clucking probably discourages a hawk and causes it to move from the area

15. Alette never discourages an idea, so the person feels empowered and helps them create a “workable” plan.

16. It makes imports cheaper in domestic markets and discourages exports, putting pressure on the current account balance

17. Plus it discourages funds that have already flown the coop from changing course and heading home again.

18. 7 This focus on the micro level of social or community structure discourages stereotypical generalisations.

19. These Member States acknowledge that the Directive has a preventive effect and discourages the unlawful removal of objects.

Diese Mitgliedstaaten sehen auch eine vorbeugende d. h. abschreckende Wirkung der Richtlinie gegen die illegale Ausfuhr von Kulturgütern.

20. 21 Plus it discourages funds that have already flown the coop from changing course and heading home again.

21. And employees attest to a law-abiding culture in recent years that strongly discourages illegal excursions into domestic eavesdropping.

22. It also discourages the opposition from closing him down. emailinc True, but they seemed pretty cohesive, and confident.

23. The AGL discourages the extraction of aggregate from natural rock while encouraging the use of alternative supplies of aggregate.

Die AGL halte Anbieter vom Abbau von Granulaten aus natürlichem Felsgestein ab und unterstütze die Verwendung von Ersatzmaterialien als Granulat.

24. Bureaucracy also discourages favoritism, meaning that in a well‐run organization, friendships and political clout should have no effect on access to funding

25. Basketwork has been important in many desert and subdesert cultures, as a nomadic lifestyle discourages carrying too many belongings, especially those that are heavy or fragile

26. Dietary fiber decreases the viscosity of feces, decreases bowel transit time, and discourages the formation of feces that predispose individuals to obstructions of the Appendicle lumen

27. An Alkaline diet is rich in healthy foods and discourages foods such as meats and full-fat dairy that are high in saturated fats

28. 5.6 The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore also discourages sex stereotyping by prohibiting the portrayal of any person as a commodity or an object.

29. Even in 19 the fertility rate (children per adult woman) of 57 was below the replacement rate of about two. The poor economy further discourages family formation.

30. The Bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime

31. Debt burden, especially for heavily indebted poor countries, can be a drag on growth as it discourages foreign investment and as its service absorbs a too important share of fiscal resources.

Die Schuldenlast kann insbesondere in den schwer verschuldeten armen Ländern das Wachstum hemmen, da sie ausländischen Direktinvestitionen entgegenwirkt und der Schuldendienst einen zu hohen Anteil der Steuereinnahmen aufzehrt.

32. We owe it to our people to put in place a legal and administrative regime which encourages adherence to rule of law and discourages illegal actions, be it smuggling, trafficking or illegal movement of people.

33. Amazon.com: SunGrow Ceramic Chicken Eggs, 2.75 Inches, Encourages Egg Laying and Discourages Pecking and Eating, Great for Broodiness Test and Unique Home Decorations, Made with Durable Ceramic Material, 2 Pack: Furniture & Decor

34. What is Brainstorming? Brainstorming definition: a creative process for generating ideas that encourages quantity over quality and discourages criticism and evaluation. A key ingredient for success is allowing ideas to build on each other.

35. It’s important that management develop guidelines for an open workplace culture:, i.e.; encouraging behavior that discourages–whining, griping, Bitching… and creates a constructive environment for discussing important issues that affect the workplace and worker performance.

36. Coxcomb (n.) "a vain, shallow fellow, a fop," 1570s, from cokkes comb (1560s, see cockscomb), the name of a device worn in the cap by licensed fools.Johnson has coxcomical (adj.) "foppish, conceited," but discourages it as "a low word unworthy of use."

37. Our super-sturdy Bookstand has storage for tons of board books…and a low-to-the-ground design that discourages little ones from climbing! Made of durable laminate, the rugged, no-tip stand features 4 open shelves and sturdy side panels with smooth edges and safe, rounded corners

38. The allegations of corruption do not only pour water on the hard work of women in the ANCWL, it discourages voters of the ANC from trusting the ANC to implement on its promises and Bemires the good work being done by the province in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

39. Therefore, chronological age alone is not an appropriate criterion for deciding against or in favor of adjuvant RT. The DEGRO breast cancer expert panel explicitly discourages determination of a certain age for the omission of postoperative RT in healthy elderly women with low-risk breast cancer.

Die DEGRO-Expertengruppe Mammakarzinom sieht deshalb das kalendarische Alter allein nicht als hinreichendes Entscheidungskriterium gegen eine RT, diese sollte deshalb älteren Patientinnen in gutem Allgemeinzustand nicht vorenthalten werden.

40. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein was called Operation Iraqi Freedom for a reason : the American - led occupation forces must not become midwife for an anti - democratic legal system that disallows freedom of religion , executes adulterers , oppresses women , and discriminates against non - Muslims . Acquiescing to the Sharia discourages moderates while encouraging the Wahhabi and Khomeinist extremists in Iraq .