deflections in Germany

deflections [diflekʃənz] Ablenkunge

Sentence patterns related to "deflections"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deflections" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deflections", or refer to the context using the word "deflections" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Several deflections

2. Allowable Deflections, consists of seven members with Russell S

3. [Show full abstract] deflections model, the axial, transversal deflections and slope angle model, and finally the transversal deflection with normal force model, which are Abbreviatedly denoted by

4. Multiple bowtie cavities can be arranged to allow arbitrary two-dimensional deflections.

5. The measured deflections are correlated to actual pressures within the chambers.

6. Analysis is done within second order theory of small deflections for an ideally elastic material.

Die Untersuchung wird durchgeführt im Rahmen der Theorie zweiter Ordnung kleiner Durchbiegungen und des ideal elastischen Stoffverhaltens.

7. The wire ropes must be tensioned so that the tyres undergo the deflections given in

8. In the case of truss deflections, the contribution of connection flexibility on truss deflection has been taken into account using a simple virtual work method, and excellent agreement is then obtained between the predicted and actual truss deflections.

9. Atebrin decreases the amplitude of the various deflections, also affecting the T wave most markedly and constantly

10. Hence, having solved the integral equations, deflections and stresses in the actual problem are explicitly known.

Weiters sind, nach Lösung der Integralgleichungen, Biegefläche und Spannungen des wirklichen Problems explizit bekannt.

11. Xavier Rhodes, who finished last season with 12 pass deflections and two interceptions for the Colts, will stay in Indianapolis on …

12. After-Anelectrotonic and after-katelectrotonic deflections A' and K' read respectivel.y,downwards and upwards (there being under the conditions of experiment …

13. 28 In this paper, a new method to measure meshing composite deflections of loaded cylindrical involute helical gear by using high precision clinometer is presented.

14. This allows signals corresponding to the deflections of several individual sensors to be added together and applied to a single common path measurement system (32).

Damit können Signale, die Auslenkungen mehrerer Einzelfühler entsprechen, addiert und einem einzigen und gemeinsamen Wegmesssystem (32) zugeführt werden.

15. The opposite deflections of MC body and shock aphelion in the MC-shock oblique collision occur simultaneously through the process of shock penetrating MC.

16. An autoCollimator is an optical instrument for non-contact measurement of angles.They are typically used to align components and measure deflections in optical or mechanical systems

17. Equilibrium positions of curved beams with large deflections are calculated using three displacements and gimbal angles. The cross section is assumed to remain plane and undeformed.

Gleichgewichtslagen nicht gerader eindimensionaler Elastika werden mit Hilfe der Kardanwinkel und dreier Verschiebungen unter der Annahme berechnet, daß der Stabquerschnitt eben und unverformt bleibt.

18. The unique challenge of Aeroelasticity is to analyse how vibrations, static deflections and lift and drag forces combine, and to make sure that any interaction of these three forces does not lead to

19. 8:15) This was not a part of the Law and in actual practice the king’s portion became so great during Israel’s deflections that little or nothing was left for the priests.

20. Monetary compensatory amounts are, amongst other things, intended to prevent artificial deflections of trade which could arise from differences between the exchange rates of the various "green currencies" in the Community .

Die WAB sollen unter anderem künstliche Verlagerungen im Handelsverkehr verhindern, die sich aus den Wechselkursunterschieden zwischen den verschiedenen "grünen Währungen" in der Gemeinschaft ergeben könnten .

21. Trade deflections liable to disrupt the market organisations often involve products moved artificially with a view to benefit from enlargement of the Union and do not form part of the normal stocks of the acceding State concerned.

Verkehrsverlagerungen, die die Marktorganisationen stören könnten, werden oft dadurch verursacht, dass Erzeugnisse, die nicht zu den normalen Beständen des betreffenden Beitrittslandes gehören, künstlich gehandelt und verbracht werden, um von der Erweiterung zu profitieren.

22. * generalized Lorentz transformation (Barycentric Celestial Reference System to Geocentric Celestial Reference System transformation including corrections due to annular parallax, light deflection, aberration) Automatic determination of the deflections of the vertical--first scientific results

23. The concept of substitutive concentrated elastic-plastic rotations, replacing actual elasticplastic zones is used, together with an iterative method of determination of the bending moment distribution to simplify the evaluation of elastic-plastic deflections of hyperstatic beams and frames.

Die Idee von fiktiven Ersatzrotationen, welche die tatsächlichen elastisch-plastischen Zonen modelliert, wird mit einer iterativen Methode kombiniert, um eine relativ einfache Bestimmung von Biegemomentenfeldern in statisch unbestimmten Balken und Rahmen zu ermöglichen.

24. We measured the activation times (ms) and maximum slopes of negative deflections in activation complexes (absolute value: |–dV/dtmax| in mV/ms) in 191 unipolar electrograms recorded from ischemically damaged subepicardial muscle during programmed stimulation inducing reentrant tachycardias.