discouragement in Germany

discouragement [diskʌridʒmənt] Entmutigung

Sentence patterns related to "discouragement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discouragement" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discouragement", or refer to the context using the word "discouragement" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. □ fight discouragement?

2. Uncertainty is a discouragement to investment.

3. What feelings contributed to Elijah’s discouragement?

4. It is a discouragement to me.

5. However, Jeremiah did not succumb to discouragement.

6. She sighed as discouragement thickened around her.

7. He plunged back into the deepest discouragement.

8. A smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement.

9. The loud music was a discouragement to conversation.

10. He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.

11. Still, they did not give up out of discouragement.

12. 12 He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.

13. Why does Satan use discouragement as a weapon?

14. By doing so, we may lessen feelings of discouragement.

15. Jesus knew that prolonged discouragement could trouble the apostles

16. The helmet of salvation will help us combat discouragement

17. Hunted like a wild beast, he suffered discouragement and fear.

18. We may face fatigue, discouragement, or feelings of worthlessness.

19. For instance, how can we counteract feelings of discouragement?

20. In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.

21. Our reaction to the court's decision is one of discouragement and disappointment.

22. In discussing her feelings, she expressed anger and discouragement with her husband.

23. 10:36) Jehovah sustained them in times of adversity and discouragement.

24. magazines have occasionally featured articles that help us to combat discouragement.

25. A feeling of discouragement for the moment bore down heavily upon him.

26. Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment, or outright murder.

27. 2 Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment, or outright murder.

28. Who is not occasionally plagued by discouragement, impatience, the taking of offense?

29. (Proverbs 24:10) Discouragement is a weapon that Satan has used effectively.

30. Sickness, financial reverses, family problems, loneliness, or other difficulties can also cause discouragement.

31. New ideas are often eroded by subtle discouragement rather than by explicit vetoes.

32. Over the years, I've debated whether the worst enemy is procrastination or discouragement.

33. Protecting your self-confidence Remember that you are not alone in experiencing discouragement.

34. The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.

35. Discouragement - Since Afflatus is a noun that stands for divine enlightenment or inspiration, which incites an urge for creativity, a natural opposite would be discouragement — a complete loss of confidence or enthusiasm.:

36. Repentance is a principle of hope and healing—not of discouragement and despair.

37. Prejudice, legal restrictions, illness, discouragement, and opposition from relatives are just a few.

38. Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all unknowingly.

39. That is the ability to do right in the face of opposition or disCouragement

40. They are a kind of a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement.

41. Antonyms for Cheeriness include depression, discouragement, dullness, gloom, lugubriousness, sadness, seriousness, sorrow, unhappiness and work

42. I learned to take pride in my daily accomplishments, not concentrating on moments of discouragement.

43. No, this dark night of the mind and spirit is more than mere discouragement.

44. Antonyms for Boosterism include attack, discouragement, opposition, protest, stop, stoppage, suppression, comedown, degradation and downgrade

45. Antonyms for Cupidity include apathy, dislike, distaste, generosity, hate, hatred, indifference, aversion, discouragement and disinclination

46. Antonyms for Allayment include aggravation, annoyance, check, continuation, depression, discontent, discouragement, dissatisfaction, gloom and harm

47. These things are not written under any feeling of discouragement, much less to discourage others.

48. Acedia is not human discouragement or pervading sense of hopelessness, which are natural reactions in difficulty

49. Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.

50. Surely, the sanguine tone seemed out of place; maybe it was meant to mask deep discouragement.