deposition in Germany

deposition [depəziʃən] Ablage, Amtsenthebung, eidesstattliche Aussage

Sentence patterns related to "deposition"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deposition" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deposition", or refer to the context using the word "deposition" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. UNITED STATES Acid deposition is measured as both wet deposition (rain, snow, fog) and dry deposition (particles and gases).

2. 9. Acid deposition;

9. saure Niederschläge,

3. (b) Acid deposition

b) »Saure Niederschläge"

4. Monomer deposition apparatus

5. Deposition Equipment using Indium Arsenide

6. Crowds celebrated the dictator's deposition.

7. I'm typing a deposition.

8. Cementum deposition epically compensate for attrition

9. The deposition of a pope.

10. If my deposition doesn't run late.

11. 1 Crowds celebrated the dictator's deposition.

12. For the electrochemical deposition of the nanowires, an alternating sequence of cathodic deposition pulses and anodic counterpulses is performed.

Bei der elektrochemischen Abscheidung der Nanodrähte wird ein Umkehrpulsverfahren mit einer wechselnden Abfolge aus kathodischen Abscheidepulsen und anodischen Gegenpulsen durchgeführt.

13. 9 All sediment deposition is not injurious.

14. The accused has made a deposition.

15. Zortrax manufactures Layer Plastic Deposition (LPD) technology.

16. Method for gradational deposition using vacuum device

17. 16 Unless farm fertilisation increases, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, especially as nitrate, may well overtake deposition from land runoff.

18. The immune globulin type mainly was mixed deposition.

19. 2 The accused has made a deposition.

20. They're actually going to be subpoenaed for deposition.

21. Effects of acidic deposition of semi-natural vegetation.

22. Bakers'lawyer will be issuing deposition subpoenas right away.

23. The result was the deposition of Safa Giray.

24. Method of film deposition using activated precursor gases

25. Chemical vapor deposition reactor for preparation of polysilicon

26. During hiatuses in deposition, relatively mature vegetation Colonized …

27. 3 Our lawyer took a deposition from us.

28. NOVA-CI(G)S plans to deliver low-cost, ink-based deposition technology for the deposition of functional PV thin-film layers.

NOVA-CI(G)S plant, kostengünstige tintenbasierte Technologien für die Abscheidung von funktionellen PV-Dünnschicht-Schichten zu liefern.

29. Method for influencing the deposition of soot on sensors

Verfahren zur beeinflussung der russanlagerung auf sensoren

30. class 3: deposition of sludge on adjoining land undesired

Klasse 3: Ablagern von Schlamm auf angrenzenden Böden unerwünscht

31. Necrosis and fibrin deposition are present in advanced stages.

Es resultieren Nekrose und Fibrinablagerung.

32. Ion assisted resistive heating Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) (Ion Plating)

Ionenunterstütztes PVD-Beschichten mittels Widerstandsheizung (PVD-Ionenplattieren)

33. Sulphate deposition is the primary acidifying agent in Canada.

34. CAPMoN measures both wet deposition (through rain or snow) and (inferential) dry deposition, as well as the ambient concentrations of acid forming gases and particles.

35. Alkaline plating bath for electroless deposition of cobalt alloys

36. ◦ SO42-and NO3- - the acid anions of acidic deposition.

37. Such declaration shall take effect six months after its deposition.

Diese Erklärung wird sechs Monate nach ihrer Hinterlegung wirksam.

38. Advanced thin-film deposition techniques such as pulsed-laser deposition allow the formation of atomically smooth films and control over the material stoichiometry and composition.

Fortschrittliche Dünnfilm-Abscheidungstechniken, wie beispielsweise gepulste Laserabscheidung, ermöglichen die Bildung von atomar glatten Folien und die Kontrolle über die Materialstöchiometrie und -zusammensetzung.

39. Deposition (Bergerhoff method) indicates analogous pollution dynamics in association with traffic.

Die mit der Bergerhoff-Methode untersuchte Deposition zeigt analoge Belastungsdynamiken im Zusammenhang mit dem Kfz-Verkehr.

40. production equipment for deposition by means of inductive or resistance heating.

Herstellungsausrüstung für die Beschichtung mittels induktiver oder ohmscher Aufheizung.

41. Adjustment of deposition uniformity in an inductively coupled plasma source

42. Apparatus for particle deposition in the exhaust-gas recirculation system

Vorrichtung zur partikelabscheidung im abgasrückführsystem

43. Filling porosity or voids in articles formed in spray deposition processes

44. Aloke Kanjilal is an expert in thin film deposition and characterization

45. Bromide develops a cathodic adsorption layer, which facilitates the copper deposition.

Bromidionen bilden auf der Kathode eine Adsorptionsschicht, die die Abscheidung erleichtert.

46. Chapter 10 Socio-Economic Benefits and Costs of Acid Deposition Abatement

47. In eastern Canada, sulphur in deposition is still the predominant acidifying agent.

48. (e) Investigation of phenomena leading to 'acid deposition' with particular emphasis on:

e) Untersuchung der zu »sauren Niederschlägen" führenden Phänomene unter besonderer Beachtung von

49. Colonize During hiatuses in deposition, relatively mature vegetation Colonized sediment surfaces

50. The most common reason a deposition gets Adjourned is scheduling conflicts