at the present time in Germany

at the present time [eitðprizenttaim] gegenwärtig

Sentence patterns related to "at the present time"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "at the present time" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "at the present time", or refer to the context using the word "at the present time" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Currently: at the present time.

2. Currently definition is - at the present time

3. Police at the present time currently proceed with to inspect.

4. At the present time: She is Currently working on her thesis

5. There's so much fantasy and baloney being spread at the present time.

6. There is a growing worldwide concern over Corruption at the present time

7. 6 All commercial nuclear power is provided by fission at the present time.

8. At the present time, we are still in an indecisive back-and-forth period....

9. At the present time, 27 colleges are providing courses, with a record enrolment of 690 students.

10. Hydrologic analysis in scale is one of the major issues of hydrology at the present time.

11. The work that Jehovah God is having done at the present time is a cooperative affair.

Das Werk, das Jehova Gott zur Zeit durchführen läßt, ist Gemeinschaftsarbeit.

12. 3 At the present time, human actual law system is far distant from the cognizable justice target.

13. At the present time, however, the OCOG shall undertake to provide accommodation for at least 16,000 persons.

14. There is little in the Outer Hebrides at the present time which can be described as natural woodland.

15. At the present time, his technical activity is concentrated on the development of cost-competitive solar power systems.

16. So Barring some unforeseen revolution in popular taste, at the present time we cannot consider offering you a contract

17. In Abeyance definition: If something is in Abeyance , it is not operating or being used at the present time

18. At the present time ambisone is the only liposomal AmB-formulation. AmB is also often administered in combination with Intralipid.

An liposomalen AmB-Formulierungen steht derzeit Ambisome zur Verfügung, manchmal wird AmB/Doc auch in Kombination mit Intralipid verabreicht.

19. 24 At the present time, with the considerable experience gained and with additional personnel available, this initial effort should be axiomatic.

20. These refrigeration units are self-contained cooling systems and use a coolant for which no alternative is available at the present time.

Diese Kälteanlagen sind in sich geschlossene Kühlsysteme, für deren Kühlmittel es zum derzeitigen Stand keine konkreten Alternativstoffe gibt.

21. The Group of the European People's Party today abstained from voting since it does not agree with the procedure at the present time.

Die EVP-ED-Fraktion hat sich heute der Stimme enthalten, da sie zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt mit dem Verfahren nicht einverstanden ist.

22. 12 At the present time, the exclusive disjunction is still in a neglect situation, and there are only a few studies in China.

23. There are some social status at the present time, such as being abandoned , living alone etc. This will make us to chew the cud.

24. At the present time, of course, we cannot include a reference to a withholding tax on interest and dividends, because it does not exist.

Derzeit kann man von einer Quellensteuer natürlich noch nicht reden, denn es gibt sie ja nicht.

25. While the Community is currently funding research into alternative protein and oil sources for aquaculture, no conclusive results are available at the present time.

Die Gemeinschaft finanziert zurzeit Forschungsarbeiten über alternative Quellen für Proteine und Fette für die Aquakultur, die jedoch noch nicht zu abschließenden Ergebnissen geführt haben.

26. At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.

27. 10 At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior,[] and some scholars also canonize it.

28. At the present time, not only has most developed countries made direct investment in foreign countries, but many developing countries have started to do this. China is no exception.

29. ‘Cynicism’ and ‘The Function of Cynicism at the Present Time’ Review: When Nothing Is Good Enough Sneering at social conventions and moral ideals serves as a check on complacency and

30. Synonyms for Currently include nowadays, today, at the moment, in this day and age, presently, at the present time, at this stage, contemporarily, these days and for the time being



32. At the present time, so far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned, apparelled albs are only in regular use at Milan (Ambrosian Rite), and, partially, in certain churches in Spain

33. Australia is considered the world leader in microsurgery at the present time, which is fortunate, as statistics suggest that Australians tend to suffer more accidental amputations per person than any other industrialized Western nation.

