discipleship in Germany

discipleship [disipleʃip] Anhängerschaft

Sentence patterns related to "discipleship"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discipleship" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discipleship", or refer to the context using the word "discipleship" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Discipleship: Mutual Apprenticing Plan

2. Discipleship can involve suffering, rejection and death.

3. Where Grace Abounds (WGA) is a discipleship ministry

4. But how can such a yoke of discipleship bring refreshment?

5. That is why Jesus compared Christian discipleship to a yoke.

6. But in the New Testament, church discipleship also involved discipline.

7. Discipleship is not constrained by age, gender, ethnic origin, or calling.

8. 'Baptist' Catholicity: Christian life is necessarily a shared life of loving discipleship

9. He did leave behind disciples as well as specific requirements for discipleship.

10. What has been the experience of one who takes discipleship seriously?

11. Third, discipleship does not guarantee freedom from the storms of life.

12. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate. " ----Quotes from Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship, first published in 19"

13. The road of discipleship is not for the spiritually faint of heart.

14. Teaching the Bible through seminars, workshops, discipleship, home cell groups, and books.

15. Before the visitor embarked upon discipleship, he wanted assurance from the Master.

16. After all, baptism is related to Christian discipleship, and dead souls cannot be disciples.

17. Without works, without virtuous living, our faith is without power to activate discipleship.

18. One day he told of a man who deliberated long and anxiously embarking on discipleship.

19. Without discipleship, which is the result of an ongoing outwards focus, a church isn’t functioning Apostolically

20. Our popular PP 959 radio show and podcast is another example of our integrated discipleship ministry.

21. What is an important requirement for discipleship, as recorded in the Gospel of John?

22. It is important, however, to realise that discipleship still involves this sacrifice for some.

23. Enduring to the end is a hallmark of true discipleship and is essential to eternal life.

24. (b) What three requirements of discipleship mentioned in the Gospel of John are you determined to meet?

25. With Matthew what you get is this: Matthew teaches that a Torah observant form of discipleship to Jesus.

26. Historical Ascriptions of the Psalms of David Free E-mail Bible Study Discipleship Training in Luke's Gospel

27. We should give Him our willingness to take upon ourselves His name and walk in the path of discipleship.

28. Living our Baptismal covenant means living a life of growth in the faith practices of discipleship

29. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship

30. Bodenseehof offers a six-month Bible School and discipleship program which runs in the English language.

Jedes Jahr bietet der Bodenseehof in seinem Programm eine 6-monatige Englischsprachige Bibelschule an, sowie auch viele verschieden Konferenzen und Freizeiten, die alle in deutscher Sprache gehalten werden.

31. The song of true discipleship may sound off-key or even a little loud to some.

32. Let us take upon ourselves His name and commit each single day to walk anew in the path of discipleship.

33. As you can see, weaving the spiritual tapestry of personal discipleship requires more than a single thread.

34. 19 Consider the joy that is set before us as we pursue the course of Christian discipleship.

35. The Adorned Small Group Study Guide connects your small group or mentoring relationship to God's beautiful plan for discipleship

36. For the Christians, it is an integral part of discipleship ; even if we don't convert them in the process.

37. We are pilgrims on the blessed road of discipleship, and we will walk steadfastly toward our heavenly goal.

38. Accepting drudgery is one of the ways we practice discipleship —learning to offer it up sacrificially to God.

39. The evidence of the impact of her discipleship is seen in the mourning widows who showed up at her house.

40. The act of Baptism also marks the beginning of new life of discipleship with Christ, the human response to that gift.

41. Visiting teaching is an expression of our discipleship and a way to honor our covenants as we serve and strengthen one another.

42. This is the first stage of my discipleship,and no power, visible or invisible,must grudge me my coming to Jesus Christ.

43. So far we have seen that this journey involves believing (through worship), belonging (through fellowship), and becoming (through discipleship).

44. 11:29, 30) Accepting the yoke of discipleship includes engaging in a work that is not only challenging but also refreshing.

45. 7 To stay on the course of Christian discipleship, we need to go beyond the basic “primary doctrine” and “press on to maturity.”

46. Discipleship is far more than initiation into a particular congregation or even accepting the terms of membership prescribed by a particular denomination.sentence dictionary

47. The Csa gives us an opportunity to live out our discipleship in Christ through the many benefits our annual appeal provides

48. Arise Online is a discipleship course that makes it possible for anyone to learn from hundreds of hours of biblical teaching by great theological minds

49. Rick Warren saysCostly Grace "strips discipleship down to its essentials, where we discover again that, when we face uncertainty, our only certainty is in Jesus."

50. Discipleship is far more than initiation into a particular congregation or even accepting the terms of membership prescribed by a particular denomination.