deprecated in Germany

deprecated [dipkeitid] abgelehnt, missbilligte

Sentence patterns related to "deprecated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deprecated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deprecated", or refer to the context using the word "deprecated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Start and wait for an Approval [DEPRECATED] This action has been deprecated

2. The Applet element has been deprecated

3. 15 Hasty action is to be deprecated.

4. They deprecated the new exhibit.

5. Note − The Background attribute deprecated in HTML5

6. • Alternatives for Deprecated Elements and Attributes

7. We deprecated changing the policy at present.

8. 3 We deprecated changing the policy at present.

9. For example: The @Override and @Deprecated are marker Annotations

10. Blinking Text feature has been deprecated and no longer used by developers

11. As of April 2021, Aind is deprecated in favor of ReDroid.

12. Usage of Align attribute for any other HTML elements is deprecated

13. The Correlation HTTP protocol, also called Request-Id, is being deprecated

14. The AOSP Gallery app was also deprecated in favor of Google+ Photos.

15. This dimension is related to Ad Network Optimization (ANO), which is now deprecated.

16. His theories were often controversial, and some have been deprecated by later linguists.

17. The built-in Annotations @Deprecated, @Override, @SuppressWarnings are used for these purposes

18. Celery.Backends.amqp ¶ The old AMQP result backend, deprecated and replaced by the RPC backend

19. Curvier Fem Acrid This package has been marked as deprecated, and it's suggested another alternative is used

20. Audience segment data in Audience Explorer is not currently being updated, and the feature will soon be deprecated.

21. The Mini-A Connector and the Mini-AB receptacle Connector have been deprecated since May 2007

22. 93c3d8f: @Angular/platform-webworker and @Angular/platform-webworker-dynamic have been removed as they were deprecated in v8

23. You can read more about the new deprecation guidelines and all the features being deprecated in this blog post.

24. This Challenge was developed after TLS-SNI-01 became deprecated, and is being developed as a separate standard

25. Airfoil Speakers Touch has been deprecated, and is intended only for devices running iOS 6, iOS 5, or iOS 4.

26. PHP 5.1.2 introduced spl_Autoload() which allows you to register multiple Autoloader functions, and in the future the __Autoload() function will be deprecated

27. However, it is a less flexible alternative to spl_Autoload_register() and __Autoload() is deprecated as of PHP 7.2.0, and removed as of PHP 8.0.0.

28. MaterialData is deprecated, using BlockData and Ageable is maybe preferable Here is the two way to do it using BlockData or MaterialData: Using BlockData

29. The obsolete HTML Applet Element (<Applet>) embeds a Java Applet into the document; this element has been deprecated in favor of <object>.

30. Clutter_model_Appendv () void clutter_model_Appendv (ClutterModel *model, guint n_columns, guint *columns, GValue *values); clutter_model_Appendv has been deprecated since version 1.24 and should not be used in newly-written code

31. Sp_Blitz works on SQL Server 2008 and newer, but if you use an older version, take heart: there’s an older sp_Blitz in the Deprecated folder of theFirst Responder Kit that still works in 2005

32. The CONCATENATE function Concatenates (joins) join up to 30 text items together and returns the result as text. In the latest versions of Excel, CONCATENATE function is deprecated in favor of the CONCAT function, which is more flexible.

33. Der Amplituden-Reflexionsfaktor - in einer Übertragungsleitung amplitude transmission coefficient - deprecated [TELECOM.] der Amplituden-Übertragungsfaktor - in einer Übertragungsleitung amplitude transmission factor - in a transmission line [TELECOM.] der Amplituden-Übertragungsfaktor - in einer Übertragungsleitung

34. fec0::/10 – The site-local prefix specifies that the address is only valid inside the local organisation. Its use has been deprecated in September 2004 by RFC 3879 and future systems must not implement any support for this special type of address anymore.

ffx8: organisationslokal, die Pakete dürfen auch von Border-Routern weitergeleitet werden, bleiben jedoch „in der Firma“ (hierzu müssen seitens des Routing-Protokolls entsprechende Vorkehrungen getroffen werden).

35. Beginning in 2013, major web browsers began to phase out support for the underlying technology Applets used to run, with Applets becoming completely unable to be run by 2015–2017.Java Applets were deprecated since Java 9 in 2017 and removed from Java SE 11 (18.9), released in …

36. The Buffer module pre-allocates an internal Buffer instance of size Buffer.poolSize that is used as a pool for the fast allocation of new Buffer instances created using Buffer.allocUnsafe(), Buffer.from(array), Buffer.concat(), and the deprecated new Buffer(size) constructor only when size is less than or equal to Buffer.poolSize >> 1 (floor of