data banks in Germany

data banks [deitəbæŋks] Datenbanke

Sentence patterns related to "data banks"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "data banks" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "data banks", or refer to the context using the word "data banks" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. - acces to Community data banks,

- Zugang zu den Datenbanken der Gemeinschaft;

2. Computer interfaces namely for providing access to multimedia data banks

Computerschnittstellen, nämlich für die Bereitstellung des Zugangs zu Multimediadatenbanken

3. Relational compressed data bank images (for accelerated interrogation of data banks)

Relationale komprimierte datenbank-abbilder (zur beschleunigten abfrage von datenbanken)

4. Transmission of information accessible by access code from multimedia data banks

Übertragung von per Zugangscode zugänglichen Informationen aus Multimediadatenbanken

5. Providing access to data banks of digital music and to MP3 Web sites

Bereitstellung des Zugangs zu Datenbanken mit digitaler Musik und zu MP3-Websites

6. Already it is possible to access data banks on video display terminals via telecommunications links.

7. They... they control the basic elements of the environment, access data banks that were programmed when the system was created.

Sie kontrollieren die Basiselemente der Umgebung, greifen auf Daten zu, die programmiert wurden, als man das System erschuf.