capital share in Germany

capital share [kæpitəlʃɛər] Kapitalanteil

Sentence patterns related to "capital share"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "capital share" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "capital share", or refer to the context using the word "capital share" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Share: The aggregate of called up share capital and all reserves, excluding minority interests.

2. This represents a 63% share of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Stoddard.

3. The State would convert in advance the subordinated loan capital of DKK # million into share capital

Der Staat wandelt vor der Übertragung das nachrangige Darlehenskapital von # Mio. DKK in Aktienkapital um

4. Various conformations of human capital should be recognized active capital that are ought to be encouraged, human capital should share in organizational ownership with physical capital.

5. – alterations to the articles of association and increases in share capital,

– Satzungsänderungen und Kapitalerhöhungen;

6. – alterations to the Articles of Association and increases in share capital,

– Satzungsänderungen und Kapitalerhöhungen,

7. The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars.

8. The Authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the Authorised share capital, registered capital or nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is Authorised by its constitutional documents to issue (allocate) to shareholders.Part of the Authorised capital can (and frequently does) remain unissued.

9. Four Autonomous Communities have an almost symbolic share, which combined accounts for less than 1% of Tragsa’s share capital.

Vier Regionen verfügen über einen im Grunde nur symbolischen Anteil von zusammengenommen weniger als 1 % des Gesellschaftskapitals der TRAGSA.

10. (b) SIC-16 Share capital — reacquired own equity instruments (treasury shares); and

(b) SIC-16 Gezeichnetes Kapital — Rückgekaufte eigene Eigenkapitalinstrumente (eigene Anteile); und

11. (i) AFS had accumulated debts more than five times the size of its share capital.

i) Schulden in Höhe des Fünffachen seines Grundkapitals aufgehäuft hat.

12. The authorization of any change in share capital - rights issues, placements, scrip issues and repurchases.

13. The ratio of long-term funds with a fixed interest charge, such as debentures , that comprise a company's capital to its ordinary share capital.

14. For example, accumulated capital reserves can be used to take over competitors and increase market share.

So können zum Beispiel die gebildeten Rücklagen dazu verwendet werden, Konkurrenten zu übernehmen und den eigenen Marktanteil zu erhöhen.

15. (b) the proportional share of the Solvency Capital Requirement of the related insurance or reinsurance undertakings.

b) dem Anteil der Solvenzkapitalanforderung des verbundenen Versicherungs- oder Rückversicherungsunternehmens.

16. Share capital in euros will have to be redenominated when altered as from 1 January 2002.

Januar 2002 in Euro ausgedrückt werden muss.

17. An editor for Capital FM highlighted sequences in which the boy band "share individual emotionally charged scenes."

18. For example, accumulated capital reserves can be used to take over competitors and to increase market share.

So können zum Beispiel die gebildeten Rücklagen dazu verwendet werden, Konkurrenten zu übernehmen und den eigenen Marktanteil zu erhöhen.

19. Mutual funds involve share dividends, bond interest, and capital gains when investments are sold at a profit.

20. The character of the partner's share of income (such as capital gains) is determined at the partnership level.

21. They have to inform the administrations of changes like the address, responsible persons, allotment of share capital etc.

22. 81 Share Capital Include the balances resulting from the issuance, redemption and acquisition of shares of each class.

23. The Hybrid Tier 1 security shall absorb losses after ordinary share capital (preference with respect to loss absorption).

Das hybride Tier-1-Wertpapier soll nach dem Stammaktienkapital (das in Bezug auf das Auffangen von Verlusten vorrangig ist) Verluste auffangen.

24. • a share of the capital stock in a co-operative housing corporation (co-op) that you bought; or

25. Incorporation may itself take several forms: public or private, limited or unlimited, and with or without a share capital.