carried away in Germany

carried away [kæridɔːwei] davongetrage

Sentence patterns related to "carried away"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "carried away" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "carried away", or refer to the context using the word "carried away" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The wounded were carried away immediately.

2. Well, let's not get carried away.

3. He was carried away by the plague.

4. 13 The wounded were carried away immediately.

5. The injured were carried away on stretchers.

6. 12 And the crowd will be carried away.

7. Don't get carried away — it's not that exciting.

8. 10 The injured were carried away on stretchers.

9. The crowd were carried away by his passionate speech.

10. She got a little carried away the other night.

11. Don't get carried away! Be a little more levelheaded.

12. 28 I got completely carried away and almost cried.

13. Before you get carried away, stop and consider locomotion.

14. Nixon carried away with it all, delivered his extemporaneous toast.

15. Don' t get carried away with this airy- fairy stuff

Lass dich nicht von diesem larifari Zeugs hinreissen

16. No one could help getting carried away by the hysteria.

17. Ammonia and water are quickly carried away from the hot zone.

Ammoniakgas und Feuchtigkeit werden über eine geheizte Leitung rasch aus der heißen Zone entfernt.

18. Eventually, Paul had to be physically carried away from the scene.

19. Abreption: The state of being carried away or forcibly separated; separation.

20. He tends to get carried away when watching wrestling on TV.

21. The problem.solver gets carried away by the interest of the idea.

22. Because you know how I get carried away with all the colors...

23. 16 He nodded repeatedly as if carried away by wretchedness and frustration.

24. 26 The prophecy continues: “And the crowd will certainly be carried away.

25. The apostle Paul states: “Do not be carried away with various and strange teachings.”

26. You see, when I'm in this idiom, I sometimes get a bit carried away.

27. We were going to hold off for prom, but we just got carried away.

28. 8 There was a mattress to be carried away, calico cloth and filled with straw.

29. But don't get carried away with thoughts of throwing an agile Harley around the back roads.

30. The most cynical of his detractors did not doubt that; the President had got carried away.

31. However, don't get carried away to the extent of seeing this as a purely legal problem.

32. “When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men.”—EPHESIANS 4:8.

33. Wherefore he says: ‘When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men.’

34. Still others said that they got carried away by their feelings or were “a bit drunk at the time.”

35. By 2:30 p.m. the massive mudflow had destroyed Camp Baker, and in the following hours seven bridges were carried away.

36. Her own iron prow and cutwater were carried away, and she was otherwise badly damaged about the stern by the collision.

37. Instead of being stuck in traffic on I-95, you and your vehicle could Get Carried Away on the Auto Train

38. ‘Our data indicate that much of the jasper was carried away from the quarry as potential flake tools, flake blanks, and Bifaces.’.

39. She got carried away in a flurry of excitement, but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting.

40. 4 Now it came to pass that the Nephites were desirous to obtain those who had been carried away captive into the wilderness.

41. A unique aspect of the climate is what is referred to as Xocomil (of the Kaqchickel language meaning "the wind that carried away sin").

42. With reverberant sounds in the open air, countless people would focus on the few lights being carried away by something on the big curtain cloth.

43. The water dipoles make hydrogen bonds with the polar regions of the sugar molecule (OH groups) and allow it to be carried away into solution.

44. Prime added: “Bibles were preserved by being carried away by exiles, or by being concealed like precious stones and metals in times of distress and danger.”

45. She got carried away in a flurry of excitement,but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting to be down.

46. And notwithstanding they have been carried away they shall return again, and possess the land of Jerusalem; wherefore, they shall be brestored again to the cland of their inheritance.

47. We've heard this kind of thing before, of course, when Intel was touting its 90nm process, so it's important not to get too carried away by Intel's Moore's law Boosterisms

48. 17 Good luck is a test of foresight, self-discipline and humility. Some people are unfortunately victimized by good luck - being carried away by the fruits of good luck. Dr T.P.Chia 

49. In the course of a great many journeys to the forest he carried away many rich stuffs and much fine linen , and set up a shop opposite that of Ali Baba 's son .

50. With good reason the International Olive Oil Council published this warning: “Before you get carried away by enthusiasm and add gallons of olive oil to your diet, a few words of caution are in order.