capillary tube in Germany

capillary tube [kəpiləriːtjuːb] Kapillarroh

Sentence patterns related to "capillary tube"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capillary tube" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capillary tube", or refer to the context using the word "capillary tube" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The adiabatic capillary tube model was established based on energy conservation , mass conservation and momentum conservation equations.

2. All the bubbles studied are accelerated to a maximum velocity in a few cm above the capillary tube.

Alle beobachteten Blasen werden innerhalb einiger Zentimeter oberhalb der Kapillare auf eine Maximalgeschwindigkeit beschleunigt.

3. The brazing technology for capillary tube-sheet joints has been studied using a self-made flexible controlling equipment of vacuum electron beam brazing.

4. Boyle then reported an experiment in which he dipped a capillary tube into red wine and then subjected the tube to a partial vacuum.

5. The method is based on the antigen-antibody reaction performed in a buffered agar-gel column in a glass capillary tube under influence of vertical electrophoresis.

Eine neue immunchemische Methode zur Protein-Antigen-Bestimmung beruht auf der Reaktion eines Antigens mit einem spezifischen Antikörper in gepufferter Agargelsäule in einer Capillare unter Wirkung der vertikalen Elektrophorese.

6. The phenomenon of a rise and fall of a liquid inside a capillary tube when it is dipped in the liquid is called capillary action or Capillarity.

7. A Burette is a long graduated glass tube with a stopcock at its lower end and a capillary tube which is tapered at the outlet of the stopcock

8. – Capillary Electrophoresis Separation method carried out in a buffer-filled Capillary tube that is typically 10 to 100 μm in internal diameter and 40 to 100 cm in length

9. A two-fluid model(TFM) for two-phase flow of refrigerant in adiabatic capillary tube was developed. Both inter-phase velocity slip and temperature slip are taken into account in the model.

10. Definition of Capillarity in physics The phenomena of different liquid level in a capillary tube and outside it, is called as Capillarity. It can be done explained that this difference of level due to the property of surface tension

11. The invention relates to an acetylene capillary tube, a device which can be safely used for transferring acetylene at standard operating pressures and relies on the creation of an overload connection between two steel bottles with a U-clamp connection.

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Acetylen-Kapillare, eine in der Handhabung gefahrlosen Vorrichtung zum Umfüllen von Acetylen bei gebräuchlichen Betriebsdrücken durch Herstellung einer Überströmverbindung zwischen zwei Stahlflaschen mit Klemmbügelanschluss.

12. Capillarity Definition Physics: The phenomenon of rise or fall of liquid column in a capillary tube is called Capillarity. We are giving a detailed and clear sheet on all Physics Notes that are very useful to understand the Basic Physics Concepts

13. In 1660, capillary action was still a novelty to the Irish chemist Robert Boyle, when he reported that "some inquisitive French Men" had observed that when a capillary tube was dipped into water, the water would ascend to "some height in the Pipe".

14. 2: the action by which the surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a solid (as in a Capillary tube) is elevated or depressed depending on the relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid for each other and for those of the solid

15. Medical Definition of Capillarity : the action by which the surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a solid (as in a capillary tube) is elevated or depressed depending on the relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid for each other and for those of the solid