civilian population in Germany

civilian population [siviliənpɔpjuleiʃən] Zivilbevölkerung

Sentence patterns related to "civilian population"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "civilian population" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "civilian population", or refer to the context using the word "civilian population" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. There you have the original civilian population of cyberspace.

2. The army began to retaliate against the civilian population.

3. the largest displacement of civilian population since World War Two.

4. The army has proved ineffective in protecting the civilian population.

5. Troops were sent in, ostensibly to protect the civilian population.

6. 21 They're on trial for committing atrocities against the civilian population.

7. In 2004, the average age of the civilian population was 38.8 years.

8. Initially, Serb forces attacked the non-Serb civilian population in eastern Bosnia.

9. Presidential Advisor for Strategic Affairs; involved in violence against the civilian population.

Berater des Präsidenten für strategische Angelegenheiten; Beteiligung am gewaltsamen Vorgehen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung.

10. 7 Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.

11. Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population.

12. Cluster bombs remain a continuing threat to the civilian population in south Lebanon

13. The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.

14. If members of unlawful associations, acting outside legitimate authority, attack the civilian population;

15. Responsible for repression, human rights abuses and violence against the civilian population in Syria.

Verantwortlich für die Repression, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und das gewaltsame Vorgehen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung in Syrien.

16. Resulting from this war, however, are sheer acts of terror against the civilian population.

Die LRA ist eine sich selbst nährende Kriegs- und Terrormaschinerie, in der Krieg und Terror Selbstzweck sind – und den Menschen Ugandas beweisen solle, dass die Regierung von Präsident Yoweri Museveni einen großen Teil ihres Landes nicht unter Kontrolle hat.

17. Those explosives mean there is an imminent threat... of serious harm to the civilian population.

18. A car bomb had exploded near a bus causing dozens of victims among the civilian population.

19. Lee gave strict orders for his army to minimize any negative impacts on the civilian population.

20. As a former Government Minister shares responsibility for the regime's violent repression against the civilian population.

Als ehemaliger Minister der Regierung ist er mitverantwortlich für das gewaltsame Vorgehen des Regimes gegen die Zivilbevölkerung.

21. The actual inflicting of terror on the civilian population is not a required element of this crime.

22. During the First Intifada, whole sectors of the Palestinian civilian population mobilized, cutting across generations, factions and class lines.

23. Why is Russia continuing with this bombardment when you know what you are doing to the civilian population?

Warum setzt Russland diese Bombenangriffe fort, wenn sie wissen, was sie mit der Zivilbevölkerung machen?

24. Even more so, the detailed provisions on protection of the civilian population restate, build upon and extend previous formulations.

25. Marine Corps transient Billeting quarters, offers accommodations for a mobile military/civilian population while on official government travel (TAD/TDY)

26. [ C usually plural ] an extremely cruel, violent, or shocking act: They are on trial for committing Atrocities against the civilian population.

27. The civilian population of the city dropped close to zero during the eight years of the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988).

28. Demographic trends: The U.S. has an aging population, which is moving more persons out of the labor force relative to the civilian population.

29. Comprising both military and civilian population, Cantonments are different from military stations, which are meant purely for the training and accommodation of the armed forces

30. Reports of aerial bombardments leading to the displacement of the civilian population in areas such as Heiban are also a major concern for my delegation.

31. Indian troops resorted to unprovoked firing across the Line of Control, targeting the civilian population in Baghsar sector, according to the Inter-Services Public Relations on Monday.

32. As per the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the Indian troops again targeted the civilian population in the Baghsar Sector along the LoC by initiating the unprovoked ceasefire violation

33. Around 2,800 Zanzibaris defended the palace; most were recruited from the civilian population, but they also included the sultan's palace guard and several hundred of his servants and slaves.

34. We would urge that the situation in Rakhine State be handled with restraint and maturity, focussing on the welfare of the civilian population alongside those of the security forces.

35. Bioterrorism (also known as biological terrorism) is the inten-tional use of a biological agent or derivative of such an agent to inflict harm or death onto a civilian population

36. In that connection, there is also an aberrant trend of attacking United Nations personnel in order to prevent assistance from reaching the civilian population and thus to obtain a political advantage.

37. When invaders reached the outskirts of Rome, they were repelled by an improvised army assembled by the Senate, consisting of local troops (probably praetorian guards) and the strongest of the civilian population.

