disbursed in Germany

disbursed [disbəːst] ausgezahlt, bezahlte

Sentence patterns related to "disbursed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disbursed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disbursed", or refer to the context using the word "disbursed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The central government disbursed funds to the provinces.

2. Our policemen were disbursed over a wide area.

3. He disbursed the flowers to the pupils.

4. Salaries were disbursed by the paymaster's office.

5. The funds were to be disbursed in two instalments.

6. These amounts are disbursed at certain stages of implementation.

7. The bank disbursed a record $5 billion in loans last year.

8. The bank has disbursed over $350m for the project.

9. The aid will not be disbursed until next year.

10. Amount of the resources available taking into account the funds disbursed:

11. The amount at risk corresponds to 2.34 % of the expenditure disbursed.

Der Risikobetrag entspricht 2,34 % der getätigten Zahlungen.

12. The remainder will be disbursed among more than half a million survivors.

13. Compensation and insurance for the victims will be disbursed immediately.

14. For what purposes and programs are their tax revenues disbursed?

15. We have also disbursed our voluntary and assessed contributions of US$190 million.

16. The amount at risk corresponds to 7.43% of the expenditure disbursed.

Der Risikobetrag entspricht 7,43 % der getätigten Ausgaben.

17. In Indonesia, 36 per cent of the funds disbursed were for administrative purposes.

18. These funds were only to be disbursed when the compact agreement had been signed.

19. Most of this credit stands approved and at least half has already been disbursed.

20. Sebald tossed icicles into the chimney, which disbursed warmth throughout the cottage.

21. In the 2000—2008 school year, $ 45 million was disbursed to 349085 students.

22. This form of aid accounted for # per cent of all aid disbursed during the period

23. Respendable Revenue Net Budgetary Non-Budgetary Loans disbursed under Canada Student Financial Assistance Act Adjustments:

24. Due account shall be taken of the uncommitted and non-disbursed resources under the EDF.

Dabei berücksichtigen die Mitgliedstaaten die nicht gebundenen und nicht ausgezahlten Mittel im Rahmen des EEF.

25. Further, an amount of Rs. 924.9 crore was disbursed as Central Assistance (CA) through budgetary provision.

26. In such cases, funds will be disbursed by the following business day, if Approved.

27. Both organizations publish detailed annual reports that include an accounting of all funds disbursed.

28. 1,268 accounts were closed with a total of approximately $7.6 million disbursed to individuals.

29. For example, wages that have been earned but not yet disbursed would represent an Accrued expense

30. Indeed, by some accounts, only 2% of the projected $1.3 billion in aid has been disbursed.

31. Synonyms for Consumed include disbursed, expended, paid, paid out, spent, used up, engrossed, absorbed, immersed and preoccupied

32. He had disbursed more than was customary with him on the hotel where they had spent the night.

33. A total of US$ 1.996 billion has been disbursed. 23 projects have been completed successfully.

34. Even though donors committed $22 billion to address the food crisis, only limited funds have been disbursed.

35. The overall absorption rate for payments was 100 %, with EUR 10 million being disbursed to Member States.

Die Absorptionsquote für Zahlungen belief sich insgesamt auf 100 %, d. h. 10 Mio. EUR wurden an die Mitgliedstaaten ausgezahlt.

36. Official Spokesperson: 7.4 billion is what has been approved out of which I believe 3.5 has been disbursed.

37. Since commencement of Lines of Credit in 2003-04 until October 2015, US$ 3.59 billion has been disbursed.

38. Fourth, there must be a strict audit of all monies disbursed through the Lines of Credit for Africa.

39. A large portion of this assistance has either been disbursed or is committed to ongoing projects.

40. In 1995 the European Community accounted for 10,5 % of all aid disbursed by the OECD countries.

Im Jahre 1995 entfielen 10,5 % sämtlicher von den OECD-Ländern gewährter Hilfen auf die Europäische Gemeinschaft.

41. In 2000-2001, over $40 million were disbursed for Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)-funded development projects.

42. (a) the amount of money that has been disbursed for the rehabilitation work in Northern Sri Lanka;

43. The EU guarantee is restricted to 65% of the aggregate amount of credits disbursed and guarantees provided under EIB Financing Operations.

27] Die EU-Garantie ist auf 65 % der im Rahmen der EIB-Finanzierungen insgesamt gewährten Darlehen und Garantien begrenzt.

44. The Community contribution will be disbursed annually based on a multiannual plan and taking into account the evolution of demand.

Der Gemeinschaftsbeitrag wird jährlich auf der Grundlage eines Mehrjahresplans und unter Berücksichtigung der Bedarfsentwicklung gezahlt.

45. Bicameral legislatures are featured in federal systems where power is disbursed among power structures, such as federal, state and local governments

46. The actual amount disbursed under the scheme in the two years for which it ran was £17 million, not £24 million.

47. Scientists contend that the money disbursed so far has been spent ineffectually and that a more energetic outreach effort is needed.

48. Still, the sums being disbursed have clearly helped many and the Government hopes to extend the lending ceiling in coming years.

49. Funds for the projects are disbursed based on the progress of work and utilization of funds already provided to the implementing agency.

50. The Community contribution will be disbursed annually based on a multiannual plan and taking into account the evolution of demand

Der Gemeinschaftsbeitrag wird jährlich auf der Grundlage eines Mehrjahresplans und unter Berücksichtigung der Bedarfsentwicklung gezahlt