34. Apriorism and skepticism define the great difference in the attitude toward the witness. CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY HANS GROSS It is comparatively easy at the present time in moral theory to slam both hedonism and Apriorism

35. The Pliocene deposits contain a mollusc fauna more Arctic than that which exists at the present time, indicating that the connection between the Pacific and Arctic Oceans was probably broader than it is now.

36. Pharmacological profile and anaesthetic action of ketamine The pharmacological profile of ketamine is characterized by the term ”dissociative anaesthesia”. At the present time, the anaesthetic action of ketamine cannot be explained by a single mechanism.

Die Wirkung von Ketamin ist derzeit nicht durch einen einheitlichen Mechanismus zu erklären; vielmehr scheint der Gesamteffekt auf verschiedenen zentralen und peripheren Faktoren zu beruhen, die stereospezifisch beeinflußt werden.

37. At the present time they must be created, and not from that time, even things that before today you have not heard, that you may not say, ‘Look! I have already known them.’” —Isaiah 48:6, 7.

38. A Compensating control, also called an alternative control, is a mechanism that is put in place to satisfy the requirement for a security measure that is deemed too difficult or impractical to implement at the present time

39. ‘The stannic and Antimonious heat stabilizers which are very widely used at the present time, because of their efficiency, are very strongly recommended for a preferred embodiment of the invention.’ ‘Once motor vehicle wheel weights are no longer made of Antimonious lead, …

40. At the present time, Europe is completely incapable of meeting the expectations of the public – the Council gives it far too little scope to do so, and the Commission keeps it occupied with tasks that increasingly alienate it from the European public.

Europa kann momentan gar nicht leisten, was die Bürger von ihr erwarten. Dafür gibt ihr der Rat viel zu wenig Spielraum. und die Kommission hält sie mit Aufgaben beschäftigt, die sie den europäischen Bürgern mehr und mehr entfremdet.

41. Notes that the Committee of Actuaries expressed the view that, based on the continuation of the surplus, a portion of the surplus disclosed in 2005 could be made available at the present time to improve benefits, but that prudence would dictate that most of the surplus should be retained;

nimmt außerdem Kenntnis von der vom Ausschuss der Versicherungsmathematiker geäußerten Auffassung, dass auf Grund des anhaltenden Überschusses ein Teil des 2005 ermittelten Überschusses zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt für eine Verbesserung der Versorgungsleistungen zur Verfügung gestellt werden könnte, dass es aus Gründen der Vorsicht jedoch geboten sei, den größten Teil des Überschusses einzubehalten;

42. Notes that the Committee of Actuaries expressed the view that, based on the continuation of the surplus, a portion of the surplus disclosed in # could be made available at the present time to improve benefits, but that prudence would dictate that most of the surplus should be retained

nimmt außerdem Kenntnis von der vom Ausschuss der Versicherungsmathematiker geäußerten Auffassung, dass auf Grund des anhaltenden Überschusses ein Teil des # ermittelten Überschusses zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt für eine Verbesserung der Versorgungsleistungen zur Verfügung gestellt werden könnte, dass es aus Gründen der Vorsicht jedoch geboten sei, den größten Teil des Überschusses einzubehalten

43. ‘The other good news is that there are plans Afoot for there to be a free festival next year!’ ‘Plans are Afoot for a visual art research institute in currently vacant university buildings.’ ‘At the present time, plans are Afoot to develop the harbour area.’ ‘Plans are Afoot to run an indoor football league over two days.’

44. ‘The other good news is that there are plans Afoot for there to be a free festival next year!’ ‘Plans are Afoot for a visual art research institute in currently vacant university buildings.’ ‘At the present time, plans are Afoot to develop the harbour area.’ ‘Plans are Afoot to run an indoor football league over two days.’

45. Anciently the country on both sides of the Euphrates was habitable as far as the river Khabur; at the present time it is all desert from Birejik downward, the camping ground of Bedouin Arabs, the great tribe of Anazeh occupying esh-Sham, the right bank, and the Shammar the left bank, Mesopotamia of the Romans, now called elJezireh or the island.