dethroned in Germany

dethroned [diːθround] entthronte

Sentence patterns related to "dethroned"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dethroned" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dethroned", or refer to the context using the word "dethroned" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Check out "DETHRONED" here!

2. The king was dethroned .

3. My ancestor dethroned the tyrant Tarquin.

4. He was dethroned and went into exile.

5. Blabmouth will have recently dethroned before the plumbing

6. The Carolingian dynasty dethroned the Merovingians in the 8th century.

7. If the king does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned.

8. This revolt dethroned Czar Nicholas II and led to Communist rule.

9. If the King does not abdicate, he will have to be dethroned.

10. She was crowned Miss Nairobi County 2016 and Miss World Kenya 2016 (dethroned).

11. James was eventually dethroned in 1688, in the course of the Glorious Revolution.

12. The notion that humanity was dethroned from a central place in creation requires careful qualification.

13. And, I suppose, if I've been dethroned I must at some stage have been enthroned!

14. (Jeremiah 51:29) She will also suffer widowhood in that her kings will be dethroned.

15. During the Great Turkish War both Murad Giray, Selim’s successor, and Hacı Giray had been dethroned.

16. 19 And, I suppose, if I've been dethroned I must at some stage have been enthroned!

17. The world champion was dethroned in the third round of the match by a young challenger.

18. There once came a day when Agamemnon's father, King Atreus, got dethroned and murdered by his brother, Aegisthus

19. Tigranes dethroned Ariobarzanes I, who fled to Rome, and crowned Gordius as the new client-king of Cappadocia.

20. He ruled Over the other Titans until his son Zeus dethroned him and seized the power for him-self.

21. The resurgent Hindu Sena dynasty dethroned the Pala Empire in the 12th century, ending the reign of the last major Buddhist imperial power in the subcontinent.

22. The Bourbons of Parma and of the Two Sicilies were dethroned in 1859–60, in the course of the unification of Italy under the house of Savoy

23. Sargant says that under such emotional stress, “reason is dethroned, the normal brain computer is temporarily put out of action, and new ideas and beliefs are uncritically accepted.” —The Mind Possessed.

24. The extreme metal band Alkaloid consists of international high-class musicians, including current and former members of bands like Obscura, Spawn of Possession, Aborted, Dark Fortress, Necrophagist, God Dethroned, Blotted Science and Noneuclid.

25. Some of us have disagreed with His Royal Highness in the past, but such differences in understanding of issues should never be a justification for the suppression of truth as we have seen with the brutal nature Muhammadu Sanusi II was dethroned from the Amirship of Kano emirate.

26. Enough, then, that I not only recognised my natural body for the mere aura and effulgence of certain of the powers that made up my spirit, but managed to compound a drug by which these powers should be dethroned from their supremacy, and a second form and Countenance substituted, none the less natural to me because they were the expression, and bore the stamp, of lower elements in my soul.