cell nuclei in Germany

cell nuclei [selnjuːkliai] Zellkerne

Sentence patterns related to "cell nuclei"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cell nuclei" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cell nuclei", or refer to the context using the word "cell nuclei" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. After larger doses, chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment.

2. 24 After larger doses, chromosomes are seen to break and cell nuclei to fragment.

3. The pipette was wide enough to accommodate the cell nuclei easily, but too narrow to accommodate the whole cell.

4. If heart muscle cell nuclei divide by constriction such a phenomenon might be classified as reaction-amitosis, mainly of the unequal form.

Soweit Kerndurchschnürungen im Herzmuskel vorkommen, gehören sie zu den „Reaktionsamitosen“, und zwar vornehmlich zu den inaequalen Formen.

5. Baculovirus as Gene Transfer Vector The virus-derived gene transfer vectors remain the most powerful molecular tools for transporting a transgene in cell nuclei and allowing its expression

6. Examples of such genetic material include, but are not limited to: cell nuclei (for Cloning), oocyte nuclei, ooplasm, which contains mitochondria and genetic material contained in a genetic vector

7. The diminished stainability of the Nissl-substance and cell nuclei after mordant, would seem to indicate the formation of a chrome-nucleic acid compound that is hard to dissociate.

Die Verminderung der Färbbarkeit der Zellkerne und der Nissl-Substanz durch die Beizung wird auf die Bildung einer schwer dissoziierbaren Chrom-Nucleinsäure-Verbindung zurückgeführt.

8. Anaphase a stage of nuclear division in eukaryotic cells (see EUCORYOTE), occurring once in MITOSIS and twice in MEIOSIS. The main process involved is the separation of chromosomal material to give two groups of chromosomes which will eventually become new cell nuclei.

9. Anaphase A stage that occurs once in mitosis and twice in meiosis and that involves the separation of chromosomal material to give two sets of chromosomes which will eventually form part of new cell nuclei. The separation is controlled by the spindle.

10. In the modern sense, Consanguinity is a genetic concept. From a strictly biological point of view, the term is inappropriate (as are the terms mixed blood and good blood), because the genetic contributions of ancestors are not passed on to their descendants as blood but through genes contained in the chromosome s located in cell nuclei.

11. Whilst the strongly fluorescent chromosome segments on the acrocentric chromosomes can be demonstrated in the interphase nucleus of hair-root cells (hair-root cell nuclei), this is different in respect of chromosomes 3 and 4; when strong fluorescences occur in the centromer region, no particles which fluoresce more intensively are present in the interphase cell nucleus.

Während stark fluorescierende Chromosomenabschnitte der acrozentrischen Chromosomen auch im Interphasezellkern von Haarwurzelzellkernen nachgewiesen werden konnten, fehlen stärker fluorescierende Interphasezellkernpartikel, wenn starke Fluorescenzen in der Zentromerregion der Chromosomen 3 und 4 auftreten.