claims for compensation in Germany

claims for compensation [kleimzfərkəmpenseiʃən] Ersatzansprüche

Sentence patterns related to "claims for compensation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "claims for compensation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "claims for compensation", or refer to the context using the word "claims for compensation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Domestic law may allow claims for compensation for environmental damage.

2. Twenty-five years on, the claims for compensation for medical disability are still trickling in.

3. Admitting the coastguard was heavy - handed, it promised to ensure that legal claims for compensation ran smoothly.

4. In addition to potential claims for compensation for harm caused by permanent damage, other conceivable sequelae such as fistula carcinoma or amyloidosis are relevant for expert opinions.

Neben möglichen Schadensersatzforderungen aufgrund eines Dauerschadens sind auch denkbare Folgeschäden wie Fistelkarzinome oder eine Amyloidose von gutachterlicher Bedeutung.

5. 22 Dürbeck contends that by the contested clause Consultban was seeking solely to protect itself against claims for compensation which, in the context of contracts of affreightment, the shipowners could bring against it if Dürbeck terminated the contract with Consultban for reasons other than those set out in the contract.

22 Mit der streitigen Klausel habe sich Consultban nur gegen Schadensersatzforderungen der Schiffseigentümer schützen wollen, die diese im Rahmen der Frachtverträge für den Fall hätten stellen können, dass die Rechtsmittelführerin den Vertrag mit Consultban aus anderen als den darin genannten Gründen beendet hätte.