cements in Germany

cements [semənts] kittet, zementiert

Sentence patterns related to "cements"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cements" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cements", or refer to the context using the word "cements" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Cements, included in class 19, in particular calcium aluminate cements

Zemente, soweit in Klasse 19 enthalten, insbesondere Calciumaluminate-Zemente

2. Sulfate resisting cements

3. Globally there is a trend towards Portland-Composite Cements and Puzzolan cements.

Weltweit existiert ein Trend zu Portland-Komposit- und Puzzolanzementen.

4. These are cements walls now

5. Gypsum based adhesives and cements

Klebestoffe und Kitte auf Gipsbasis

6. Adhesives and cements and chemical additives

Kleb- und Zementstoffe sowie chemische Zusätze

7. Chemical additives for oil well cements

Chemische Zusatzstoffe für Ölbohrlochzemente

8. Cement additives for oil-compatible cements

Zement-additive für ölkompatible zemente

9. Fast-setting cements for well abandonment

10. Cements and grouts with adhesive properties

Zement und Vergussmörtel mit Klebeeigenschaften

11. Asphalt emulsions, cements, lacquers, mastics and oils

Asphaltemulsionen, -kitte, -lacke, -mastix, -öle

12. Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes

Zubereitete Additive für Zement, Mörtel oder Beton

13. This overriding demand for integrity cements marriage.”

14. Rubber based cements [adhesives] for industrial use

Kitte auf Gummibasis [Klebstoffe] für die Industrie

15. Portland-limestone cements: A-L and B-L

16. Gypsum cement can be mixed with Portland cements.

17. Use of antiseptic active principles in pmma bone cements

Verwendung von antiseptischen wirkstoffen in pmma-knochenzementen

18. Acid, alkali, solvent, and water resistant cements and adhesives

Säure-, alkali-, lösungsmittel- und wasserbeständige Zemente und Klebstoffe

19. Disinfectants, medicated mounthwashes, lacquers, cements and dental mastics, denture adhesives

Desinfektionsmittel, Mundspülungen für medizinische Zwecke, Zahnlacke, Dentalzement und Zahnkitt, Haftmittel für Zahnprothesen

20. Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement and similar hydraulic cements

Portlandzement, Tonerdezement und anderer Zement

21. Cements are the crystals which grow into existing pore spaces.

22. The sericin firmly cements the two threads of silk together.”

23. Rubber based cements adhesives, other than for household or stationery use

Kitte auf Kautschukbasis [Klebstoffe], nicht für Schreibwaren oder für Haushaltszwecke

24. Radical polymerisation activator for the production of coloured non-toxic organic cements

25. Refractory parts and cements resistant to high temperatures for steelworks and casting

Hochtemperaturbeständige Ausmauerungsteile und -zement für Stahlwerke und Gießereien

26. These cements are classified as hydraulic cements and are made using selected pozzolan(s), such as natural pozzolan and fly ashes, Portland Cement, hydrated lime, and an air-entraining agent.

27. Agglutinants for paints, varnishes, lacquers, coatings, dyes, colourants, pigments, inks, cements, putty

Bindemittel für Farben, Firnisse, Lacke, Beschichtungsmitte, Farbstoffe, Färbemittel, Pigmente, Tinten, Zement, Kitt

28. 23.51.12 | Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement and similar hydraulic cements | 37440 |

23.51.12 | Portlandzement, Tonerdezement und anderer Zement | 37440 |

29. The timing of the development of quartz overgrowth cements is more variable.

30. 5:14) This often further cements the bond of love with our brothers.

31. It is wrong because it cements enmity instead of building bridges of friendship.

32. 14 The timing of the development of quartz overgrowth cements is more variable.

33. Asphalt cements and oxidized Asphalts require heating to high temperatures for transfer and application

34. Adhesives, resins, sealants, cements and epoxy glues for repair of fiberglass and plastic surfaces

Klebstoffe, Harze, Dichtungsmassen, Zemente und Epoxidkleber für die Reparatur von Glasfaser- und Kunststoffoberflächen

35. Concrete made with white Portland cement carbonated less than ordinary or sulphate resisting cements.

36. The cements have superior adhesion to tooth without separtely acid etching dentin or enamel.

37. We proudly carry BOSS products and other top-notch Adhesives like solvent cements and more

38. Some pharmaceuticals contain algin, as do certain adhesives, rubber products, wallboard cements and auto polishes.”

39. These efforts have the additional benefit of ensuring that Nigeria cements its polio-free status.

40. The resin cements have better resistance adhesive that ionomeros to adhere bolts to root canal.

Der Harz Zemente besser Widerstand Klebstoff ionomeros zu beachten, dass die Schrauben zu Wurzelkanal.

41. The other concern is that certain Cherts undergo an alkali-silica reaction with high-alkali cements.

42. Chemicals, adhesives, cements and sealants for use in connection with tyre repair devices and tyre patches

Chemische Erzeugnisse, Klebstoffe, Zemente und Dichtungsmittel zur Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit Reifenreparaturgeräten und Flicken für Reifen

43. Mastic also finds a place in dental cements and in the internal coatings of drug capsules.

44. Portland-pozzolana cements: natural A-P, natural B-P, artificial A-Q and artificial B-Q

45. The strong bond between the cows cements the herds and makes for survival of the young.

46. Material for stopping teeth and dental wax, adhesives for dentures, dental amalgams, cements, lacquer and mastics

Zahnfüllmittel und Abdruckmassen für zahnärztliche Zwecke, Haftmittel für Zahnprothesen, Amalgam, Zement, Lack und Kitt für zahnärztliche Zwecke

47. It thus cements their central production and distribution structures, which is entirely in the industry's interests.

Sie zementiert damit deren Produktions- und Verteilungsstrukturen, was durchaus im Interesse der Mineralölwirtschaft ist.

48. Cement - Cement - History of Cement: The origin of hydraulic Cements goes back to ancient Greece and Rome

49. Abrasives for dental use, dental cements, materials for pastes, amalgams, plastics dental insulators, dental resin bonding solutions

Schleifmittel für zahnmedizinische Zwecke, Dentalzement, Materialien für Pasten, Amalgame, Zahnisoliermittel aus Kunststoff, Zahnharz-Bindelösungen

50. Ionomer-based cements are obtained by the reaction of an aluminum-fluoro-silicate glass with a polyalcenoic acid.

Ionomere Zemente entstehen bei der Reaktion eines Calcium-Aluminium-Fluoro-Silikats mit einer Polyalkensäure.