detours in Germany

detours [diːteəz] Umwege

Sentence patterns related to "detours"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "detours" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "detours", or refer to the context using the word "detours" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He cautions: beware the detours, the pitfalls, the traps.

2. Yes, the road has bumps and detours and even some hazards.

3. Barring extenuating circumstances, do you agree this route requires no detours?

4. The others, making courteous detours around them, talk, stop talking, kiss.

5. This section also describes using Asphaltic surface for patching, detours, and temporary construction

6. Closures and detours may take place due to improvement projects, repairs and weather-related events

7. The course of routes and detours often depended on the interests of the ruling monarch.

8. To leave the life, must work steadily; to take life detours, must think thrice before acting.

9. This is the how-to, practical guide that will help you avoid opportunistic detours and stay on track.

10. Such detours are well worth making and can greatly reduce the soporific boredom of motorway driving.

11. When the road ahead looks bumpy don’t just slow down, look around for detours or alternate routes.

12. Addled; addling Kids Definition of addle : to make or become confused She was Addled by the many detours.

13. They try to visualize the detours, shortcuts and alternative routes they can take to bypass the construction work.

14. To all who walk the pathway of life, our Heavenly Father cautions: beware the detours, the pitfalls, the traps.

15. Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours. Doug Larson 

16. The Commission’s presumption that the transports concerned would have to take detours via Switzerland or the Tauern route are unfounded.

Die Annahme der Kommission, die betroffenen Transporte müssten über die Schweiz oder die Tauernroute ausweichen, sei nicht begründet.

17. Or to put it another way, he maintained that Marxism can only constitute its totality through its perpetual detours from itself.

18. No obstacles should hinder the mobility of pedestrians[; good drainage system should be installed to prevent detours necessitated by accumulated water.]

19. Bookmark this page and find information on temporary Closures and trail detours in DNR facilities, including state-designated trails, boat launches, parks and campgrounds.

20. The alternate truck route now in place detours truck traffic across town roads instead of the highway for the duration of this detour.

21. It results in aircraft flying unnecessary detours rather than direct routes and suffering from air traffic delays, which produces significant economic and environmental damage.

Die Folge ist, dass Flugzeuge unnötige Umwege machen müssen, anstatt die direkte Strecke zu fliegen, und dass es zu beträchtlichen Verspätungen im Flugverkehr kommt.

22. For these trade routes between America and Asia, the Mediterranean provides a valuable centre for unloading goods for northern Europe, which means that carriers do not have to make detours.

Die Handelsrouten zwischen Amerika und Asien finden im Mittelmeerraum ein wertvolles System zur Verteilung der Waren nach Nordeuropa vor, so dass unnötig lange Wege vermieden werden.

23. In this all-new first edition of Backroads & Byways of Upstate New York, you’ll get a curated list of the twenty best drives, detours, and trips across the state

24. TTC & MOT The cornerstone of Acme’s business, we offer all major types of traffic control needs ranging from Barricades, channeling devices, and message boards to lane closures, detours, flagging and more.

25. Unlike a map, which displays possible and known routes, a flow visualization reveals the actual path as it was traveled step by step, including any detours or backtracking that happened along the way.

26. ‘Whatever the transition, the Bumpiness is history.’ ‘But a girl can handle the Bumpiness of a breakup with style.’ ‘We believe that we are still on that road map, although clearly there have been a few detours and there's been some Bumpiness along the way.’