denizens in Germany

denizens [deniznz] Bewohne

Sentence patterns related to "denizens"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "denizens" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "denizens", or refer to the context using the word "denizens" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Gannets are denizens of the open ocean.

2. The denizens of Shantytown live in a natural way.

3. Leisure World denizens drive them around golf courses, students around campus.

4. Deer, foxes and squirrels are among the denizens of the forest.

5. They are all typical denizens of dense forests , particularly humid tropical forests .

6. And evidence of the oxygen-starvation to which denizens of that lofty aerie are prey.

7. She had only a few harsh words, mostly for Hollywood and its denizens.

8. Many Hollywood denizens are businessmen who have been involved in politics for years.

9. These butterflies are abundant in the northeast and are truly denizens of dense humid forests .

10. And they are enthralled by the whales and other denizens that swim by their vessels.

11. In the 19th century, the Bengal Renaissance brought about an increased sociocultural sophistication among city denizens.

12. The 51 citizens of Oville include six grownups, ten Cackleberries, a few denizens and a bunch of friends

13. The Daily News ran a poll the other day on the things that most annoy the local denizens.

14. Synonyms for Burgesses include citizens, burghers, denizens, inhabitants, residents, townsmen, dwellers, freemen, householders and locals

15. Hallow’s End : The end of the month will bring surprises for all denizens of Azeroth.

16. TYGER troops begin executing inmates as Strange launches missile strikes on Arkham's denizens from his base in Wonder Tower.

17. No matter the setting denizens of adventure games all seem to suffer from short - term memory loss.

18. Most law-abiding citizens obeyed it but not so the denizens of the slums, stinking alleys and runnels of Edinburgh.

19. And what makes it such an invigorating saga is his ability to let his idiosyncratic Broadway denizens talk for themselves.

20. 25 It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, giant and menacing.

21. It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, giant and menacing.

22. 16 Most law-abiding citizens obeyed it but not so the denizens of the slums, stinking alleys and runnels of Edinburgh.

23. The film depicted the denizens of Melbourne quietly slipping off into eternity as the last victims of a global nuclear holocaust.

24. Attacking 'the denizens of the heaving hemp-smelling Bivouacs that now litter Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park Corner', he said the former prime minister was a …

25. Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers are denizens of mature pine forests – particularly Longleaf pines, and stands of 100 acres or more of pines 75 years of age or older

26. 10 Sandking takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature.

27. Monterey Bay Aquarium Cutely Fêtes Its ‘Favorite Things' A light-hearted video shines a song-tastic light on some of the destination's delightful denizens.

28. She was one of the first denizens (Bedizens?) of the house in the Parc Aux Cerfs (learn more here), and Luynes in his ever-reliable diary mentions her there in 1753

29. Cybersphere is a Role-Playing MOO set in a dark American future. Your virtual journey begins in New Carthage, the denizens of which range from the benign eccentric to the malicious psychotic

30. On the Amatol site today, one may spot those denizens of the Pinelands: the Northern Pine Snake, the bizarrely colored Pine Barrens Tree Frog, the rare Swamp Pink or the beautiful Dragon's Mouth Orchid

31. Khaenri'Ah is an underground realm with little natural fauna; as a result, its denizens created the "Art of Khemia," a kind of alchemy that focuses on the creation of life and is wholly different from the alchemical arts practiced in the seven nations of Teyvat

32. A fledgling Two Scooper returns to the crimson lights of Genoa City and reconsiders a recast, reflects on coming change, ponders paternity, opines on the Bribability of lab techs, speculates on the mysterious psyches of a few imperfect denizens, and responds to fan feedback.

33. Blasphemies is a supplement for Werewolf: The Forsaken This book includes: * Multiple alternate creation myths and the lodges who exemplify their heretic ideas * Human cults formed around werewolves and the denizens of Shadow * The secrets of the Bale Hounds, from scattered cults to the rumor of the ninth tribe.

34. A twisted and wizened complex of Apish features, perforated by upturned, sky-open, Mongolian nostrils, by a mouth that sagged from a huge upper-lip and faded precipitately into a retreating chin, by peering querulous eyes that blinked as blink the eyes of denizens of monkey-cages.

35. Blasphemies is a supplement for Werewolf: The Forsaken This book includes: * Multiple alternate creation myths and the lodges who exemplify their heretic ideas * Human cults formed around werewolves and the denizens of Shadow * The secrets of the Bale Hounds, from scattered cults to the rumor of the ninth tribe.

36. To complete this quest, either travel to Bastion and complete the specific world quest Disloyal Denizens which can be found in the north-west corner of Bastion, or complete any of the dungeons that are found in Bastion, which are The Necrotic Wake or Spires of Ascension, on any difficulty (Normal, Heroic, Mythic, or Mythic Keystone).

37. In a busy summer here and the beach promenade vacationers Cavort around the world.: Dans un été fort occupé ici et les vacanciers promenade de la plage gambadent à travers le monde.: The day when all the denizens of the unknown Cavort.: Le jour où gambadent tous les habitants de l'inconnu.: A boat is at your disposal under your responsibility to go to discover closer swans and other ducks