carried together in Germany

carried together [kæridtəgeðər] zusammengetrage

Sentence patterns related to "carried together"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "carried together" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "carried together", or refer to the context using the word "carried together" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Supposing two swallows carried it together?

2. Water also had to be carried, sometimes quite a distance, but we overcame these difficulties together.

3. Nonlinear dynamic analyses were carried out on each building for a series of artificially generated accelerograms together with real earthquake records.

4. He carried three books bound together by some sort of ornamental elastic ligature, and a bundle wrapped in a blue table- cloth.

5. They carried their offspring and they carried shopping bags.

6. Some carried bombs and flares, but the main force carried torpedoes.

7. While I carried the bundle of books, my wife carried our clothes, and the other Witness carried our bedding.

8. What does Concerted-action mean? Activity that is planned, agreed upon, arranged, and carried out by parties acting together with the shared intent to pu

9. Papa carried Peach up the gangplank and Peach carried her precious case.

10. Approp-riations || Commit-ments made || Carried over || Approp-riations || Payments made || Carried over

Mittel || Vorgenommene Mittelbindungen || Übertragene Mittel || Mittel || Geleistete Zahlungen || Übertragene Mittel

11. Its sentence carried out.

12. Some had carried weapons.

13. “Carried From the Womb”

14. In the army we worked together, trained together, lived together.

15. They have traveled together, Boulevardiered together, played softball together, had the occasional adult beverage together

16. The resolution was carried unanimously.

17. Barques DE FUSTA has carried out carried out maintenance work and repairs on the hull …

18. Carried you across the foreshore.

19. We rode together, killed together.

20. Soon after his appointment as répétiteur at the École Polytechnique he began a lifelong friendship with Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, and the two carried out many research projects together.

21. The current carried her downstream.

22. She carried her child piggyback.

23. She carried her Bulging grocery …

24. The motion was carried unanimously.

25. We work together, we play together.