densities in Germany

densities [densitiz] Dichte

Sentence patterns related to "densities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "densities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "densities", or refer to the context using the word "densities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They're actually singing these densities to you with higher pitches mapped to higher densities.

Sie singen Ihnen diese Werte praktisch zu wobei höhere Töne einer höheren Dichte zugeordnet werden.

2. Additionally, it states Measurement Canada’s policy regarding the use of standard densities and actual product densities.

3. and the actual pressure densities D¿act?

und den Ist-Druckdichten D¿ist?

4. Arboreal marsupials may not recover to pre - logging densities.

5. The computer matches half tones, gray tones, densities.

6. Balsa comes in a wide range of densities

7. Two side thyroid gland appearance, densities such as often.

8. The thicker Ablators exhibit peak densities of > 5

9. However, rich countries with high population densities do not have famine.

10. Supplementation with CDP Choline may also increase dopamine receptor densities.

11. These spin densities are slightly larger in the deuterated Analogons

12. The material densities inside these elements are then treated as the problem variables.

13. At those high densities the atoms frequently collide with each other.

14. 20 Our Stipple params create varying densities of noise to simulate that look.

15. Variations of centrifugation time (t) versus centrifugation speed (rpm) for different soil densities (ρs

Variationen der Zentrifugationszeit (t) in Abhängigkeit von der Zentrifugiergeschwindigkeit (Upm) für unterschiedliche Bodendichten (ρs

16. High densities of Bobwhites, largely a by-product of land-use patterns, existed statewide

17. It is assumed that Avicularian densities are positively correlated with primary productivity because one

18. Typical Cushioning materials are foams, in various densities and thicknesses, and solid elastomers

19. In 2001, it occurred in densities of up to 19 per square centimeter.

20. The highest densities were observed in the northern Gulf and particularly along the north shore shelf.

21. Blackwork is a counted form of embroidery where repeating patterns are stitched with varying densities

22. In general, Avicularian densities increased and then decreased just prior to the K–T boundary

23. In 1991 and 1993 we experimentally manipulated adder densities to rule out potential island effects.

24. The nodular structure is not related to regions of different densities within the pure amorphous phase.

Die Körnerstruktur kann nicht durch Bereiche unterschiedlicher Dichte in der amorphen Phase erklärt werden.

25. Population densities of wild dogs are low in areas where lions are more abundant.

26. For converting cubic metres into tonnes use the conversion factors corresponding to actual densities

27. The next category is scattered fibroglandular densities, followed by heterogeneously dense and extremely dense.

28. The reduction in weight and fat resevoirs is related to adverse weather conditions and reduced prey densities.

29. The densities of the two coexisting fluids are compatible with previous determinations of the Binodal line

30. In this respect, particular attention should be paid to housing conditions, husbandry practices and stocking densities.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit sollte in diesem Zusammenhang den Bedingungen der Stallunterbringung, den Haltungspraktiken und der Besatzdichte gelten.

31. The pits inO. helveticus are lined by cells which together exhibit a gradation of electron densities.

Die Vertiefungen inO. helveticus sind umgeben von Zellen, die zusammen eine Abstufung von Elektronendichte zeigen.

32. With densities above 15 animals per square meter, aeration is often required to prevent oxygen depletion.

33. The Andean cat is the most threatened cat species in the Americas and occurs at low densities

34. The AM1 charge densities, bond orders, and valence angles were calculated for the optimized geometry.

Die AM1-Ladungsdichten, Bindungsordnungen und Bindungswinkel wurden für die Optimalgeometrie berechnet.

35. Aerogels are a diverse class of materials, and come in a range of densities, compositions, sizes, and properties.

36. Despite its small land area, Costa Rica has one of the greatest densities of orchids in the world.

37. We therefore took this data into consideration when calculating the superhelical densities of the different plasmid preparations.

38. Coralline algae are generally thought to dominate areas with high sea urchin densities such as in 'barrens' habitats

39. Aurorae have the signature colors of excited molecules and atoms at the low densities found at extreme altitudes

40. The higher the penalisation factor, the more SIMP penalises the algorithm in the use of non-binary densities.

41. Chitin and keratin both have densities on the request for 1200 kg for each cubic meter, …

42. When in average or low population densities, males establish conventional territories and do not travel much.

43. Morphometrically this was manifested as extremely densely packed mitochondrial cristae, rather than increased mitochondrial volume densities.

44. When the mass flow meter detects mediums having different densities, the metering error is relatively small.

45. Their specific gravities, dry and saturated densities were determined, as were their absolute and effective porosities.

46. Mass storage units, using these densities on strips of magnetic tape, can retain over 200 thousand million characters.

47. 26 The results tabulated here show that, for low packing densities, the most effective technique is generally chained overflow.

48. Jelinek Cork composition Cork rolls and Cork sheets are available in various sizes, thicknesses and grain densities

49. Coyotes have stabilized at densities in mid-western states that are not threatening to other wildlife species

50. Architectonicids are seldom observed in situ, and popu-lation densities of Heliacus with zoan-thids are usually low (Table 1)