deformations in Germany

deformations [defəmeiʃənz] Entstellungen, Verunstaltunge

Sentence patterns related to "deformations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deformations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deformations", or refer to the context using the word "deformations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Slight deformations are allowed.

2. Slight deformations are allowed

3. Measuring device allowing detection of deformations

Messvorrichtung mit erfassung von deformationen

4. Sources of acoustic emission include plastic deformations and fracture.

Zu den Quellen akustischer Emissionen zählen plastische Verformungen und Bruch.

5. Autogenous deformations, internal relative humidity and compressive strength were recorded.

6. 13 Without loss of generality, shear deformations will be neglected.

7. Tissue deformations may therefore also arise during the swelling phase.

Gewebedeformationen können deshalb auch in der Quellungsphase auftreten.

8. Then, the elastic deformations of materials recovered instantaneously, and some formerly opened cracks closed in a short time, reducing permeability rapidly; after these effects the visco-elastic deformations of materials, including the recoverable slipping and the time-based deformations between grains and Adglutinate, enlarged the seepage

9. Stresses and deformations in azimuthal and radial direction of the plate are determined.

Es werden die Spannungs- und Formänderungswerte in azimutaler und radialer Richtung über dem Querschnitt der Scheibe bestimmt.

10. The effects are particularly evident in the bone deformations of children.

11. Relatively simple analytic expressions are obtained for the stresses and deformations.

Für die Spannungen und Verformungen ergeben sich relativ einfache analytische Ausdrücke.

12. Submicroscopic deformations are present in the nose section and the aft thrusters.

Submikroskopische Deformationen am Bug und an den Triebwerken vorhanden.

13. - more marked deformations than allowed under Class I, but without being misshapen,

- gegenüber der Klasse I stärkere Verwachsungen, jedoch keine Mißbildungen,

14. The different buffing tests shall not result in any visible permanent deformations.

15. The present article deals with the analysis of arch dam deformations based on hybrid models.

Im vorliegenden Artikel wird ein hybrids Modell zur Analyse der Sperrenverformung eingesetzt.

16. It was to be stated that through changes in moisture content and temperature deformations of the wood caused in tangential and radial direction—as well as its longitudinal deformations, investigated by the Authors earlier already—are in no case corresponding to the simple algebraic sum of thermal and sorptional deformations.

Es konnte festgestellt werden, daß die durch Änderung von Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur in tangentialer und radialer Richtung hervorgerufenen Verformungen des Holzes—ebenso, wie seine schon früher von den Verfassern untersuchten, longitudinal gerichteten Verformungen—in keinem Fall der einfachen, algebraischen Summe thermischer und sorptionsbedingter Verformungen entsprechen.

17. The plastic deformations are taken into account by using a plastic strip model.

18. 26 It would make no difference if the bar deformations were totally inelastic.

19. Similarly, one may look for deformations of a zinbiel algebra into dendriform Algebras, and wonder

20. A similar technique can be used to compute differential affine deformations of the image contents.

21. Hochschild (1945) introduced Hochschild cohomology, a cohomology theory for algebras, which classifies deformations of algebras.

22. Post-anatectic deformations are seen as snyformal structure, low angle shear zones and mylonitisation (third episode).

Als postanatektische Deformationen werden aufgefaßt: Einmuldungen, flach einfallende Scherzonen und Mylonitisierung (dritte Episode).

23. We applied the new modifier Skin Morph to correct the deformations in the pleats.

24. Specifically, they used it successfully on simultaneous deformations of various algebraic structures and their morphisms.

Konkret wurde das Verfahren erfolgreich auf simultane Deformationen verschiedener algebraischer Strukturen und deren Morphismen angewandt.

25. The second supposes that deformations of the alveolar bone are the basis of orthodontic bone remodeling.

Das zweite Modell basiert auf der Hypothese, daß Deformationen der Alveolarwand zum Knochenumbau und damit zur orthodontischen Zahnbewegung beitragen.

26. By using the wave character of laserlight, even small deformations can be detected with an accuracy of 0.05 μm.

Durch Ausnutzung der Wellennatur von Laserlicht lassen sich kleinste Verformungen mit einer Genauigkeit von 0.05 μm aufspüren.

27. The main contributors to the deformations of arch dams are water loading and the fluctuation of concrete temperature.

Der Hauptanteil an der Verformung von Bogensperren kommt von der Wasserlast und den Temperaturänderungen in der Sperre.

28. According to this method, no deformations are created in the direction parallel to the surface of the stack.

29. Several case histories of deep excavations are given where acceptable deformations were experienced using active earth pressure coefficients in shoring design.

30. The disjonctive deformations of the vorland being transmitted into the superstructure have allowed the identification of the ruptural tectonics.

Da die Brüche des Grundgebirges sich auch im Oberbau fortpflanzen, ist es möglich, die Bruchtektonik der Tiefe zu klÄren.

31. The proposed procedure is employed for the analysis of the deformations of the 186 m high Zillergruendl arch dam.

Das vorgestellte Verfahren wird bei der Analyse der 186 m hohen Zillergründlsperre eingesetzt und einige Ergebnisse dargestellt.

32. This approach also simplifies the introduction of helical symmetry and enables helical deformations to be modelled in a controlled way.

33. In this paper, by coupling nonlinear large deformations of the barb and Barbule, an analytical model of delaminating two neighboring barbs on the

34. Palamodov has done research on partial differential equations, integral geometry, and complex analysis in several variables (deformations of complex analytic spaces).

Palamodow befasst sich unter anderem mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen, Integralgeometrie und komplexer Analysis in mehreren Variablen (Deformationen komplexer Räume).

35. In 1962, based upon the work of Kunihiko Kodaira and Donald Spencer, Kuranishi constructed locally complete deformations of compact complex manifolds.

1962 konstruierte er aufbauend auf den Arbeiten von Kodaira Kunihiko und Donald Spencer lokal vollständige Deformationen kompakter komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten.

36. The purpose of this paper is to construct algebraic solutions exotic, i.e. corresponding to deformations of Fuchsian equation with Zariski dense monodromy.

37. This flysch contains slumps alternating with turbidites, synsedimentary and syndiagenetic deformations of beds as well as ‚'en bloc“ movements of bigger units.

Im Flysch kommen Rutschmassen im Wechsel mit Turbiditen, synsedimentäre und syndiagenetische Schichtverbiegungen und ‚'en-bloc“-Bewegungen größerer Schichtverbände vor.

38. Under standard conditions deformations in the skeletal system are diagnosed by two X-ray photographs whose planes of projection form a right angle.

Achsenfehlstellungen des Skelettsystems werden unter Standardbedingungen mit zwei Röntgenaufnahmen bestimmt, deren Projektionsebenen in einem Winkel von 90 Grad zueinander stehen.

39. Conventional film or thermoplastic Bolography is one oftbe mostsensitive among those techniques measuring out-of-plane deformations in tbe micron and submicron range

40. Based on fundamental assumptions, an analysis of the constitutive relations between the internal forces and deformations of discrete rectangular reticulated structures is given.

41. For instance, measurements of dynamic deformations of structures under variable loads such as traffic, wind, seismic, waves and evaluation of dynamic amplification factors.

So können zum Beispiel Messungen der dynamischen Deformation von Strukturen unter variablen Lasten wie Verkehr, Wind, seismischer Aktivität, Wellen und eine Auswertung von dynamischen Verstärkungsfaktoren vorgenommen werden.

42. Small deformations in the way the subunits interact allow them to form pentagonal rings and hexagonal rings, which then assemble together to form larger “quasisymmetrical” Capsids.

43. It is shown how the reduction in strength by forming new fractures in the rock adjoining the tunnel due to the excavation process affects the deformations.

44. E-books related to Azobenzene Switchable photonic crystals based on the photonic deformations of the Azobenzene containing liquid crystal polymer Light-Induced Properties in Polyimides Containing Side Azobenzene Groups

45. Such a melting could be general for planar or tilted Anchorings and we show that, for strong Anchorings, the anchoring energy can be driven by the deformations of this …

46. Alkali–aggregate reaction produces concrete expansion, and generally leads to a loss of strength and stiffness (cracking), and generates undesirable deformations and disturbances in the equilibrium of internal forces.

47. The Lorentz reciprocal theorem can also be used to relate the swimming speed of a microorganism, such as cyanobacterium, to the surface velocity which is prescribed by deformations of the body shape via cilia or flagella.

48. For a circular tunnel at a depth of 500 m as an example the stress arrangements and deformations in rock masses adjoining an underground opening are determined using a modified finite element approach.

Am Beispiel eines kreisförmigen Tunnels in 500 m Tiefe werden Spannungsumlagerungen und Deformationen in der Umgebung des Hohlraumes nach einer Variante der Finite-Element-Methode ermittelt.

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50. Both models were integrated into a finite element package calculating stresses, strains and deformations of tooth and tooth supporting structures and from this simulating the movement of the tooth and its alveolus through the bone.

Diese Modelle wurden in ein Finite-Elemente-Programmsystem integriert, das die Berechnung von Spannungen sowie Deformationen von Zahn und Zahnhalteapparat ermöglicht und hieraus die Bewegung des Zahns durch den Knochen berechnet.