38. The Constabulary realized that its task would be greatly simplified with an increase in the strength and efficiency of the German police, a rise in the self confidence of German police officers, and a gain in their prestige in the eyes of the civilian population

39. The Group noted a heavy presence of armed FDLR combatants at Kasugho market, where members of the civilian population, local authorities and FARDC commanders confirmed that FDLR was in control of dozens of alluvial gold mining sites west of Kasugho located deep in the jungle.

40. Upon his return to his old headquarters in Singapore , Netaji set about regrouping his forces , boosting the morale of the civilian population and preparing both the administration and the armed forces for a long - drawn struggle in the Malay peninsulathe second round of the fight he had in mind .

41. The plaintiffs allege , in the words of U . S . District Judge George Daniels , that the PLO did so " intending to terrorize , intimidate , and coerce the civilian population of Israel into acquiescing to defendants ' political goals and demands , and to influence the policy of the United States and Israeli governments in favor of accepting defendants ' political goals and demands . "

42. Ce type de proposition législative doit Cesser.: This is the kind of legislative proposal that has to stop.: Ce harcèlement est infondé et doit Cesser immédiatement.: There is no justification for this harassment and it must stop immediately.: L'assaut contre la population tchétchène doit Cesser.: The onslaught on the civilian population of Grozny must cease.

43. Operates in the chemical weapons proliferation sector and is responsible for the violent repression against the civilian population: as a senior ranking officer of the Syrian Arab Air Force and Commander of the 22nd Division he holds responsibility for the use of chemical weapons by aircraft operating from airbases under the control of the 22nd Division, including the attack on Talmenes that the Joint Investigative Mechanism reported was conducted by Hama airfield-based regime helicopters.

Ist im Bereich der Verbreitung chemischer Waffen tätig und für die gewaltsame Repression gegen die Zivilbevölkerung verantwortlich; als hochrangiger Offizier der Syrisch-Arabischen Luftwaffe und Befehlshaber der 22. Division trägt er die Verantwortung für den Einsatz chemischer Waffen durch Luftfahrzeuge, die von unter der Kontrolle der 22. Division stehenden Luftstützpunkten aus operieren, sowie für den Angriff auf Talmenes, der dem Bericht des Gemeinsamen Untersuchungsmechanismus zufolge mit am Luftstützpunkt Hama stationierten Hubschraubern des Regimes durchgeführt wurde.

44. Recognizes the further progress made by the International Security Assistance Force, authorized by the Security Council, and other international forces to ensure the protection of the civilian population and to minimize civilian casualties, and calls upon them to continue to make enhanced efforts in this regard, notably through the continuous review of tactics and procedures and the conduct of afteraction reviews and investigations in cooperation with the Government of Afghanistan in cases where civilian casualties have occurred and when the Government finds these joint investigations appropriate;

anerkennt die weiteren Fortschritte, die die vom Sicherheitsrat ermächtigte Internationale Sicherheitsbeistandstruppe und andere internationale Truppen dabei erzielt haben, den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung zu gewährleisten und die Zahl der Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung möglichst gering zu halten, und fordert sie auf, in dieser Hinsicht weiter verstärkte Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, namentlich durch die laufende Überprüfung der Taktiken und Verfahren und die Durchführung von Einsatzauswertungen und von Untersuchungen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Regierung Afghanistans in Fällen, in denen zivile Opfer zu verzeichnen sind, wenn die Regierung diese gemeinsamen Untersuchungen für angemessen befindet;

45. Recognizes the further progress made by the Assistance Force, authorized by the Security Council, and other international forces to ensure the protection of the civilian population and to minimize civilian casualties, and calls upon them to continue to make enhanced efforts in this regard, notably through the continuous review of tactics and procedures and the conduct of afteraction reviews and investigations in cooperation with the Government of Afghanistan in cases where civilian casualties have occurred and when the Government finds these joint investigations appropriate;

46. My Government wishes to remind the Security Council that the first victims of these clashes are primarily innocent members of the Congolese civilian population, among whom this senseless and murderous madness of the Ugandan and Rwandan aggressors has already taken a heavy toll, inter alia through the deaths since 2 August 1998 of 3 million Congolese and thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees to neighbouring countries, without forgetting the major damage caused to the flora, fauna and economic infrastructures of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.