differentiated in Germany

differentiated [difərenʃieitid] differenzierte

Sentence patterns related to "differentiated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "differentiated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "differentiated", or refer to the context using the word "differentiated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. · Differentiated access based on privileges;

2. Introduction of differentiated track access charges

3. Substances differentiated tissues secrete are called chalone.

4. Undertake otology examination can be differentiated carefully.

5. Method and apparatus for differentiated access control

6. They are differentiated as separate organic Brigades

7. Bovis (Biotype I) is differentiated physiologically from S

8. The central principle is common but differentiated responsibilities.

9. MTB should be differentiated from other bone tumours.

10. Cementum can be differentiated into acellular cellular Cementum

11. Intensive investigations reveale the successful transplantation not only of non differentiated carcinoma but also of highly differentiated tumors like an adenoid-cystic carcinoma.

In einer größeren Untersuchung wird gezeigt, daß nicht nur entdifferenzierte, sondern auch hochdifferenzierte Carcinome, wie beispielsweise Cylindrome, erfolgreich verpflanzt werden können.

12. Artesian is a differentiated product, certainly worthy of investment.

13. Chaotic menstruation differentiated between blood vacuity and kidney vacuity.

14. Delayed menstruation differentiated between blood heat and blood clod.

15. Compensatory allowances shall be duly differentiated taking into account:

16. Of those, the differentiated thyroid Carcinomas are most common.

17. It is to be differentiated from Pseudo-Ainhum t …

18. Modern scholars have differentiated between the Arabized and translated words.

19. The actual value/price is differentiated out of historical transactions.

20. They have to be differentiated from adenomas with myelolipomatous metaplasia.

Sie sind von Adenomen mit myelolipomatöser Metaplasie zu unterscheiden.

21. New (fresh) and Old (aged) Bdellium is differentiated in Ayurveda

22. The differentiated need for a microbiological sputum screening is emphasized.

Procalcitonin, Stellung genommen und auf den differenzierten Bedarf der mikrobiologischen Sputumaufbereitung hingewiesen.

23. Thanks to molecular techniques, 10 species can actually be differentiated.

Mittels molekularbiologischer Techniken lassen sich heutzutage 10 verschiedene Spezies unterscheiden.

24. The tumor is moderately differentiated with formation of abundant keratin pearls.

25. Rhonda Bondie is the faculty chair of Differentiated Instruction Made Practical

26. • Governing elites are usually differentiated into military, religious, and commercial Aristocracies

27. Of this so-called dyserythropoietic anemia three types can be differentiated.

Von dieser sogenannten kongenitalen dyserythropoetischen Anämie lassen sich drei Typen unterscheiden, die in ihren wesentlichsten Merkmalen übereinstimmen.

28. The differentiated outcomes hypothesis is offered to account for the findings.

29. Both serum factors could be clearly differentiated by absorption or neutralization.

In Absorptions- bzw. Neutralisationsversuchen waren beide Serumfaktoren eindeutig voneinander zu differenzieren.

30. They were themselves internally differentiated into knights, esquires and mere gentlemen.

31. In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated.

32. By Day 7–10, fully differentiated Adipocyte-like cells should be obtained

33. With respect to the person one differentiated between this and their accessories.

In der Person unterschied man zwischen dieser selbst und ihrem Zubehör.

34. Chorion and Chorionic villi are differentiated from the blastocyst during the implantation

35. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities is important.

36. Blastulasi, until they are differentiated, forming organs and systems of the body

37. DA: differentiated appropriations (commitment appropriations may differ in amount from payment appropriations

GM: Getrennte Mittel (die Verpflichtungsermächtigungen müssen nicht den Zahlungsermächtigungen entsprechen

38. Before 1995, the ABP pension also differentiated between married and unmarried persons.

39. Differentiated carcinomas may develop from native gastric mucosa or intestinal metaplastic mucosa.

40. Each species of Albacore tuna is differentiated on the basis of nucleotide sites

41. Banks were traditionally differentiated from other financial institutions by their Explanation of Bankings

42. There are two varieties of Autotransformers which may be differentiated by their construction.

43. Immunocytochemistry is, above all, useful for increasing diagnostic precision of poorly differentiated tumors.

44. Differentiated products comes with a higher added value, avoiding peer cut-throat competition.

45. Weapons in Ashen are primarily differentiated by whether they are bladed or blunt

46. We should adopt a carefully differentiated approach, reflecting the circumstances of individual countries.

47. It was shown that differentiated visualization of the orbital soft tissues is possible.

Es ließ sich zeigen, daß eine differenzierte 3D-Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Weichgewebe der Orbita möglich ist.

48. Human Chondrocytes in mature articular cartilage are post-mitotic and terminally differentiated cells

49. The neoplastic cells in well-differentiated tumours are in ordered and small Acinuses

50. Both lute and Archlute are differentiated from the "tradional" lute in