delimitation in Germany

delimitation [diːlimiteiʃən] Abgrenzung

Sentence patterns related to "delimitation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "delimitation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "delimitation", or refer to the context using the word "delimitation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. DEFINITION AND DELIMITATION OF Cantonments 3 Definition of Cantonments

2. Ethiopia has accepted the Boundary Commission’s delimitation decision without condition.

3. The delimitation of stands within ecotons generally gives on difficulties.

4. A finite element model calculates the corresponding adhesion stress for delimitation.

5. Orobanchaceae, the Broomrape family, is also considerably expanded from its former delimitation

6. It can be information transparent transfer of the Internet, it may be subnet border delimitation.

7. The matter of delimitation needs the two countries to negotiate. It can't be decided unilaterally.

8. Anticss objectives include clear delimitation from other effects to facilitate unambiguous public communication.

9. The method is conventional in treating boundary value and delimitation and easy in programming.

10. We still stand by our commitment, and we still accept the Boundary Commission’s delimitation decision.

11. Finally has carried on the forecast to this system in land survey delimitation application prospect.

12. (a) whether any Tribunal has recently announced a ruling regarding India Bangladesh Maritime Delimitation;

13. The delimitation standards were supported by morphological definitions and were applied to the smallest administrative units.

Die Eingrenzungsstandards wurden durch morphologische Definitionen unterstützt und auf die kleinsten Verwaltungseinheiten angewendet.

14. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.

15. Calls on Ethiopia to accept the demarcation and delimitation of its border as set out by the UN Boundary Commission

fordert Äthiopien auf, die von der UN-Grenzkommission vorgenommene Festlegung und Markierung seiner Grenzen zu akzeptieren

16. In our actual test experiments, each instance can be completed better by delimitation greedy algorithm than hitting set algorithm.

17. The scrupulous delimitation of state powers found no parallel in the conduct of external relations, which formed a permanent exception.

18. Article 6 assumes a series of delimitation agreements between adjacent States allowing for bilateral relationships within the overall multilateral regime.

19. Objective To study the delimitation of boundaries of zoogeographical regions on the rat-shaped zoology fauna of Hubei province.

20. In the first part, background information and literary review are given with a clear delimitation of relevant terms in this field.

21. Calls on Ethiopia to accept the demarcation and delimitation of its border as set out by the UN Boundary Commission;

fordert Äthiopien auf, die von der UN-Grenzkommission vorgenommene Festlegung und Markierung seiner Grenzen zu akzeptieren;

22. Much less is connected with the separation of generation, and there is considerable uniformity of opinion as to the delimitation of families.

23. It is reported that the Japanese government is ready to shelve the delimitation at the East China Sea. What's your comment?

24. As a basic principle in the delimitation, equitable principle has been established gradually in international practice, and become one part of international practices.

25. At the same time, a large number of experimental data shows that the delimitation greedy algorithm has better results than the hitting set algorithm.

26. This paper discusses the principles conformed by Delimitation of Maritime Boundary in the Beibu Gulf and the factors considered by the principle of equity.

27. It is this idea that gave rise to the delimitation of rights in Deng's style and the re-emergence of entrepreneurship in China, which I have mentioned previously.

28. The fringe is the area located within a distance of 10km from the N.U.R.E.C. delimitation border and also refers to the administrative basic unit.

Zu dieser Randzone gehört das Gebiet, das 10km und weniger von der NUREC-Grenze entfernt liegt und bezieht sich auch auf die administrative Grundeinheit.

29. Anticss will provide a clear definition of circumvention including delimitation from other effects to facilitate the identification of circumventing habits and unambiguous technical and public communication

30. The delimitation of the northern bounder between China and Burma in 1960 didn't mean that the Chinese government had recognized the legitimacy of the McMahon Line.

31. The delimitation of the scope of application of Community Corrections should be consistent with the nature of Community Corrections and the country's current penal system.

32. Sovereignty over natural resources on the continental shelf, ownership of all coastal States, but in the adjacent coastal States and the relative, the existence of specific delimitation.

33. Igor Bratchikov, the Russian president’s special representative for delimitation and demarcation of Russia’s state border with the CIS countries and ambassador at large, presided over the session.

Die Sitzung leitete der Sondervertreter des Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation zur Delimination und Demarkation der Staatsgrenzen Russlands mit den GUS-Staaten, der Botschafter für Sonderaufträge, Igor Bratschikow.

34. The challenge is compounded by the fact that the countries Bordering the Caspian, (Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Iran) have not agreed on legal delimitation of the surface or …

35. The application of GPS-RTK in investigation delimitation of linear engineering may not only meet the accuracy requirements, but also increase the efficiency obviously, which is a feasible method.

36. The second chapter firstly unfolds the objective and the task of CBC, and then analyses the theoretical delimitation and the characteristics of CBC in terms of the law of nations.

37. In the judicial practice that the case of explosion is handled, certain difficulty has been in the delimitation of crime of willful and malicious injury and crime of murder.

38. The analysis and delimitation on that are of great importance for us to well understand the moral construction's strategy raised by our Party' Central Committee and to put it into effect.

39. Abjuren (Middle English (1100-1500)) Featured Games Trending Searches 🔥 negative-impact conundrum white-person define for-the-first-time creative focus delimitation telugu homophobic out-of-the-box thinking online : 3

40. As the usual classification of adenohypophyseal tumors did so far in many cases not lead to satisfactory conformity of the clinical and histological pictures, we considered the exact delimitation of the so-called “mixed type” as necessary.

Da die bisher übliche Klassifizierung der Hypophysenvorderlappengeschwülste in vielen Fällen zu keiner befriedigenden Übereinstimmung zwischen klinischem und histologischem Bild führte, erschien uns eine genauere Abgrenzung des sogenannten Mischtyps notwendig.

41. Borders are geographic boundaries of political entities or legal jurisdictions, such as governments, sovereign states, federated states, and other subnational entities.Borders are established through agreements between political or social entities that control those areas; the creation of these agreements is called boundary delimitation.

42. Bareilly Vidhan Sabha Constituency is one of the 403 constituencies of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, India.It is a part of the Bareilly district and one of the five assembly constituencies in the Bareilly (Lok Sabha constituency).First election in this assembly constituency was held in 2012 after the "Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 2008" was passed

43. In pursuance of Decree No # the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark issued an Executive Order on # ctober # on the exclusive economic zone of Greenland, which provides that “the exclusive economic zone of Greenland shall comprise waters outside and abutting the territorial waters up to a distance of # nautical miles from the baselines in force from time to time” and specifies delimitation of that zone in relation to foreign States