data gathering in Germany

data gathering [deitəgæðəriŋ] Datenerfassung

Sentence patterns related to "data gathering"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "data gathering" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "data gathering", or refer to the context using the word "data gathering" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Military intelligence data gathering and processing systems

Datenerfassungs- und -verarbeitungssysteme für militärische Informationsgewinnung

2. Their data-gathering can be a disheartening exercise.

3. The dew point meter includes controlling section, data - gathering section and displaying section.

4. Within the Agency, data gathering tends to be project driven and cost oriented.

5. It consists of sensors and actuators and its controlling software enables real-time multi-data gathering and analysis.

Es besteht aus Sensoren und Aktoren und seine Steuerungssoftware ermöglicht Mehrfachdatenerfassung und -analyse in Echtzeit.

6. 10 The focus on the single political actor has analytic advantages,[] since data gathering and analysis can be precise and intensive.

7. Several features have been incorporated to facilitate data gathering, and the device is readily adaptable to K0 or standard compression and extension triaxial tests.

8. Scientists developed an analytical framework for evaluating SIS and consisting of a frame for structuring nanotechnology research, indicators for mapping SIS and tools for data gathering.

Die Wissenschaftler entwickelten einen analytischen Rahmen zur Bewertung der SIS, der aus einem Rahmen zur Strukturierung der Nanotechnologieforschung, Indikatoren für eine Zuordnung von SIS und Instrumenten zur Datenerfassung besteht.