delegations in Germany

delegations [deligeiʃənz] Abordnungen, Delegatione

Sentence patterns related to "delegations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "delegations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "delegations", or refer to the context using the word "delegations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. seeing to the organisation and accompanying of human rights delegations and ad hoc delegations

Organisation und Begleitung der Menschenrechtsdelegationen sowie der Ad-hoc-Delegationen

2. b) The adjustment of the network of Delegations, including the possibility of opening certain new Delegations.

b) Anpassung des Netzes der Delegationen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, bestimmte neue Delegationen einzurichten.

3. The committee coordinates the work of the interparliamentary delegations and ad hoc delegations falling within its remit.

Der Ausschuss koordiniert die Arbeit der in seinen Zuständigkeitsbereich fallenden inter-parlamentarischen Delegationen und Ad-hoc-Delegationen.

4. Question:Is the composition of delegations known?

5. Delegations will be seated in English alphabetical order

6. Soviet and Chinese delegations also avoided each other.

7. The delegations agreed to amend the following texts:

8. But the foreign business delegations and conferences are multiplying.

9. Our delegations have been discussing these issues for months.

10. Official Spokesperson:The composition of the delegations is known.

11. Both delegations included representatives of relevant Ministries and agencies.

12. I hope that the procedures are clear to all delegations.

13. Sector delegations and member States stressed the need for additional resources

14. accountability for internal control of Delegations (see paragraphs 34 and 35);

Rechenschaftspflicht der Delegationen in Bezug auf die interne Kontrolle (siehe Ziffern 34-35);

15. Organising public hearings, conferences, missions by ad hoc delegations, etc.

Organisation von öffentlichen Anhörungen, Konferenzen, Reisen von Ad-hoc-Delegationen usw.

16. The Conference of Presidents shall be responsible for authorising ad hoc delegations.

Die Konferenz der Präsidenten ist zuständig für die Genehmigung von Ad-hoc-Delegationen.

17. Several delegations indicated that topics A, B and C all had merit.

18. Several delegations said the cluster approach added value to humanitarian response.

19. Delegations may rent office space at the ACV during the Conference

20. Imprest administrators and persons empowered to administer accounts in the Union delegations

Zahlstellenverwalter und zur Verfügung über die Konten ermächtigte Personen in den Delegationen der Union

21. High frequency of corrective actions resulting from the Delegations' ex-ante controls.

Hohes Aufkommen von Korrekturmaßnahmen, die infolge der Ex-ante-Kontrollen der Delegationen eingeleitet wurden.

22. The delegations had begun to build up some trust in one another.

23. Some delegations preferred Variant B and chose the expression “actions are time-barred”.

24. The talks ended Abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest.

25. All interested delegations and representatives of non-governmental organizations are invited to attend.

26. The statements of account drawn up by supervisors are checked by the Delegations.

Die von den überwachenden Stellen erarbeiteten Abrechnungen werden von den Delegationen kontrolliert.

27. The delegations were headed by the deputy chairs of the republican Supreme Soviets.

28. Many delegations welcomed the implementation phase of the strategic plan, 2008-2011.

29. • Incorporate the EDF accounts in ABAC and train staff in 46 Delegations,

30. - Incorporate the EDF accounts in ABAC and train staff in 46 Delegations,

- Einbindung der EEF-Rechnungsführung in ABAC sowie Mitarbeiterschulungen in 46 Delegationen

31. Some delegations asked how advocacy, national execution and accountability would be strengthened.

32. The decisions of the union delegations will probably mean a continuing wrangle.

33. We would request delegations to provide the secretariat with the appropriate information in advance

34. The delegations comprised the representatives from relevant Ministries and agencies of both countries.

35. The delegations comprised of representatives from relevant ministries and agencies of the two countries.

36. The delegations comprised of representatives from relevant Ministries and agencies of the two countries.

37. Some other delegations remarked that the existing regulations already take into account accident conditions.

38. Delegations of the 1st Polish Corps in the USSR have come for the exequies.

39. Chinese women in bright pink frilly dresses led each of the 146 national delegations.

40. Following the informal meeting, EAM hosted an iftar reception for participating SAARC delegations.

41. The talks ended abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest.

42. Support systems provided by the Commission (Headquarters/Delegations) for the administration of the recipient state

Systeme zur Unterstützung der Verwaltung des Empfängerlandes durch die Kommission (Verwaltungssitz/Delegationen)

43. Issues would only be resolved through interactive dialogue, not the absence of certain delegations.

44. The UNDP Associate Administrator thanked delegations for their interventions and praised the ongoing consultative process.

45. Parallel to that, members of the Subcommittee were able to participate in ad hoc delegations.

46. All access cards will be issued to delegations at the protocol accreditation unit in Doha

47. All Directorates carry out monitoring/verification missions of their Delegations' management of devolved operations.

Alle Direktionen statten den Delegationen Überwachungs- und Inspektionsbesuche zur Überprüfung der Verwaltung übertragener Vorgänge ab.

48. In that regard, delegations stressed the need for a balance between accountability and the other elements.

49. Synonyms for Contingents include body, groups, delegations, deputation, detachment, sets, parties, sections, bunches and mission

50. Omnibus Directive - Administrative Delegations Replacing the Title of Division Assistant Superintendent in the Directives Issued: