degeneration in Germany

degeneration [didʒenəreiʃən] Gegenkopplung

Sentence patterns related to "degeneration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "degeneration" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "degeneration", or refer to the context using the word "degeneration" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Age-related Macula Degeneration Armd

2. Malignant sarcomatous degeneration is present.

3. Auditory hallucination shows further brain degeneration.

4. The spindle degeneration preceded the degeneration of the work-musculature and was regarded as the primary change.

Die Spindeldegeneration läuft der Degeneration der Arbeitsmuskulatur voraus und ist als primäre Veränderung anzusehen.

5. Age Related Macular Degeneration Macular degeneration, also known as Armd (age related macular degeneration), is a disease most often associated with aging and thinning of the central portion of the eye’s retina

6. Psychology Definition of Anterograde DEGENERATION: the degeneration of a neuron structure after sustaining injury, that spreads away from the nerve cell body

7. Macular degeneration — also called age-related macular degeneration (AMD or Armd) — is a vision change that can gradually create blurry vision over time

8. Striated muscle cells became degeneration(, swelling and atrophy.

9. Other articles where Anterograde degeneration is discussed: human nervous system: Functions of the human nervous system: This phenomenon is called Anterograde degeneration

10. Keywords: Alloxan, Diabetes Mellitus, Toxicologic Pathology, Degeneration, B-Cells

11. Muscle degeneration in his neck won't tolerate the scope.

12. Phase three trials are showing real results Delaying neuronal degeneration.

13. It also slows the natural degeneration that accompanies the aging process.

14. Bryozoan colonies go through alternating phases of degeneration and regeneration

15. Spontaneous model with intervertebral disc degeneration was the balance of unstability in modal function, while the effect of genetic factor could change this balance and accelerate the degeneration.

16. When a woman’s fibroid(s) Calcify, it indicated the end stages of degeneration and she may experience less pain or abnormal periods than during the growth and degeneration periods

17. Hereditary retinal degeneration is a well-known problem especially in Abyssinian cats.

Maligne Melanome sind besonders häufig in der Mundhöhle und verhalten sich dort ausgesproche n aggressiv.

18. The histological investigation showed advanced degeneration of tendon structure and cupper deposits.

Die histologische Untersuchung des Gewebes ergab fortgeschrittene degenerative Veränderungen der Sehnenstruktur und Einlagerung von Kupfer.

19. Political posturing has encouraged a degeneration into the politicization of social issues.

20. Consciousness is the mother of progress; humbleness is the source of degeneration.

21. Indications: Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Myopia, Presbyopia , Eye sight degeneration and other eye disease.

22. The problem is that the accelerated aging is causing advanced cell degeneration.

Das beschleunigte Altern führt zu einer vorzeitigen Zelldegeneration.

23. Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.

24. "Blip" and "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Dr

25. Objective:To investigate whether sperm immotility was caused by degeneration in the epididymis.

26. 5 The gland cells of exocrine portion appear acidophil and fatty degeneration.

27. Thus, elastotic fibres are formed by an active process and not by degeneration.

Elastotische Fasern verdanken ihre Entstehung demnach einem aktiven Bildungsvorgang und sind nicht ein Degenerationsprodukt.

28. 8 ObjectiveTo observe the ultrastructural alterations photoreceptor in inherited retinal degeneration in rats.

29. 11 Indications: Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Myopia, Presbyopia , Eye sight degeneration and other eye disease.

30. Moreover, the adsorbed water degeneration accelerates the water flow around the heat source.

31. With this degeneration, the Chilean Navy Weather Service ceased issuing warnings on the storm.

32. While there were epidermic thicking scar formation and degeneration of striated muscles under microscope.

33. In addition to amyloid degeneration in their walls typical of Alzheimer's disease the brain vessels showed hyalin degeneration of the media, vascular stenosis and occlusions, miliary aneurysms as well as old and fresh hemorrhages.

Die Hirngefäße zeigten neben der für die Alzheimersche Krankheit charakteristischen Kongophilie der Gefäße Media-Hyalinosen, Stenosen und Gefäßverschlüsse sowie alte und frische Kugelblutungen in der Rinde, besonders des Occipitallappens.

34. Anemia, weakness, fatigue, tongue and mouth cracks and sores, nerve degeneration, body smell, dandruff.

Anämie, Schwäche, Erschöpfung, Risse und Entzündungen in Mund und Zunge, Nervendegeneration, Körpergeruch, Schuppen.

35. Basophilias basophilic basophilic degeneration basophilic leukaemia basophilic leukocyte basophilic leukocytosis: Literary usage of Basophil

36. Dry Beriberi involves gradual long - nerve degeneration, with muscle atrophy and loss of reflexes.

37. In recent years, however, natural disasters and overgrazing have caused serious degeneration of grassland.

38. Peripheral Cystoid degeneration was detected on the peripheral retina of 27 eyes (54%)

39. Over-use of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.

40. 10 Political posturing has encouraged a degeneration into the politicization of social issues.

41. Cervical spondylosis is a degeneration – or breakdown – of the spine and disks in your neck

42. A magnetic resonance imaging of the brain at the age of 27 showed cerebellar degeneration.

43. The significance of axonal dystrophy in these protracted forms of spongy degeneration is discussed.

Die Bedeutung der axonalen Dystrophie bei den protrahierten Formen der spongiösen Dystrophie wird erörtert.

44. Fatty degeneration of the liver cells raises their absorption capacity for lipid-soluble gases.

Durch eine Verfettung der Leberzelle erhöht sich ihre Lösungskapazität für lipoidlösliche Gase.

45. The tendons of the long flexor and extensor muscles are specifically prone to degeneration.

Sportschäden sind am Fuß häufig zu beobachten und betreffen besonders die langen Flexions- und Extensorensehnen.

46. Another unusual phenomenon that occurred during the 1964 season was rapid degeneration of typhoons.

47. I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style.

48. Transsynapptic neuronal degeneration of optic nerves Consequent to occipital lobe lesions is a rare phenomenon

49. Age-Related Macular Degeneration or Armd is a degenerative condition that gets worse with age

50. Athetosis is a symptom primarily caused by the marbling or degeneration of the basal ganglia